It’s been a Hell of a year. Celebrations burn bright for the Diablo IV and Diablo Immortal anniversaries.
Cool! Glad to see some events for the anniversary.
nice =D looking forward the event :3
My necro minions are going to love tooling out all of the goblins. You can run but they will get you.
Why immortal getting all the love and D4 getting shafted with content?
Maybe because the pay to win whales spend a lot of money in D($). Think about it.
people would spend money in D4 if they actually made a halfway decent game. But there is nothing to do other then pit and helltide
So tons of xp, gold, goblins, and free shop stuff. Well I can’t argue with that good sirs!
its amazing how people will find literally any reason to complain.
its free stuff. whats there to complain about?
what you gonna do with that xp and goblins look at more trash loot and maybe make a new character. Give me content
Gonna zoom a new class to endgame and beat up some goblins in style maybe
You know you love it. Say it, say it.
I’m down, seems like something cool.
No, Fix sorc damage, she needs at the very least +50% damage increase across all of his abilities. then I will go and ‘celebrate’ your game that has been in beta test for the past 12 months.
At least its something i guess. I really don’t think D4 will ever really truly be amazing. Good? Definitely. Just not amazing. I’m at the point where I’m worried every season will suck. Season 4 is pretty good. Seasons 1 and 3 sucked. What if season 5 sucks? What if the expansion sucks? This whole year post launch has just been a rollercoaster. More downs than ups. It’s not really doing the Diablo name justice but its not a bad arpg. It’s like the resident evil 6 of that franchise if that makes sense to anyone.
guess I just wait for POE 2 at this point lol
I am sure PoE has it’s own forum.
Hopefully it’s better than Necropolis league is. Thing’s aren’t so hot over there either.
I never really got into poe1. I’ll definitely check out 2 though. But I just found some of the decisions theyve made post launch to be really weird. Just felt like to rhyme or reason to why. Like the whole leave the dungeon went from 3 seconds to 5 seconds and back to 3 seconds. It just came off as just so random. The uber crafting wasn’t great. Requiring 5. And they dropped it to 4 which wasn’t much better. It felt like we’re just being punished for giving feedback. I definitely get criticism sucks but we do it so the product can be better. It absolutely sucks to say but i believe that when people talk about this game in 10-20 years, most people will just remember it for all the negativity. Not all people. I really think it probably should have been delayed between 6 months to a year. Delays suck. I can’t speak for anyone else but I’d rather have something delayed than release a product that wasn’t ready. Sorry for the long post.
im sure they do but i was here to see what the anni event was. I am also sure that I live in America with free speech I can say what I want where I want