Now the goblin packs in the PTR make sense

See the anniversary post for details

I was expecting something more for the 1year annyversary. Silly me forgot its Blizz.


I was wondering what happened to them. Goblin Packs should just be a thing in dungeons.

I thought goblin packs were always a thing. Just ran into a cellar with 3 goblins inside. If I’m not mistaken that has been a thing since lauch, no?

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The 3 in a Cellar has been a thing since launch, just very rare. On PTR in dungeons there were packs of 3 to 5 all huddled together; it was fun to encounter.

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Does it get tiring being so miserable all the time?

maybe we will get lucky and the goblins will drop vouchers for items to claim from the paid store, or dare i say it… COUPONS for 50% off… lol, i remember when they dropped coupons hahah so funny

Seems cool, I heckin love me some goblins.

There’s going to be several free items in the store as part of this even. Mount and Mount armor and some nice looking weapons.

I like goblin.

Nice way to refresh mid-season just as it’s growing stale I suppose.

I feel as if the poor treasure Goblins should have some sort of an atk instead of just running away.
Can you imagine the life of a treasure goblin? Just minding your own business, lugging around your rightfully stolen goodies and without fail… every darn time someone sees you they go into a murderous rage and try to end your existence…



Ok, I’m one of the murderers myself lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Edit: If they are going to roam in packs, I suggest they have Voltron like capabilities lol.

5 merge into 1… Go LOLtron Go!

The 3 Goblin Pack has always been in cellars, yes.

Does it get tiring accepting loweffort shuet from blizz? They could have gone without any event. But they decided the game needs this low effort event. Ofc i let my voice be heard.