I can’t imprint on this item. I should be able to, because it’s a legendary. I can’t even place it into the Occultist window.
The legendary item is greyed out, and I get the error “Only rare and legendary items can have Aspects imprinted on them”
Screenshot: (remove space because I couldn’t post links)
i.imgur. com/5SATXzu.jpg
Had the same thing happen on a rare sacred wand I looted. It lets me put it into the window, add the aspect, shows a valid preview, hit the confirm button, says it can’t be imprinted and fails.
Same for me, can’t impint aspect that i extracted from normal legendary item to another (same item slot) sacred rare item
you can’t imprint on an imprinted item. working as intended (but an error message would be helpful).
That’s false. I’ve been imprinting on imprinted items constantly and multiple times over for the same item. This is the only one that I can’t imprint on again.
Another bug about this item, I can’t link it in chat. Shift-Clicking on it just opens the chat window but doesn’t insert the item link.
Really? Ok, I assumed it wasn’t possible.
Restart your game. I also had an imprinting bug and restarting worked.
Sadly nothing helps. Even restarted my PC and reinstalled the game. This focus is just super bugged. When I transmog it, then whenever I click on an item in my bag, the Focus will lose its transmog and I get an error “Transmog removed due to wrong weapon type.”
At this point I’ve already accepted that I’ll be missing out on ~20% damage until I drop another great off-hand that I will be able to imprint on.
Same here, I destroyed my old amulet’s aspects cause I got a new one ready and it even used a few forgotten souls. And it kept say that I cannot imprint on the item.
Got the same issue with a Focus like OP posted. I imprinted it yesterday and today I found an upgrade that gives more %. Tried to replace the Aspect and it’s greyed out. The only thing different from the first time I imprinted is the upgrade. It might be that it’s bugged with 5/5 upgrades.
You’re lucky you ended up on a useful imprint then. My only hope is to loot the unique chest which would make me stun enemies, because my current imprint does nothing for my build. (just replying to bump this post)
I have the same issue with a focus. I did one upgraded to 5/5 and one was 4/5 so I’m not sure.
Hello there. I encountered a similar issue with the “This item cannot have aspects imprinted on it” issue/bug with a Focus. My flow to go around it was:
Extracted aspect from Focus_1 (Which was upgraded 4 times)
Tried to imprint on Focus_2 (Which wasn’t upgraded at all) → didn’t work (got same message as you)
Upgraded Focus_2 4 times ( So it had same level of upgrade as Focus_1 when extracted)
Tried to imprint on Focus_2 → Worked
(Don’t think it helps OP, but maybe others who search like me will find this answer)
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This just worked for me. Had a level 38 legendary chest drop that I was trying to imprint onto and didn’t work. I upgraded it to the level of the chest I took the aspect from and voila! Suddenly works… Weird. 
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I took an aspect from a drop I never used, so it was upgraded 0 times. And I’m trying to put it onto an item that’s upgraded 3 times. So yeah, won’t work for me.
Same issue with a 5/5 legendary focus. I can’t even put it into the window of the Imprint Aspect page. It’s greyed out like a unique or common item would be and tells me ‘Only Rare and Legendaries items can have aspects imprinted on them.’ I previously imprinted an aspect on this item before it was 5/5 upgrades, that might be what’s bugging it out. Seems to be specifically on the Focus item as well seeing the previous posts.
edit: also cant link the item in chat and the transmog is removed with the same error that OP mentioned
same exact issue. dont upgrade focus to 5/5 until they fix this!
Same here… I have a 5/5 focus and I can’t re-imprint on it. Very frustrating
I have the same issue with a same fiendish folio focus; however, its upgraded to 4/5. I say that, but I don’t remember if I upgraded to 4/4 before imprinting. Now it’s not recognized as a legendary.
Did you get your focus from one of the Capstone dungeons? Pretty sure I got mine off the boss.
Same issue, cant imprint on legendary item (which i was able to imprint on before). It is Focus.