Daily reminder: focus sill not fixed

After two patches with fixes, today is day 36 that Blizzard knows about a critical bug with wizard focus and does nothing about it.


Resistances too. Ridiculous.

I don’t see the issue. You already have a max rolled imprint why you tryna put summin else on it.

The real annoying bug is teleporting with Raiment into a group of mobs and if you don’t have Frost Nova up you’re basically stuck in the middle of them. Or if you have an evade up. Really weird.

Also attacking stops while the mouse rolls over an item text on the ground. One thinks this should be an easy fix.

It shows how awful the team is.

Hey! Hey! They are aware of it and have it on the list. They will fixed it short after diablo 6 will be released. You can´t fix critical bugs asap. It tooks time to fix things that don´t benefit players.

Did i Shill right Blizzard?

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I’d say it is working as intended to keep sorcs in their place lmao

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Normally I refrain from engaging in this kind of talk…but yeah. IDK what’s going on with the D4 team but since when is it acceptable to leave so many things broken in the launch month? I mean we waited for weeks and nothing’s changed. :confused:

This isn’t just one or two things and it’s not just small stuff either. We’re talking full on game-breaking bugs everywhere.

This launch in retrospect was not great simply because D4 shipped with more broken stuff under the hood than a Bethesda game with no communication of any kind.

Another one, after you teleport, the character would just sit there, not moving. You click around and try to make the character move, it won’t. This is not happening on demand, it seem random. It does happen when you need it the most :slight_smile:

It did happen more when you have teleport as enchant and it’s a combination of normal teleport and evade teleport. After the evade teleport, the character won’t move for a period of time. It does feel like it has to sync the position with the backend. Just guessing.