I cannot change my wardrobe at all, it was working well until I bought the Blackjade skin for Sorcerer, I applied the skin after getting it, it applied & instantly reverted when I went back in the wardrobe & since then I cannot change my wardrobe at all, any skin, shop items or not. I can select all the items I want, but when I ‘confirm look’ nothing applies.
If I apply a skin in wardrobe, confirm look & I go to the tab ‘appearance’ the skin saves until you click on the wardrobe again or log off. Then it’s just reverted back to what you previously had.
I am also having a similar issue. My wardrobe ensemble slots cannot be saved. Slot #1 is the only one with something saved, and I’m unable to overwrite it.
I am also having this issue. But it seems only for 1 of my characters. I will make more characters and see if the problem persists and update this reply. My issue is the same as Blueshadow**
Cannot transmog gear or save Ensebles. SLOT #1 is showing that Head and Chest has mainhand and offhand saved. Im unable to do anything with that. Feel free to delete that SLOT #1 enseble to make it work.
I tried to buy rest of the slot if the issue will disappear without any change - not even able to save ensebles into new slots.
Thank you.