Can we please get Blizzard to confirm they are not making eternal gear useless

This is the 3rd time in a year, what is the motivation to play the next expansion, or even the next one. Some of us have fulltime jobs and are not streamers who have 24 hours a day to level a fresh character every 3 month. If this continues I don’t see a reason to buy the expansion or continue playing.

Please, listen to your community. If you want a gear revamp, gradually introduce more powerful content so we can replace our equipment one by one instead of nerfing entire characters and make them unplayable. This will cause massive amounts of players who grinded for month to quit


They cant do much about legos changing as its too much but at least give us some good news with mythics. No mythic should ever go legacy. Every mythic should just becomes the latest version. I cannot think of a single reason why they do not do it this way for mythics as its an eternal only issue.

We are going to have something like 4 melted heart of selig versions by now. Its really dumb AF.

And you are right. If you like eternal then there is 0 reason to play eternal right now. ITs totally been killed. Have to wait until S6 and hope we start getting some stability.

This eternal attitude by Bliz is shameful and they need to address it. They have really messed up here and its hurting S6 hype. They need to have an emergency announcement stating mythics earned in S5 will carry over to S6 in their full versions. No more legacy mythics Bliz. Listen to the base.

If I was in charge of this game I could get this game fully on track in 3-6 months. Bug fixes would become a top priority including hero balance, complete information, bricking would end, goblins would be varied, leveling would mean more, campaign would have meaningful choices, partying would not require 100 log in and outs per day, items would be more about fun and not all X multipliers, shop would be completely overhauled and would give players what they want including alternate skill effects. IT would be making 500m to 1B per year in revenue just in shop. They just dont have a clue.



I can get behind it :blush:

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No offense, but no you couldn’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just as I’m sure you’ve never made or managed a live service game, I can safely say the same for just about everyone else on this forum, including myself. Now what you all could do is get together and make your ‘perfect game’ but I don’t see that happening either.

So until that time comes, stay thirsty my friends.


Yeah. Prove it. Go make the game that D4 should have been. Show Blizzard how it’s done.


No offense to Urza but i’m inclined to agree. as someone who has made several bad unity RPG type games I can safely say the issues at play are not easily fixed. The codebase of a game like this is massive and complex, so even assuming all of the right ideas, no internal disagreement, the resources and skill to execute, this game would take longer than 6 months to be fully on track and no game will ever be “Perfect” as long as it has more than 1 user ;)]

I think this may actually be dupe prevention and not a bug (until they can fix the dupe bug) I started having party issues around the time that they stopped all trade, which I later found out was because of a dupe bug. A few days ago, I was running bosses with someone and we decided to run some horde to get more stones. I left party to switch characters (casue of course imma use LS for t8 lol). When I logged back in the LS to run horde, she had 999 Abyssal scrolls and a full consumable inventory. I moved some NMD sigils and some mats to my stash and split the stack of abyssal placing some of it in my stash. When the person I was running with tried to invite me back … Error. I’m not inclined to test this idea at all as it would flirt with bannable behavior, but I’m willing to bet if you split a stack of anything and then try to join a grp you would get the error.


:joy::joy: more likes on the “no you cant” comment than the “yes you can” comment, you guys are terribly funny

I like to keep “LifeSteal” affix on my Andy thank you very much. That single affix is far more valuable than any dumb item power upgrade blizzard can ever make.

I said If I was in charge I could. AT Bliz the blizzocracy is in charge so nothing hardly gets done. Nobody is really in charge and has full rein of command. If somebody did and say it was me, I could get the game cleaned up in 6 months. I have been playing these games for 20 years I know what players want. This doesnt mean I would be implementing all my ideas. Some of my ideas really are pretty bad on second look. But general direction and design I could nail it I think. But yah this is all moot. None of this matters. Its all fiction.

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Huge misconception here, as playing and making are two completely different things.

You’d be overwhelmed the very first day after finding out how the industry works and that it’s not that easy to make changes. Now if you had 20+ years of game development under your belt, instead of 20+ years of playing them, I’d be more inclined to believe you. However what you have right now is a fine display of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

If you’re unfamiliar with it, basically it’s the effect of believing your own hype, even though you have no knowledge of what it is you’re trying to do. I’ve been driving for a good 25 years, I know for a fact I can’t build a car.

You think you know what players want, when they themselves don’t know what they want, or the repercussions of getting exactly what they want. I’m not saying the game is perfect, far from it, but last thing we need is a forum user or streamer convincing themselves they could do better in an environment where they’ve only ever been the player.

Also agreed it is a moot point.


I really need to ask, sorry.

Getting mythics right now is a joke. On average 1 per 10 bosses. Why are you all so tied up for the switch in mythics and mythics only? A 2GA legendary or GA unique is hurting you MUCH more than the mythics. If anything, that should be the reason for your outcries.

Stop praising mythics so hard, they are literary the blues among the uniques right now.

This. Exactly none of the Mythics have any affixes that are changing. Even “down-leveling” to 540, the affixes are the exact same. The only thing changing are the inherent abilities (damage/armor/resists). It hits weapons the hardest.

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Mythics are highly sought after and are not blues among uniques. Blues are blues. Mythics are purple and some of best items in the game. I focus on mythics because mythics are always max affix so it makes sense for them to never have a legacy version.


Im in charge in this way out there fiction example. Its easy to make changes if you are in charge. That is my point. Nobody is in charge of this game. Its just a big panel of red tape to get anything done. but that is enuf on that

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I agree with OP, it’s ridiculous and completely optional. They didn’t have to do it this way, just talking to people in game, seems like most of the player base on Eternal doesn’t even know this is coming yet. Having that many people angry about their gear is gonna leave Customer Support swamped especially in the midst of all the bugs.


The reason you are not hearing anything about it is simply because they have nothing more to say about it. It is a done deal.
I think that it was poor planning to have done it the way they did but it is what it is.
The best you can hope for at this juncture is that they are done screwing around with itemization after VoH for a long while.

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Honestly, you say no he cant - but anyone who plays the game knows that 2/3 of what he said should be an easy fix, and should be a priority. It really isn’t that hard. Instead of re-doing loot every season, maybe work on content, class balance, and bugs. Loot is fine…


Yup. This. There are no more updates because they’ve updated its going to be screwed with.

Like you said, there was so many ways this didn’t have to happen while sitll fixing loot but here we are anyways… Poor planning and management

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Again this is coming from an outside perspective from people who know nothing of how to actually make a game. From our perspective, yes they should focus on X, Y, and Z. However I have no doubt that in house, tweaking X, Y, or Z, would alter A, D, G, I, L, O, T, and W.

Now if you’re specifically talking about the Eternal loot problem, that’s a whole can of worms that I doubt any of us fully understand. From our perspective it’s just as easy as tweaking a few numbers, or dedicating people a day or two to fix. In reality it doesn’t work like that. This is my point.

It’s not that I don’t agree with Urza and the fact that Blizzard has screwed up royally since launch, and continues to do so in certain aspects of the game. However I doubt his ability to actually fix something he knows very little about other then from the players perspective, that’s all I’m saying.

It’s far easier to look in from the outside and criticize. Not that the criticism isn’t warranted, it absolutely is, but none of us here knows how to fix it. We may think we know what needs to be fixed, or what we want to be added, etc. but we have no idea what that whole process entails.


So you are telling me that fixing the “group join error” is either harder, or less important than redoing every single stat and piece of gear? Its not. Its a question or priority, which is why they have bad game direction and management. I’m not saying I could do it, but people are literally being paid to do much harder things at the moment, and it is, again, literally, their job.

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