Can we please get Blizzard to confirm they are not making eternal gear useless

Agreed, and that’s the only point I’m making. I’m not saying what should or shouldn’t take priority, I’m only arguing that none of us here could make these changes happen within a reasonable amount of time based on our limited knowledge as players.

Blame the developers, management, etc. that’s perfectly fine, but don’t tell me you can do it better when you have literally no knowledge of how to run a business or develop a video game, that’s my only point. If people knew better they would’ve made their own game years ago.


There is nothing for them to say . Soo many posts about this topic . I been done with this game since the campfire - I’m not down for getting reset a third time . At least helldivers 2 is fun


Your usually on point but this is some complete fluff here. And this group party thing has been broken for about a year now. Its a basic part of the game. No excuse for that. None. Period.
Cosmetic shop doesnt make you log in and out to use it. :point_left:
Plus ppl logging in and out a hundred times a day has got be taxing the login servers.

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I don’t know how many times I can explain it, this isn’t about the current problems in the game at all. It quite literally has no relevance to my point.

What exactly is your point then? Where did Mabus ever say he could fix it better? Youre spinning some empty webs here.

Things broken for a year should be the priority as well me thinks.

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You made the claim that you could ‘get this game fully on track’ within 3 to 6 months, my only argument is no you can’t. That’s quite literally my only argument. I agree Bug Fixes (especially the bigger ones) should be top priority. However what you fail to understand here is how teams work in development, and what takes priority per team.

The group bug you’re complaining about, which while annoying, was not a top priority for them to fix. Now should it have been? I question that personally, but it definitely shouldn’t have taken them this long to fix it, on that I can agree at least.

Again though, my point is you have no knowledge of how anything works behind the scenes. Now yes, if you had the knowledge of the entire team, had spent 20+ years in game development, and the sun rotated around the earth, I believe you could turn this game into a version of the game you think is what players would want. That’s not reality, that is all I’m saying.

I’m not arguing with your points about what needs to get fixed, or your ideas on how to make the game better for some people. I’m arguing against your own expertise in making it happen in a hypothetical world. It’s far easier to say you can do it better when you’re taking the perspective of an outsider who only see’s what we’re given at face value.


You quoted him and maybe thought you were quoting me? He wasnt claiming to be a fixer. Kind of a weird thing to do to challenge him on that but I guess u had gone back into general mode.

Also I guess thx for pointing out the painfully obvious things about my own expertise in a hypothetical world. :man_shrugging:

In any event enuf of all that. Back to Eternal useless gear chat programming.


I honestly don’t get all of the complaining. Literally 1-2 weeks after seasonal launch, I have gear that’s just as good or even better than last season.

It’s so easy to get :confused:

Wasn’t necessarily aimed at anyone except those who claim to be able to do it better with little to no expertise on the subject. Was a generic statement, the ‘you’ isn’t necessarily aimed at him.

Agreed. :+1:

They might as well just close the forums down if this is truly your view. Basically what we are saying everytime we make a post. Just sayin…

and back to eternal useless gear…NOW!

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I see your posts not as some one who thinks they know better, but as some one who would like certain things implemented into the game based off their own preferences. Which is the majority of posters on here who make ideas and suggestions. Many people think they know what might make the game better, myself included, but I’ll be the first to admit I know literally nothing about game development.

While I think some of my ideas would be good on paper, in reality they could easily flop just as badly as Blizzard does implementing major patches. I also wouldn’t have the first clue how to go about implementing my ideas. How long would it take, do I have to rework entire systems, would the code even allow such a thing, etc. the list goes on.


712 posts for you to be at 10k :100:


You are focusing on their coding part, its an issue but i think that is just a technical problem, it will be and can be fixed, it just takes a bit of time and lots of money which they are probably not very inclined to spend right now after laying off so many people, again.

i believe what urza is referring to is the core design of the game.

now i agree with iggi that no one on this forum is qualified to single handedly fixing this, but i also believe many people on this forum alone has better ideas than what the dev teams have in mind…

i seriously have to wonder when was the last time these devs actually played a game. I fully understand they are just here to collect a pay cheque, i get it its a job but like come on man…you cant be this out of touch about your job all the time. At the very least have a LITTLE, just a LITTLE BIT of passion, please…


IT was the art devs who mashed basic attack for an hour, died on World tier 1, and got destroyed. And its a shame because art for this game is A+

Well, imagine someone who doesn’t play as much as you…then scale that to 1/10 of your time that turns into 10 weeks!

This player already spent 10 weeks doing it in a prior season with the intent of not having to spend another 10 weeks again.


Simple concept.

People need to start looking beyond themselves and understand it’s not just about you.

Egocentric, narccistic society we live in.


This is a post about eternal struggles. These ppl might only play 1 or 2 hours a week. Put yourselfs in their shoes before you make judgement. And I am on eternal players side here. The lack of compassion from Bliz is telling. All they had to do is make all mythics not got legacy and give eternal something, anything but nope they kicked their kneecaps in.

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yeah but they are also not the people who designed the game so i am cool with them being out of touch, they are artist not gamers or game devs.

this is a very common problem among game devs nowadays anyways

look at concord, star field, anthem, fall out 76, redfall oh my lord the list goes on and on for days. All 3A titles, all trash, all designed by the same group of devs with same ideas same standard same everything.

every now and then we get a gem like elden ring, wukong, BG3 but those are very rare unfortunately…

I wish they would just pick up a controller for a sec, start playing it for real, play it for a week or two. They would have spotted a lot of immediate problem with just that.

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I would change that to ‘very few’ myself, but that’s more of a personal opinion.

I believe it’s a mix in house over at Blizzard. I genuinely think there are people who are passionate about making the game better, but for reasons not disclosed they can’t seem to get everyone on board with their ideas. I think it’s also a matter of too many people on the team working in too many directions with not enough time to go over and hash out ideas.

The direction and focus of where to implement changes has also been sporadic up until S4. Then it’s pretty much been tweaking that one core change ever since which has just messed with Eternal Players every step of the way. I genuinely think the expansion is a little too early to be coming out, but that’s just me.

Elden ring is massively overrated. My view. Really repetitive. I think ppl liked it mainly for exploring and because it was hard AF.

Artists should know how to play the game too I think.

assassins creed arguably have the same quality of environment if not better, but the game play is boring, now THAT is repetitive.

I am not sure why you think elden ring is repetitive though, every fight is different, mobs have different clues and attack patterns. Your character is whatever you want it to be as well, each weapon has a special skill and attack pattern, combo with whatever spells you choose there are many different ways to play the game. It is that freedom that attracts so many players imo. The large amount of builds lead to a healthy pvp environment as well, further enhancing the community of the game.

We have none of that in diablo 4. It is all about meta chasing, game play is actually repetitive because the gear define your play style, you have to build your character around the loot not the other way around. And pvp is such a minority you might as well forget about it…

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