Came back to see the new season. Tempering pretty much assures I won't be back if not changed

Honestly, I think vast majority of players are probably not going that far past lvl 100. I even doubt, whether they get level 100 each season. If you think most people get all gear in 2 months, you are very mistaken.

When they say you can get all gear in 2 months or something like that, they probably donā€™t mean by the SSF mode. Itā€™s usually by trading in some way, and mentions of D2R above make me think of JSP (donā€™t know if theyā€™re still around, but by the spam for gold selling RMT earlier in the season, itā€™s obvious that was a lucrative model), and itā€™s present equivalents. These people probably have multiple accounts (not just for botting, but to post drivel in the forums to steer people into the PTW when all else fails).

The rest of the player base gets bored and takes a break (ranging from a few days, weeks or years). This frees up server resources, so it doesnā€™t seem like itā€™s going to change dramatically, and so itā€™s like that concept where you donā€™t need to fix things, but just manipulate peopleā€™s perceptions of the problem (if you canā€™t just deny it/they even exist).

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I actually uninstalled this morning and downloaded d3 (tiny ssd canā€™t hold both) and have been enjoying that. Feels like a lot less rng plus I can really dial in the difficulty so things donā€™t become too trivial.

I picked up my monk that I probably havenā€™t touched since 2018 and suddenly realized what a bad state d4 is in. If the d3 haters arenā€™t satisfied either then Iā€™m starting to wonder who this game is actually for.

The one thing I canā€™t stand though is going back to mouse/keyboard, my back and neck are killing me from just a couple hours so I donā€™t know how long itā€™ll take before the controller of all things brings me back. I do have a mini snes I just wish I hadnā€™t so thoroughly beaten all those games to death 20 years ago.

As you say, why would I lie? But since you are a game developer, surely you donā€™t think that the game should only be fun for people who are filling out a BiS build every season. Surely you understand that players who play 200+ hours in a season are only a very small portion of the playerbase.

I donā€™t know if you noticed, but tempering is available right away and masterworking doesnā€™t take long to get to. An item that is a common drop to a player who plays 4 hours a day can be a rare one for someone who plays 4 hours a week. So I do know what itā€™s like to try tempering rare items. I have had both successes and failures with items that were the best Iā€™d seen so far. Honestly both have their disappointments - the really good item is super fun to find, the tempering failure is painful, the tempering success is another moment of excitementā€¦ and then I put the item on and go back out there to try to get more stuff. The failures are almost better than the successes because itā€™s a lot easier to find another decent item than to ever find a better one than the one I have with 2 useful GAs and 2 useful tempers. I prefer the tempering system to the enchanting one, where I always feel like I should go back and click another 10 times to see if I can get something better.

I donā€™t have a single BiS item. I probably never will unless I spend time farming for a mythic. But I am definitely playing the endgame and seeing what it is like. Iā€™m guessing my experience with it is far more typical than someone who has spent hundreds of hours at it.

Thank you for proving my point.

Tempering pre BIS is not the same as tempering leveling gear. You have no valid experience with the conversation at hand. Tempering wouldnā€™t change for those in your position and the changes proposed in this thread would instead benefit you and your lower playtime when you finally CAN get to the point where tempering becomes a problem.

You are literally arguing against your own best interest. You donā€™t even know how the system works and you are defending it.

Itā€™s like saying a car loses itā€™s ability to break post 50 but you think itā€™s ok because you only drive 25 so there is no problem. This is why people who do that get called fanboys.


The reason why the current systems are designed this way is to give a PRETEXT to play for people who have nothing else to do in their life, than to farm something for 1k hours. D4 developers think that something is wrong with you, if you want to play this crap game for so long, so they show you disrespect, by giving you systems which WASTE massive amounts of your time. In the expansion, they will probably introduce new systems, which are actually fun to play, I hope.


Is the itemization better than what they have before this season? Definitely, however, it still not solve the itemization problem.

You still need to go through a full inventory of items, 1 by 1 to look at the for something match what you are looking.

Greater Affix made it worse, as there is no loot filter. Once you have geared, and you are doing maiden, you have to move the pick up the drops and move them off the kill zone.

And there are still too many garbage affix. 240 LPH, LPS one characters with 40 to 400k life. Give me a break.

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Your point that I am lying and I actually play way more than I said or else Iā€™m constantly RMTing?

Iā€™m not tempering leveling gear. Iā€™m tempering 1 and 2 GA items and masterworking them. The experience is literally exactly the same. I just donā€™t freak out when I brick the best item Iā€™ve found all season, because the fun is in the journey and thereā€™s no destination Iā€™m rushing to. I wonā€™t be any happier for having reached 10 tiers higher in the Pit.

It wouldnā€™t change ā€œfor those in [my] positionā€ but would also benefit me. Sophisticated reasoning.

The only way you could make a tempering change that didnā€™t affect me is if the change somehow checked how many hours youā€™d played on the character. I donā€™t want to farm Stygian stones to get more tempering chances. That just means I have to keep a full set of bricked items that could be better than my current ones if Iā€™m able to get lucky with the rerolls. I donā€™t want unlimited rolls. That means I have to sit there playing the blacksmith reroll game till I get the temper so the whole system literally just becomes a dumb chore. I donā€™t want to just select my affix and reduce all RNG in the game to whether I get a higher number on my gear.

There are much better solutions. Create safe manuals that someone can use to guarantee they at least get a useful affix on their last roll. Let you spend 5 rerolls to select your affix (so it only works for one of the slots) but the value is half the min roll. Give you ways to sacrifice power from the item to get more rerolls. Like you can imprint (and canā€™t have already imprinted) but now get more rolls. You canā€™t enchant (and canā€™t have already enchanted) but now you get more rolls.

It is not in my best interest to make it easier to get the best items in the game. Iā€™m already at the point where I have 12 GAs scattered across my gear and none of the affixes are useless. I can get better affixes in a few places to optimize against breakpoints. I can get more GAs. I could find an ammy with a GA devouring blaze. The fact that there are all these things I could find that would improve my gear makes the game fun. What would be the point of short-circuiting that?

If your issue is that the gear grind gets slow 2 months into a season, then I think you are playing the wrong genre.

You are whining about one poor crafting outcome. OMG I donā€™t know how the system really works because only someone who has played far more than the average gamer but far less than the streamers and try hards actually understands the real system. The real systems can only be understood by those who play the game with the exact same goals and total play as you. You sound like a fantastic game dev.

Pretty obvious this guy bought gold, then bought an item, then bricked it and now has his panties in a bunch. Have to read between the lines in his responses.

Basically lost interest in his attempt at informing Blizzard, though, when his first paragraph calls out the paid forum posters. Tinfoil hat much? Also, I think Sony would probably only hire people that knew the difference between a strait and straight. Maybe thatā€™s just my standards.


Wellā€¦ for starters, you donā€™t brick 60% of the timeā€¦ well Druid might because it has the absolutely worst tempering manual in the game right now >.>

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Yes, you must be related to the other guy zoolzoo. Listen, I get you grew up on the internet so you think this is what wit is, but it isnā€™t. Not even really a good troll. Do Better. Here is a hint: If I was buying gold, I wouldnā€™t care about tempering because I would just keep rebuying the items I brickā€¦ right? I mean I care because I actually spend the time farming the items I am bricking. Logic isnā€™t your strong suit I guess.

As for that 3 page retort from leusebi, dude, every time you post the story changes a little bit. You were doing this in the other thread people were complaining about tempering in. I guess having 2000 posts your forum mastery is much better than your understanding of game mechanics. You should defiantly stick to that. Your ideas of how the end game work are based on someone who reads about them, and doesnā€™t actually use them. But please keep on showing your lack of understanding to the problem for the rest of us to read so we know not to listen to any feedback you give in the future.

ā€œHey guys, I brick an item, I just go get another oneā€ ā€œI mean I am not bricking leveling gear, Iā€™m bricking 2GA items!ā€

Those are two different things my friend. You donā€™t just go and pickup 2GA items unless you are picking up useless stat GAā€™s that donā€™t actually get you anywhere near where your baselines should be stat wise. Who cares if you brick a +life per second and +life on hit GA itemā€¦ and this is why your whole take on tempering being fine is wrong.

You have a base misunderstanding of stats, gear rarity and the time it takes for building out a suit of perfect rolled BIS gear. Like I repeated too you, and this will be the last time I do it since you are being purposely obtuse, TEMPER NON bis gear DOESNT MATTER. There isnā€™t a problem if you are not trying to temper the best items in game.

You donā€™t try and compare someone complaining about a 150k dollar car not working because your prius does. Your gear sucks, who cares if it bricks.

lol, pretty much what happened most likely. xD

Laugh you have almost 10k posts. Get a job.

iuno, i woudnt tell people to get a job when i created a thread to whine about having failed at tempering :smiley:

Sure thing Rob Alt account.

huh? wouldnt that mean i do have a job then? you are contradicting yourself.

It would make sense. You troll every anti blizzard thread, never add anything to the conversation other than the gargling sound you make chortling, and after having more posts than every other poster in this thread combined not being banned.

Checks out. Robbie Jr

not much to add here. you are sad you bricked your purchased items. Sorry, we arent therapists.

You really love blizzard huh? They validate your existence? Make you feel whole?

Sorry if I hurt your girlfriendā€™s feelings Jr.

you are trying to insult someone for liking a game? damn, now you are becoming pathetic.

not surprising tho. pretty much all people who yell ā€œI QUIT!!!ā€ in their temper tantrums behave like this. shrugs