Came back to see the new season. Tempering pretty much assures I won't be back if not changed

No I’m making fun of you for white knighting for a multi-billion dollar company like your identity relies on their successes and failures.

People who act like that usually lack purpose. A real career would fix that. You came here trolling, not the other way around professional victim. Lol.

thats pretty much what describes you here.

you are the one acting like anyone would care that you quit (tho it doesnt seem like it, seeing how active you are) a game of a multi billion dollar company liked theyd rely on it xD

Anyway, good luck on your next games. Try to avoid RNG games so you wont get sad again.

Hmm weird I thought that was all you had to say? Someone strike a nerve? Purpose can be found outside of the Internet.

It’s ok, grass doesn’t hurt. Touch some. I’ll allow you to have last word since it’s so important to you bubba. Lol.

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thats so thoughtful sweety :heart:

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Then there isn’t a problem. Your items aren’t the best ones in the game either.

It just hilarious that you come on here telling the D4 devs how you are literally embarrassed by their design capabilities and then your response to someone who disagrees is to first dismiss him as someone who plays the game too much, then claim he’s lying and also RMTing, then claim actually he’s just a fanboy so his opinion doesn’t matter, then claim he doesn’t know what’s good for him, then claim his story keeps changing and it doesn’t matter because only someone with exactly as much playtime as you and no more could understand the embarrassing flaw you’ve discovered.

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Your reading comprehension is as good as your knowledge of how the end game plays. Move on now to the other 15 tempering hate threads you are posting in to try and convince everyone the system is fine.

You have already changed your story around enough in this one those of us who are actually interested in fixing the system know you are full of it.

Except I haven’t at all. You just invented reasons to dismiss me and then kept changing them when I explained why they weren’t valid. But you’ve found a new one! So congrats. I’m sure the players of your games love the way you approach dissenting opinions

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They do thank you! You have probably played a lot of them if you have a PlayStation. People who dissent aren’t the problem, it’s the brown nosers who are. I aim for perfection, not wet butt cheeks

Lol. I’m sure you spend a lot of time insulting the people who don’t disagree with you. But it’s fine, you’re obviously not a designer, so maybe you’re just as upset at the designs of the games you’ve worked on.

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Ahhh how cute. You are trying to be insulting. Lol.

This guy is so lost :smiley: im sitting here with my :popcorn:

Challenge unlocked: get the last word in against the guy with 2000 posts.

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What is even cuter is that you and your boyfriend are hovering around a combined 11 THOUSAND POSTS on an internet game forum. LOL

what i personally think is even cuter is that you think you’d attack people with their post count.

its really no surprise noone takes you serious.

Wait u think having a high post count makes you intimidating. Oof. You guys really do need purpose.

50 posts! Gratz on the ding.


im not sure where you read that in my post.

Noone takes you serious because of the ridiculous stuff that you hammer into your keyboard.

Thank you, it only took me 8 years to get here.


I’m using swipe. I don’t pound, I glide homeboy.

I’m fancy

Sounds like me trying to find Tal Rasha’s ammy in D2.

But seriously, before and in between your attacks on me I did actually give the genuine reasons I like the tempering system and wish they would lean more into systems like that as opposed to ones like enchanting.


Understood. I disagree with your points but since you are being sincere I’ll apologize for my attitude earlier.

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