Came back to see the new season. Tempering pretty much assures I won't be back if not changed

Yeah, I was referring to d2jsp which was essentially a way, through their web currency, to pay $ for items.

I personally don’t care about it that much but it was the best way to do it as gold had absolutely no use in D2 and duping was an issue that I don’t think ever really got solved, heh

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There wasn’t that much gold selling activity that was being spammed. You only had one real gold sink, occultist, and that bottleneck was being fixed some before we went to all items tradeable (which, again, I am in favor of) minus Mythic/Uber Uniques

Being able to trade items was one of the reasons I wanted to come back for this season and check it out. I honestly was hoping this game would be more of a love child between D2 and D3, but it seems like its just turning into D3+.

I get some people like that, and I am ok with it. But I sure liked the idea of trading a few Vex and stack of Gems for an item I wanted instead of this 500m for 1GA item because 90% of the trading market is buying gold in droves… I liked the D2 system more where gold had less meaning.

Maybe ill try to go back to playing that for now and see how the xpac changes things up in D4. It was more my speed anyway, and that way I can quit feeling like I am banging my head against the wall in D4.

Thanks for the convo Speedy/Lykotic.

They should have did this to begin with. It should have been part of the loot hunt.

Agree as it was easier to trade with people without engaging in the “outside market.” With how everything is now D4 badly needs an AH to be added so more people can interact with trading (and maybe a SF server along with it) without needing an outside site. As you used as an example, I could get very nice items to drop and easily trade item for item in D2R (partially since I could make game names advertising >.> ) but also because all of us who play that game ( I still do but offline only) were just use to item trading.

Yeah, there is something with the progression and steadiness of D2(R) that just always feels right. I wiped my Offline stuff clean and am restarting on HC from scratch - planning to see if I can get every class + build I like to at least ./players4 in Hell =)

Have a good one!

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Ha, the fact that you have to resort to slander by calling people who don’t agree with your argument as “fanboys” goes to show you don’t have a clue what you are talking about and need to resort to such pathetic tactics. But please… continue.

aka you played 5 hours this season and got to 100, have trash gear, then saw a post about tempering and decided you agree. meanwhile many of us have multiple well tempered and masterworked characters and enjoyed the season very much.


Another problem is that tempering is simply way too strong compared to stats. This means that players will try to get a high roll, which leads to bricked items.

Also, there needs to be a way imo to reset tempering attempts. For example, it could be something, that drops from tormented bosses.

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Yeah just let us pic our dang temper and if you have ( :roll_eyes:) to RNG us do it on the values. Stop overcharging for everything, stop making things a PITA to accomplish blizzard.

Play your own game. No one who devs this game plays it.

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no he isnt the minority. player numbers have never been higher than in s4 and player retention has never been higher. you are in the minority in thinking that we should be able to gear out in bis in a matter of days with no tempering limits. the majority like loothunt games


You said it perfectly.

LOL what loot are you hunting? Nothing in this game is rare at all. You KNOW you will get every single piece every single season because the season is like 2 months long. "tHe mAjOrItY " you are so delusional. Don’t worry I am sure you are going to delusion yourself right into the 5k forum club.


Not trying to defend it, but this is probably just a trial run of tempering. There are likely going to be some changes to it. Having the same worthless temper be applied over and over is not fun. It’s a slot machine, but really doesn’t have to be. About a dozen ways that it could be improved too, so would really like to see if that happens in future seasons.

At the very least, I’m glad that they got rid of item upgrading mechanic. That was complete nonsense and just a material sink. Tempering is at least better than that crap.

--------------------New Boss spawns whenever a legendary item drops---------------

It doesn’t attack you, it attacks your dropped items.
You can not defeat him or stop him.
60% of your legendary drops will be broken by this new blacksmith boss.

How is this different than tempering?

EDIT: I would actually prefer the boss so I wouldn’t have to go back to town and waste my time.


Hence, don’t make loot even less rare.
It should indeed be more rare than it is now.

Laugh. What it must feel like to be 15 again.

Good burn! You got me cupcake!

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This! There is no good reason not to. We don’t need silly gatcha style systems in this game.

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leusebi 2049 posts

I chocked on my beer.

@ Koroshiya you’re better off posting/ranting on reddit if you want to have a semi-decent and intelligent conversation about game mechanics than here. This forum is full of trolls.


You guys do understand that there was a 3 month period where the game wasn’t out but people could post here and there was a 3 month period where it was season 3? It’s also a lot easier to spend a few minutes on the forums on my phone than to commit to an hour in front of a gaming machine to get something done in the game.

You understand we know you play more than 4 hours a week, why lie about it? You wouldn’t be worried about not having seasonal content with that low of play hours, you wouldn’t even be close to seeing a near bis build unless you literally get lucky with every single run you do which with weighted starts is impossible.

If you want to have a real conversation about mechanics, you should at least be in a place to have experience with the end game and if you aren’t full of it, than you don’t have that experience and really have no valid opinion on it.

If you were lying about playtime, why? More hours would give you more of a valid point because you would have been using the system on gear that you know is very rare if you aren’t buying gold and buying the item in trade.

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