Came back to see the new season. Tempering pretty much assures I won't be back if not changed

What a joke.

Honest question Blizzard. Do you think the average non fanboy you pay to support you in the forums actually likes farming for a month to get an item, only to temper it and have the same temper roll 5x in a row making the item useless?

Rob, please get away from this franchise. Please do not come back. We are tired of this “gotcha” style BS you think is “funny”. You don’t respect the players time, or the value we bring to your company which is very apparent from the fact that Activision Blizzard has no turned into the Microtransaction Kings.

You all literally have the easier IP in the world, in one of the easiest Genres to design and you can’t seem to pull it together. Literally almost every complaint I and others posted about in Beta were ignored, pushed through by the team and now FIVE SEASONS IN you STILL can’t figure it out.

Such a simple fix. REMOVE CHARGES. Add Obols as the currency for rerolling. Add a gradual increase in price for each re-roll. If you don’t want to make Obols actually usable since you are changing the Curiosities vendor in S5, then make the currency gold, and have it work like the occultist and rerolling affix.

Also, PLAY YOUR GAME. Play like an end user, not a developer. Spend months building the perfect suit only to lose those pieces to tempering. See if you are sitting there after going YEA MAN THIS IS FUN!!~!!!

Pro-Tip. It isn’t. As a developer, I am actually embarrassed a little for you guys.


Tempering definitely needs a change

I think the best solution is that you can pick the affix and the RNG only changes the values within that affix


I could live with that, or just make it a gold sink like Occultist and Rerolling an Affix. I don’t mind grinding more to “fix” something, but the grinding for weeks to end up with an item that you just destroy is the absolute worst design decision in the world, and I can’t imagine sitting around the conference table spit balling where the group was like YA! That sounds like people will LOVE IT!.

Maybe they do things differently than I am used to at Blizzard though, in our studio decisions like this don’t get passed on by one person it has to pass a committee and there is no way they would ok something that just leads to frustration for the player with no real upside to gameplay.

Thanks for the comment!


No one farms for a month for a single item. That’s not how the game works, and it’s an absurd way to think about gear. Sorry you bricked something good, but keep playing and you will get other good items. That’s basically the whole point of the game.

And yet most people are having a ton of fun with the season, with the exception of the occasional complainer on the forums.

There are balance tweaks that could be made, but just letting you pick the affix would be dumb and would mean that gearing is basically over by the time you hit level 100.


[Came back to see the new season. Tempering pretty much assures I won’t be back if not changed]

Whelp. Interesting!

See you in S5!


Seasonal content when the content is so rare you will never see bis items without utilizing the gold buyers inflated trade market isn’t popular, and YOU are the minority in thinking it’s fun. To then put in systems that brick that item is also a system the majority of players hate.

No lifers, people who play 15 hours a day, are NOT the group of people who should be listened to. You have unrealistic view of gaming. I play 4 hours a night, there is no realistic world where my 2GA 3GA items are just going to redrop and you know that. You are just being disingenuous to argue.

Also that was someone else who said you should be able to pick the affix, not me. My ideas had RNG involved but using obols or gold as the sink.


Except that this has been by far the most popular season, the retention has been super high, and I’m not even in the minority on this forum in liking seasonal content.

No they don’t, hence the far better retention this season. I guarantee you if the majority of players hated bricking it would have been removed for S5.

I’m lucky to play 4 hours a week. But I want the game to have stuff in it that I haven’t experienced at the end of the season, so that there’s still new stuff to do each season.

Yes, perfect items are hard to come by. Fortunately, the difference between a 2 GA item and a 1 GA with the same stats is pretty minimal. So, sorry you didn’t get a perfect item. I was really excited when I found my first 3 GA until I saw that it had int, life, … and cold resist. I’ve found plenty of 2 GA items with not-perfect stats in the GAs, like cold or lightning resist, life per second. All of these were cases where the item could have been great but wasn’t. Disappointing, but just more of a reason to keep looking for good items.


You don’t need to lie to kick it. You don’t play 4 hours a week and by lying about it you show the rest of what you say to be disingenuous.

You literally have thousands of posts, your life is Diablo. That is why you want systems in place to keep you in like it’s a job, people who don’t play for validation don’t want systems that create an environment where fun isn’t the factor but the time wasting is.

Take care bubba but if you can’t even be strait with your playtime no point in continuing to take your arguments seriously.


The guy has a different opinion than you and you choose to attack him. Like if you want to be taken seriously, argue your points like an adult. Enjoy your bricks clown


Pro-Tip. as a customer i purchase some games, and play what i like.

no offense bud; your whole post seems like you love d4? sadly there is not a single constructive thing in your post (maybe i oversaw it, i dont read through temper tantrums personally).

sadly, id say this thread doesnt respect anyones time.

Question: where do -you- stand at as a “developer” right now?


I have no words lol… so instead I’ll sum it up with an emoji



I recently stated that if I was a dev I would ignore the forums… this thread is exactly why.

I mean you fanboys can try and do what you have always done, ignore the issues and act like everything is peachy but player numbers don’t lie. Trying to use the excuse that D4 has a resurgence during a time when the game has changed 180 degrees from launch is laughable, of course player retention is going to be higher. Just like when a game launches, and a few months later that game loses a percentage of players. That is how this all works ya know.

Trying to argue that retention during a time when everything is new, trying to attribute design feedback I didn’t give as an argument against what I said, or as some of the other winners posted “Didn’t read LULZ” again, does nothing to offend me or make you look good.

Me giving feedback doesn’t mean I love the game, most teams I have worked on through Sony, both 1st and 3rd party WANT real feedback, we don’t want brown nosers who are only going to tell us everything is great. So that is what I am giving them. Don’t like it, there are many more posts for you to fanboy in fellas. If the dev team can’t handle harsh critics they are in the wrong line of work… Gamers, and developers a like have always been rough around the edges. Take this new found sensitive skin bs and fly that flag somewhere else.


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This is a weird argument here because we only have 1 source of player numbers - Steam - and s4 has been retaining (and attracting) customers extremely well for what you see in ARPGs over time. Now, there is an issue with this customer base because they are going to be different than average since Steam was not an initial purchase avenue but it is what we have.

It retained better than LE on launch which I’ll even say is a better ARPG in my mind even though I play D4 over it for a few reasons that are not so much on the game itself. We don’t have much else to compare it to that is “new” and had some big hype in the ARPG community


Anyways to your main point:

Justy like w/ LE’s system which bricks, but we can influence as the player, tempering needs either some way to influence rolls or probably some currency to regain tempers - something like stygians that has a REAL cost to it.

I think the core system of tempering is good, same with masterworking, but I can agree that it needs iteration and I could see putting a rare drop OR an extremely valuable resource as being a good avenue to allow new tempers while maintaining the ability for very top-end items to be something to “grind for”

Music to goldseller’s ears. Things are already too expensive in this game as it is. But Blizz loves gold sellers that is why they designed this game the way they did. Someone is double dipping… Low gold drop rate and POE style RNG. It’s a Botters and Gold Trotters haven.

I’d say a bit disingenuous to say when the original design wasn’t a gold seller heaven. Some player demands have made it a MUCH better avenue for it. I personally do not care about gold selling that much simply because I’d rather have the trade ability we have now and just deal with the same issues that were in D2 on this front.

No arguments here other than you can’t use the largest patch in a games history to look at player numbers and try to argue that they like the current tempering system because of it, which is what the other poster was trying to argue.

My argument is one doesn’t equal the other. Which I might have not conveyed as well as I should. Next time I won’t 4th and post /wink.

As for the last part (and partially hitting on the second post in one thread to keep it clean) I agree. No arguments here, and I actually like the idea of using Stygian as a way to recharge empty charges on tempering. Gold would be my last choice, but Blizzard seems adamant to make Gold the most important thing in game. I have a feeling a reattempt at the RTX market might be in our future.

Move the tempering affixes back to when the item drops. That is where an item should be created. In the blood of your slain enemies. Not by clicking on a blacksmith button.

As long as blacksmith tempering exists however, the tempering limit is required. No resets should ever happen.


I only played D2R for a few months, so please correct me but I thought most of the trades were done using runes, gems and items. I don’t remember doing many gold for item trades really. Was it more widespread on different trading sites? I didn’t use the most popular one where you traded for their own website currency, but I can’t remember the one I used.

And this is known how? I say this because you would think they would have learned from both D2 and D3. In the end D3 had a better system. Atleast i could make enough gold to gamble with.