Blizzard WANTS us to brick our items by tempering only to

I agree 99% with everything you say, but there is a problem: The devs want tempering to have a limit (or “end point”). Source: (6/21/2024)

So we need a limit that doesn’t brick items.
One option is to be able to choose the stat we want and then not be able to change it or reset it in any way.

Why make a system fun and rewarding? Always go the punishing and grinding way first and then relent and look like the good guy. Psycho 101

Masterworking is fine as is, you are not bricking an item, your are starting over with mats you farm in pits, which is no different in POE, where you spam alteration orbs, then hit another useful affix, then elevate an affix, then hit a useless affix, scour and start over again.

Blizzard “wants” you?.. sounds kind of like…uhhhh…

Whatever they want i dont mind anymore .
Skipping Season 5 and ofc the expansion until this game feels like a Diablo videogame or at least as a RPG videogame , not an arcade , not a casino and specially not a lazy “play the current thing”
The game is the worst status since launch , never felt more alpha an without a clear future for me .
They can keep doing cosmetics , will be fun how they try sell them when theres only like 10k daily playerbase .

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Hence my last solution in which you can technically guarantee a Tempering Affix with the current Durability (you are only Tempering 1 Affix now). The worst case scenario is you get the Affix you want, but it is the lowest roll possible with no way to undo it. The item is not Bricked because it is 60% Damage to Close instead of 85%, but it does still provide itemization chase.

I am not complaining about Masterworking (although many players have). It is a definite slog and grind. There is a long post on the math being let’s say unfavorable to get 3x hits on the same Affix of the 5 possible to land on.

My comment was that we already have this relentless cycle of grinding with MW so Tempering bricking items is superfluous.

After having played D4 a lot this season , I realize that getting end game GA items are only “possible” through trading or buying gold. The super high prizes indicates the latter. Hunting for loot is not endgame imo. The bricking itself is not the biggest problem, though it need a tweek or two

However, trading is also part of the game. It only makes a big difference at the very late endgame though.

I think it is similar to others arpg with trading, but less punishing to ssf than most of them.

This is thx to GA, not tempering. So wrong. And Loot filter is still needed. Not like collecting GA life/main stat/LPS has any value. And you stil have to collect and vendro tons of trash for gold (but yeah it is better than before)

Without temper limit, it would still work same. So wrong.

“Journey” which end at the very start. Yeah amazing journey :smiley: So wrong.

Once again false argumet to support bad mechanic.

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Bricking = more trading.

I dont know whats more wild… The fact that blizzard was dumb enough to limit tempering. Or the fact that players actually defend papa blizzards dumb decision. They could literally take any other path to inflate the time sink. Having an amazing item become useless completely due to RNG is wild. RNG should be in what your rolls are… what your drops are. This concept should be removed period.


The shills are out in force I see.

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It really isnt. Drop rates on 2/3gas dont drop from the sky. Now they could add extra pet functionaily to auto salvage/vendor.

But we do have temper limits so dont know why your contradicting youself.

If your speaking of tempering, yes once you complete an incomplete item the journy ends or its onto mw.

Its only a bad mechanic is you lack understanding from what a incomplete base item is vs a complete item. It also isnt kind to the entitled.

Agree on the filter; the game does that for you now.

Is it GA?

if yes → check it out/pick up
if no → leave it/mark as trash

Kinda ez.

Also the real journey to gear ugrades is def that 4rth reroll at mw8, lol.

After spending about the same amount of time in S3, I was picking a lot less items than I am doing now in S4. Had plenty of mats and gold. Gear was more or less done except for 1 or 2 no so perfect items for which I would sometimes still pick up drops to check them. Now I am still picking everything, basic legendary to sell because I have no gold, 1 or 2 GA to try to improve my gear. That’s fine. I am still playing but for me “Loot Reborn” is not much of an improvement.


You don’t brick anyitem. The items are still usable, just not as optimal. Bricking insinuates the item can no longer be used. Which is not the case in any bad temper or MWing.

Oh… i got super lucky this season mw, tempering, and mythic uniques. I know S5 is a pooshoot for me. There is no way the RNG gods will favor me the way they did in S4.

I play a sorc and will some of the changes im super excited but I do hope they reverse the survivability nerf. PTR my sorc was struggling to survive and I have pretty good gear with alot of DR with mw rolling DR.

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Nice, at least your s4 was pleasent lol.

As long as that crazy helmet from ptr comes through, might still be ok for s5 as far as playing the new content, but theres alot of unknowns still i think.

Agreed, dont mess with teleport or ice armor. nerf flame shield is ok, maybe target the duration tempers instead of the skill though (you know, the new variable that broke the skills use case for certain specs) instead of the skills’ behavior? Idk :man_shrugging:

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I really enjoy this season. Although I don’t have any usable 3GA, I have decent gear with the right temper and triple masterwork that took me to pit 137 on console. As a seasonal theme, I really enjoy it. However, I honestly don’t think I will enjoy the same grind season after season. People may say I don’t need perfect gear to beat all the content in the game, but to me, this is what ARPGs are all about. I like to min-max as much as possible to feel like a god in the game.