Blizzard WANTS us to brick our items by tempering only to

Bricking is maybe an excessive word but the item can still become unusable. If you need armour because you are not capped and get health instead, you cannot use the item. Sure you can try to get the armour in another item but the end results is the same, you need a new item anyway.

Taking a good itemith desirable affixes and adding 1 or 2 usless ones or not as desirable ones, does not make that item alm of a sudden usless. It makes it a tiny bit better or keeps it exactly the same. A good item.

Get rid of rares, then no need for a filter, Make rares mats or gold.

Might still be good, worth keeping but still not usable anyway, at least immediately after tempering.

Lol okay. Still useable. Rolled damage to distant enemies on my WW barb weapon. Still was usable.

True that and I’m totally fine with items getting bricked at some point. We cant have every thing go our way every time. There has to be a consequence or risk involved which to me makes it more enjoyable. Maybe i would be fine adding a couple (1-2) more chances but that’s really it.
…Possible a hard to find item (not resplendent sparks) that can completely reset the item to its base but I’m kinda leaning more towards against having that option.

Oh gods… this guy AGAIN?!?

I don’t think the OP understands what “brick” means, because they thought Aspects couldn’t be replaced.

Yeah, I’ll pass on this opinion.

Same. Got damage to distant instead of damage to crowd on an item but still using it because all the other stats are really good. But when you miss for example “resistances to all” or armour and cannot be capped with the item, for me it is no use.

I stopped playing, it didn’t prolong it, it did the opposite.

I do pattern recognition really well, you are just a hamster on a wheel, if you can’t work towards a near perfect character, it’s pointless to play.

Trading is definitely a no no, too expensive.


I know, I was just talking about the first solutions.

The last one is good at solving the problem, but, an extra stat means you have many more new stat combinations. It is literally multiplied by the amount of new stats (let’s say, just for example, and just to talk about it later, that there are 20 stats)

If you don’t modify how often items drop, a good item will become very rare (20 times rarer).
So, to maintain the normal speed of finding good equipment, you need to return to the loot rain state (20 times more loot).

You can then say “use enchantments”, but the problem is that we already use them, so the enchantments are already considered in the loot frequency, so it doesn’t really affect the x20. The only one that would be affected is GA3, because it currently cannot be enchanted. So increasing the loot x20 would make GA3 20 times more common.

Now, to be honest, your proposition makes it easier to get good equipment, so it cancels out with the rarity increase, but, it’s almost impossible for it to cancel out perfectly. So you need balance there. And you have to include GA3’s x20 rarity increase in that balance.

So the consequences of your proposal are really: unknown.
(TBH… I wouldn’t bet on a solution like that.)

Now, my complete solution, which I didn’t mention before, is for the new limit to be a new/different alternative. In other words, the current form of tempering would still exist, but you would have an alternative with a different limit. (And of course we would have to balance it so that neither is faster than the other. Increasing the material/gold cost accordingly for the new alternative should be enough.)

So it becomes the player’s choice: Fast and risky or slow and safe?

I agree. I have bricked three items in a row. On all three, I did did not get a skill that i needed during the tempering.

This might be the first season that I don’t complete the challenges.

It’s the same with every ARPG. Just different ways about grinding out the rng to get to where you want befire you stop.

Seriously the tempering attempt caps should just be removed. What they should have done is just make the reroll attempts like super expensive in gold and mats like 500 veiled crystals or 50m for the first few attempts and so on, just like the old enchant.

They want us to brick items so we keep playing to hunt another 3GA with the rolls we actually need? which drops like what, once ina blue moon? It’s not even in every 100 runs of anything … (i.e. PIT, Helltide, NMD) Even the new dungeon guarantees a GA, but not 3GA or not even the rolls you like/need

It’s obvious the devs don’t even play. The right motivation would be “I’m just gonna play to farm more mats/gold to fix this mess that my rotten luck’s gotten me into” That way the player will still have motivation to play because they still have something to look forward to and not waste that 3GA that has all the attributes needed.

Bricking that 3GA that has the stats you need does not motivate some if not most people. It demoralizes, discourages and pisses off more like. “Well, there goes the one GA I’ve hunted for for hours” Dunno who will still want to play after that. I’m definitely not one of them, because yes I have terrible luck on item drops. I’m sure I’m not alone in this

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It is, considering how huge weightening is. Amulet CDR, CC, AtS is much more valuable than 2GA Life / stat is. Not even start about + skill.

Not at the slightest, you act like we need to thank tempering for removing part of bloat. Tell me, if temper would not have limits, how this would change?

If you don´t see obivous problem immediately I can´t help you much.
Nonressetable MW would work much better + you finally could use your favorite suboptimal. Hit crit on life instead of CD is suboptimal, hit two stats you never use is hardly suboptimal and for sure not a journey :smiley:


No, not alone! I’m in the same boat.

“If you’re so sad with tempering just dont temper your items and keep them at 3/5”
you must be retard, for sure.
if you like so much destroying items them destroy them all and play with no items, while others play with 3/5, sounds stupid right? well, it’s just following your line of thought.


brick tempering shouldn’t be possible, just make the cost to unbrick and reset it 30m or make it cost 3 stygian stone - (whatever) - and move on to class balance which has been a problem since release (early access game charging top dollar with an expansion pack before its fundamental gameplay has been figured out).

The solutions for these issues don’t even require deep thinking. These issues aren’t hard to solve, what is the problem here " blizzard " ?

Im not throwing a temper tantrum. Im fine, system is better then what it was people dont understand the different between a 3/5 incomplete base drop vs completed hardened item.

If someone cant handle there own entitlement maybe they just dont temper and play with there 3/5. There feelings wont get hurt when they dont get what they want. Or perhaps dont play an arpg since this is a casual entry into the genre :person_shrugging:

We are well on track to recreate Diablo 3. Be patient please. Let people enjoy the as much middle ground as possible before we get there and give up.