Blizzard WANTS us to brick our items by tempering only to

… artificially prolong the endgame.

What Blizzard is knowingly ignoring is the fact that this is a way of artificially prolonging the game in the worst way possible, namely by giving the players the feeling of total frustration.

To give players the feeling of total frustration is probably the worst thing a game designer can do.

Therefore it is baffling that Blizzard insists on wanting us to brick our items that we only gained by investing already much time. Maybe Blizzard should take into account that not all players play Diablo 4 eight hours per day, 7 days a week, 30 days per month, 365 days a year.

I don’t like the fact that streamers have so much more influence on the game than the collective of everyday casual players. There is at least one streamer named Vitablo who defends bricking items by tempering and I can only imagine that Blizzard listens to that guy more than to the collective here in the forum. Vitablo argues that bricking items would give a better feeling when you have the luck of not bricking an item and getting what you want. But this is stupid. Arguing this way, you can also claim that to make tempering the way that 90 % of item will brick and only 10 % will result in the wanted affixes will give even more joy when the item does not brick. But we already know from masterworking how frustrating it was when the masterworking steps failed so often. While Blizzard got rid of failing masterworking steps, Blizzard did not get rid of failed tempering resulting in bricked items. This is totally NOT understandable, because bricked items cannot be restored. You cannot set back the process like you could with masterworking, even when masterworking steps failed you could set back the process and try again.

Overall there is too much RNG in the tempering-enchanting-masterworking-items part of this game. Too much luck needed to not get frustrated.

I think the optimal solution would be to tone down the luck factor and get rid of anything that results in a dead end of an item, like bricking items by tempering.


Tempering takes an incomplete item and completes it. Blizzard wanted 3 thing:

  1. Remove the need for a loot filter
  2. Remove bloatted aff
  3. Have an item journy that ends

They accomplished this.

If you’re so sad with tempering just dont temper your items and keep them at 3/5.


every task you do in a game is artificially prolonging the game.

  1. The game still needs a loot filter
  2. ???
  3. The journey of on item should always end in success without bricking it and without totally frustrating players.

Looks like working as intended. Blizz wants to keep players playing not finish the game quickly. It makes people like you to keep playing.

Frustration is from the player. Some players expect this to happen due to RNG is RNG, and they are not frustrated. It’s like me. I bricked some. It’s okay but most of my gear are not bricked.


then d4 might not be the game for you anymore, as they clearly stated that “bricking” is going to stay. i mean they heard the cries on this topic, but also figured some people think bricking belongs to this system.



If you believe this you likely only play 10 hours of S4.

If someone is frustrated its an entitlement issue. Should we go back to all aff on drop? Personally i dont want that. I dont know anyone that wants to sift through 1000s of items looking for a 4/5 or 5/5.


Maybe every task you do in a game is artificially prolonging the game.

But the way players FEEL is important in this process. And right now it is rather one step forward, one step back, one step forward, one step back, one step forward, one step forward, one step back.

Right now the game is too much “Sysiphos”. And again: To give players the feeling of total frustration during that process is the worst thing game designers can possibly do!


I got upset when I bricked the only 2GA/3GA gear I found this week as well, but the season is coming to an end.

Many useful uniques are being introduced in S5, GA gears will have more chances of tempering, and the tempering manual is supposed to be better. Let’s see how it goes next season.

pretty much every serious game lets you fail. a serious game doesnt let you feel super duper awesome all the time.

This whole “this feels bad” discussion seriously is just the “i want stuff and dont want to do anything or fail on my way”- entitlement.

that i agree were good and justified changes really.


I played much more than only 10 hours of Season 4.

And still I get flooded with useless items like rare, magical and common items that you simply DO NOT NEED in world tier 4.

The flooding with useless items is even so bad that I have to explain it by a simple example of many:

When farming the Blood Maiden, often times the Blood Maiden dies in the same area multiple times in a row. The Blood Maiden drops so many useless items without greater affixes that after some cycles the items block the access to the altar and block the possibility to attack the Blood Maiden, because the whole screen is covered in item tool tips. It is so bad that when farming the Blood Maiden more than 50 % of the time you spend with taking up these useless items and throw them a few meters away on the ground again, to clear the “sight” to the altar and the “sight” to the Blood Maiden through the cover of item tooltips. And you cannot take these items and portal back to town and salvage them quickly, because when returning you will end up in a different instance of helltide where there is no one else farming the Blood Maiden anymore. So to continue farming you have no other option than taking up the items whose tooltips cover the “sight” to Blood Maiden and altar and to throw them a few meters away on the ground again, because you have no time and no possibility to act otherwise to be able to continue farming the Blood Maiden at that spot with the other players currently around in that instance of helltide. And this is simply a very bad thing that you have to spend 50 % of that time only with picking up items that you have to throw to the ground a few meters away. I mean, how stupid is that? And with regards to these facts you still claim that no loot filter would be necessary? Your claim is ridiculous and I could impressively prove the contrary.

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After about 8 hours into the season a couple questions come up:

  1. Is it a GA? No, ignor it
  2. Do I need gold or mats? Yes, pick it up and salvage/vendor.

Never had this issue. And 50% thats so much of an over egaduration I dont even know where to begin.

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Not as players artificially pro longing content for the “luls”

Right? I mean some of these complaints are so ridiculous. D4 has already become “my first arpg”.

Just like someone was saying it took 60-80 hours to go from 1-100 in S3. I still wonder what they did for 50-70 hours.

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I weigh 320lbs I’m going to show up on the doorstep of the next 120lb “chad” that griefs me and make them pee their pants in front of daddy.

Just kidding I’m a nice guy usually.

Wot? Thats so random

it might as well become some afk heroes mobile game really.

People dont want to walk, people dont want to pick things up, Stuff needs immediate nerfs when something cant be killed instantly.

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I honestly cant wait to see the PoE2 fourms when the game releases. Even targeting a casual audence.

I assume it will be like:

  1. Games hard PoE2 bad
  2. RNG bad, PoE2 bad
  3. No AH, PoE2 bad
  4. Choices, PoE2 bad
  5. Destroyed items from upgrading, PoE2 bad
  6. Leveling takes to long, PoE2 bad
  7. They dont respect my time, PoE2 bad

Id prefer D4 become an amazing arpg but in reality it just turning into that mobile game. I am excited for PoE2 but have no expectations.

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honestly, i hope the poe2 forums are spared from the stuff thats going on here at times. Its pretty much impossible develop an arpg for certain “consumers”

that being said, ill of course also have a look into the game. =)

I havent managed to brick anything worthy yet - But I did finally get my first 3Ga weapon and I didnt have to roll anything… Its for my barb and had max life, max strength, and max overpower damage…

I also completed Iron Wolves and got my 2nd Resplendant Spark… With 3 weeks to go in this season I doubt Ill get to use them for anything …