Blizzard WANTS us to brick our items by tempering only to

In the end, what matters to me is how easy it is to get the gear I need. It is more difficult this season than it has been in previous ones. Maybe it is just the fact that we went from 4 to 5 affixes. I understand that drops are incomplete items but I rather have drops with 5/5 affixes like before than the current system which forces me through a process which is likely to fail. What is the added value of that? I am just the one pushing the button for the 2 last RNGs of the item.

While some affixes are quite common and “bricking” is not really an issue, other are almost impossible to find, especially on amulets. Forget about getting them from the Occultist because the weighting is so low that you will just waste your gold. I said I played 250h and I did it on a single build. I only managed to find 2 or 3 potentially good amulets. None made it through tempering. I would rather not have found them.

I played 250h in S4 and I also believe that a loot filter is needed.

Your just figuring this out now?

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I am not here to complain about tempering, but I have had a similar experience as you. I usually manage to gear up at least two characters each season. However, I find myself focusing mainly on one character because I feel burnt out by the time I have geared up my main. Even so, I have three usable 2GA items, mostly 1GA items, and no GA on the amulet.


Reward the players with better quality loot when they do game activities, better quality but unfinished. Then, make sure at least half of it fails in the finishing process so they don’t get geared up too fast.

You probably need Skill affixes on the amulet which are this season just as hard to get from drops than from the Occultist. In previous seasons, sometimes you had to spend a lot of gold but you would get them with enchanting.

Under the previous loot system, I felt I wasted a lot more time sifting a bloat of pointless affixes.
This new system is far less punishing and wasteful than the old.


Follow my lead, stop playing and vote with your wallet

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RE: the original post… AND Blizzard lost sight of the seasonal time frame of our search for gear. Only players with a lot of time or who do a lot of trading will be able to fully spec out a character in a season. No, I’m not saying it should be accessible to everyone, but it should be w/in reach for a reasonable number of players w/in the time frame of a season.

Somewhere in options is one that makes the ALT key toggle display of item names on/off. I found this was only way to see altars/pedestals when I was grinding a few alt characters through helltides.

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The amulet is a pain for sure, but I have more problems finding an upgraded piece, such as 2GA gloves. I tempered with Lucky Hit to stun, but I already have that on my boots. So, I either temper again on the gloves or use the remaining temper on my boots to roll something else. If I cannot get a new roll on boots, I have to find a new pair of boots. Oh no, I guess I am complaining about tempering after all…

What exactly do you consider “fully spec out a character in a season”?
Because as far as i’m concerned this means getting gear with the right affixes, the right aspects, the right tempers, and masterworking as high as you can feasible push before you get bored (typically 8/12).

You can do this on every class in Season within a week realistically.

You don’t have to have everything 3GA (or even 1GA) to be fully spec’d out. There’s no rationale for you having to have the best in slot gear on a character by the end of the season.

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Playing 250h on a single build I didn’t manage that this season. If you can Masterwork to 8/12, pushing to 12/12 is no big deal. Getting all the affixes right on all items, even only 1GA has not been for me. I have all 2GA gear, a 3 GA Unique chest, a Shako but have been unable to get an 5/5 affixes amulet. The couple of good candidates I managed to find didn’t make it through tempering.
I won’t complain. I have good quality gear and managed to complete the objectives I had for this season. Though I won’t say that the new loot system made it easier to gear up.

Bricking is the foundation to building new homes. Think of where your contribution is going towards


In my experience, very few tempers matter or have enough impact that its considered build enabling. That said, if its build enabling, then its not the tempering thats the issue but the build targeted, ie infinite [insert skill here] making you immortal.

If anything, I find most tempering options viable and an invitation to fiddle about with the paragon boards to achieve new synergies and thus gain a feeling of player agency. Adaptability is key.

This only works if the playerbase can have independent thoughts. Majority goes to “X” site which tells them what they need to copy “Y” “meta” build.


I the affix is not right; it is not right. Tempering is just like enchanting you use it to get a specific affix not just any affix. Otherwise, why not just pick up any 5/5 item and just live with it? No need for any tempering.

What’s that saying about every accusation being a confession?

because that way youd have no influence on it at all. hence why gearing became simpler. you can get to pick the category of the last 2 affixes, and furthermore chose a temper manual. leading to a lot more influence on your gear.

the only issue with tempering really is that people just cant get it in their head that a 3GA item means nothing. Honestly, i even assume that most of the cries come from creditcard warriors anyway.

i mean, dont get me wrong, i wouldnt mind if the items just dropped like they used to, but you know, people are crying about literally anything thats remotely rare so yea… we all know where this would go.

er… what?

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Would this really be much of a game if there was no friction to any of its systems or gameplay?

Like, normally I don’t agree with the “you all want everything handed to you” crowd but… wow.

Does it suck when an item you were looking forward to using doesn’t do well on tempering? Sure, but rather than make a wall-of-text rant of an essay about it it’s better to just move on and hope for another potential upgrade to drop.


Only half true.
They want an end to tempering, but tempering is only halfway through the journey.

Seems like the devs actually want a “one way journey”.
Tempering is the choice of the path (way), and Masterworking is the journey.

Being able to change paths halfway through the journey (or after reaching the end) to reach a new and completely different place, is perhaps too much in the eyes of the developers.

And… it makes sense, but the fact that the choice of path has the possibility of ending the journey is quite bad in my opinion.

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RNG isn’t the problem, the problem is the system is bad and does not feel good. There is a difference between friction and grinding and being given false hope. Bricking is a bad system no matter how you look at it. GAs cannot be Enchanted and already finding GAII items with the Affixes you need is hard enough as is for most players let alone GAIII is exceptionally rare.

Non-GA items it is no bid deal as you can Enchant an item so if it gets Bricked via Tempering, findind a replacement is not horrible. It gets worse as you go up and having to find duplicate items just is not fun. To add to the RNG of Tempering even producing the right 2 Tempers, they can roll with a decent range. It is incredibly rare to get the Tempers you want with high or Max Rolls and this is almost unheard of on GAIII items except with unfathomable luck. Try to replicate that for all items - you won’t (at least this year).

You have Masterworking also to add to the grind. Why have all of this RNG with a system that does not feel good? It is obvious from the amount of posts on this topic Players dislike the system.

So how to fix it? Well, the obvious and most prevalent answer is to treat it like the Enchanting system. Remove the Durability. It just becomes a matter of luck and grinding before you get the result you want (similar to Mastercrafting). Even going this route, it is highly unlikely most players will complete this for a single character (especially without RMT).

Another alternative is either Resetting Tempers, similar to how S2 could Reset Items.

Also, items can drop with 4 Affixes with the 4th Affix being a Temper and this 4th Affix cannot be a GA. Enchanting could be utilized to Enchant any Affix, including the 4th Affix. The 5th Affix can added via the Tempering system with a caveat - once a Temper has appeared, you can mark that result to not show on that item. Alternatively, you should be able to Save a Roll to go back to it. Keep the Durability system. You are still gambling, but are guaranteed to get the Temper you want, just not the value you want. This creates a safety net but still promotes grinding. Now you know GAIII items won’t straight up be bricked, but you still might need to find duplicates until you get that perfect Temper.