Blizzard showcases bugged BL Sorc and does a disservice to community. šŸ˜ 

Enjoy it while you can. AoZ & the glyph will be gone come Season 3 - hence why I plan to skip AoZ & wait for Midwinter Blight on 12/12/22 once I finish leveling up the last glyph I need to finish the Season 2 BP. Midwinter Blight provides earned content that will carry over into next season where as AoZ doesnā€™t.

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nothing compared to other builds. builds that use xfals do more. but i love my bs necro. its my only char that is ranged and i have all 5 classes to 100

By the gods I donā€™t understand this. Bliz went out of their way to give the community several really fun builds to play this season. Theyā€™ve been focusing more on after game content and working hard to ensure thereā€™s more to do through out the season.

There are hundreds of positives about this season and everyone seems intent on zeroing in on a few things they donā€™t like. DIV is a game made by humans therefore it will never be perfect to everyone.

While itā€™s important to bring up topics where bliz can improve, letā€™s not act like this game is a dumpster fire. This game was a labor of love by hundreds of devs, artists, sound, and creative designers. Itā€™s a masterpiece of talent and deserves a modicum of respect.


oh i will do midwinter blight, but i will definitely do aoz.

To you there is a difference. Again, thatā€™s my point. We are having a completely irrelevant argument over whether itā€™s a bug or not when we are using different definitions. As a developer do you know how I fix a bug? I go change some code. You know how I fix balance issues? I go change some code. Thereā€™s no difference.


I have a TWB Rogue, a BL sorc, a Pulv Druid and a HOTA barb. There is absolutely NO competition the Barb DOMINATES!!! It has so much damage that it stacks defences, as such it has been clearing T100 (with ease) since level 94. My druid struggles in early mid 90s, the other two are so squishy farm around level 80.

Mind you the barb is my latest character which I know the most about the game, maybe I am just better than when I played the last 3.

I really dont get this decision. Already nuked some of my frens enjoyment in season as they are asking whats the point if this is gone in a month. They are making AoZ semi pointless as you only get a month and its gone with no carryover to eternal. Why isnt this becoming something permanent for game in some way? Maybe it is eventually or what a waste of dev and our time and effort.

I agree the barb hits hardest, but my necro and sorc balance that with better AoE. And kill single-target well enough to keep up with barb in a high NMD. Theyā€™re all very close for different reasons.

there IS a difference tho. i dont know why you cannot comprehend that.

a bug is a problem that causes something not to function. its black and white. yes or no. work or not work. literally only 2 options. yes, or no.

if it functions, its not bugged. if it functions, it doesnt matter how slow, fast, powerful, weak, etc it functions. if it doesnt function, it is bugged.

if its too strong, or weak, etc then it needs balanced. but it still functions. hence its not bugged. it just needs balanced.

there is no ā€œup for interpretationā€ when it comes to bugs and balance. one is one thing. the other is another completely different thing. they are not the same simply because you change code for both.

does BL work the way it is intended to work??

Yes. Yes it does. it functions properly, its not bugged.

Is BL too strong?

yes. yes it is. it needs balanced

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HotA Barb might be best but how were you not clearing 100 with the Sorc o.O. You just rotate the defensive CDs to prevent large damage spikes and delete the room

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Which is why I plan to skip AoZ entirely in favor of Midwinter Blight which has earned content that will carry over to Eternal when Season 3 dropsā€¦

Iā€™m having tons of fun in Season 2 but Ball Lightning literally melting World Boss events in less than a minute is no fun at all. Itā€™s beyond OP & needs a serious nerf in favor of balance come Season 3.

I can completely comprehend that there is a difference to you. Just as I can comprehend you are not using the same definition that the industry uses. In fact, thatā€™s been my point all along.

You need to look up bug definition. It has a very sort of broad and subjective meaning. ITs not 100% cut and dried like with mathematics. Unintended functioning could be a bug. You could make the case that something operating outside the balance paramaters of what was expected could be a bug. You can also make the case its not. You can both be right here!

Havenā€™t tried the necro yet maybe S3 (or if I get bored). The difference in my characters is the tankiness, my BL Sorc is very squishy (I stupidly levelled meta to rank 3) and I am (was) finding it hard to maintain more than 5-10 balls (except during cooldown windows).

Probably a combination of player skill and gear lacking vital rollsā€¦ and of course meta being rank 3 (50 resource every 4 seconds, instead of every 2). I found the BL sorc had periods of high sustain/damage but had gaps in cooldowns.

Back on Topic
I really hope they buff different builds for S3 and nerf the current cream of the crop. Would really like to see whirlwind be king in S3ā€¦ sort of like how they cycled set power in D3.

Same and it hurting me too. Im not making a new char just to fix it. Meh!

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Yet my barb can one shot a world bossā€¦no melting required. This is the hypocrisy. Why is one considered broken and not the other? The answer lies in Barbs not being to able accept that any other class is close to them. Itā€™s the whole reason I made one just to see if they had a pointā€¦they do not.

very well said really.

I mean we can all agree that things can be improved. heck, there always will be.

i think many people here miss the point where its just ok to quit a season for a bit. I can only speak for myself here, but diablo was never a game i played non stop.

heretic :stuck_out_tongue:

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