Blizzard showcases bugged BL Sorc and does a disservice to community. 😠

Did you compare it with Fire and Frost builds? Most Sorc builds can clear T100 comfortably.

I won’t use Helltides to measure how good a build is. Most builds, if not all, can do Helltides.

Did you compare it against world bosses and boss clearing in NM 100 with Fire and Frost?

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They can all clear fine, the question is how fast. For me, at least, CB outperforms Blizzard in terms of NMD speed at 100 but I’m also more comfortable with CB.

As for World Boss… how would we even compare time here? I haven’t been alone at a World Boss let alone multiple times.

Edit: On Helltides again it is a speed farm measurement. I agree with it being more of a “who cares” but I was listing everything that person tested

Sure it is. If the game is expected to be balanced and it’s not balanced it’s bugged by definition

" A bug is an unexpected problem with software or hardware."


oh you def should play it! it needed some getting used to it for me, but now i just rush though any nmd ^^ Also quite funny to play on controller, sometimes i feel like i play hades ^^

when it pertains to something working or not working. not when it pertains to balancing stats and/or classes.

i seriously refuse to believe you think balance issues are actually bugs. there is no way you are not trolling us right now. no way.

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Well, you don’t really need time here. If you have done numerous World Bosses, you’d encounter times where there is a BL and when there is none. When BLs are present, bosses die almost instantly.

When there are no BLs, it takes longer than usual

When I bring my BL, I can guarantee you world bosses die quick with and without other BLs. But if I bring my Fire Sorc or Frost Sorcs, it takes a while when there are no BLs around.

i think the problem is they stated they did software development and probably something that has nothing to do with games. so if your developing software that opens and closes doors and the software does something other than open the door when you click open it is bugged

lot more to game development than simple things like that


As the Uber Lilith data shows, we know BL has the highest single-target DPS the question is how big is the gap and for that you’d need actual data.

Also HoTA can basically two shot WBs as well, so you don’t just need to control for BL Sorc.

In general and from my observations:
BL - Highest single
CL - Between the two
CB - Highest AoE

But what if it does open the door as stated but it takes 90 seconds. I think we can agree this is a bug. Its all subjective on how you define a bug. No need to get bogged down in bug definition.

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Yep they did. There’s a different mindset when it comes frontend and backend development. Same thing with game dev, web dev, systems dev. It’s like you all play the same game, D4, but everyone has their own specialized classes. There’s cross knowledge but the expertise varies

thats not a bug.

its working. it actually does what its supposed to do. BALANCING would be the speed at which it does what its supposed to do.

that is not a bug. its a balance issue. there is a difference.

as long as the thing does what it is designed to do, its not bugged. if its crazy strong or slow or fast or weak, its a balance problem. which is not a bug since its functioning properly.

doubt anyone will be playing it in S3, when the vamp powers that make it strong are no longer available so you whiny people can start to QQ about something else instead

it is ridiculously OP compared to a lot of other builds…i admit that but rather than yell nerf and complain, perhaps yell for buffs for those weak builds

See I think you are wrong here. A door opening in 90 seconds would be a bug. They would never intend for you to wait 90 seconds to proceed.

Or just yell “seasonal broken stuff!” and see who gets the best benefit next season :wink:

personally i cant wait for aoz because that new glyph is going to make my bonespear necro to insane damage. im excited to check it out

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I think it’s because Blizzard is expert in nerfing than buffing. They have nailed the art of nerfing than buffing. So if we are gonna be realistic you won’t ask someone something they aren’t good at.

I had made an edit before you replied, but ill re-paste it here

as long as the thing does what it is designed to do, its not bugged. if its crazy strong or slow or fast or weak, its a balance problem. which is not a bug since its functioning properly.

Have 3 different max characters in season 2 and all three are different classes and all three do the same content in about the same time and efficiency with the same survival expectations. I don’t see what is bugged. I just see people either play crap builds that don’t work or they don’t understand what they’re doing and don’t get the most out of their characters, paragon, synergies, etc. Both those breed envy and the assumption that something is broke and must be fixed/nerfed.

If you want to make experimental builds with skills that aren’t going to scale with the season’s theme or buffs, that’s fine. But you don’t also get to complain when they won’t do what other builds can.


Bonespear already does insane deeps!

I want to have fun without them constantly moving the goalposts. I applaud them leaving BL as is while the season lasts. HOTA is MILES!!! ahead of BL anyway which is what I will be progressing AoZ with. Besides I think AoZ will be used to balance for S3 - they are literally crowd sourcing testing (and charging us all for it).

What I think is the most pressing issue is the uber drop rates. I have absolutely no interesting in farming material for a less than 2% drop chance on an uber item. Blizzard thinks that early 2000 ear all day every day grind type items are fun. I don’t, I want to cumulatively work towards them over time (which is why I like NMD and why D3 had bad luck protection).