Blizzard showcases bugged BL Sorc and does a disservice to community. šŸ˜ 

im sure itll be nerfed ^^ for the time being, let them enjoy it.

i agree with you btw, i personally try to avoid the super op build too. Tho i must admit that i do play a TB rogue lately. ^^

My sorc was ice shards, i might try chain lightning next season. do you enjoy it?

Exactly. Pandering to a broken OP build is not only an embarrassment but just plain wrong on the part of Blizzard. I purposely avoided the Ball Lighting build due to how ridiculously OP it is. World Bosses melting in seconds when a Ball Lightning Sorcerer is present is not my idea of fun at all.


I really liked chain lightning myself. Its what the game should be balanced around. Good working viable builds but not completely nuts and possibly bugged / broken.

Put the cast over 100 mana crit thing aspect on amulet and u make so many crackle things for mana and summon spears. Kind of same thing I do with Ball build.


op yes. broken no.

basically they made changes to the way ball lightning, enhanced ball lightning and the enchantment worked. they did all of this without any testing whatsoever, i say that because it is pretty obvious to anyone that it is extremely overpowered and should not be quite that powerful

however they also need to work on overpower in general. its interaction with crit seems to be an office space decimal point mess up. if i overpower for 15mil dmg how come when i overpower crit it is 250mil? doesnt that math seem off?

also the condemnation and tibaults interaction which is just a straight bugged interaction.

also im sure we will find out xfals isnt supposed to be critting for 70mil dmg so infinimist necros will get nerfed as well. i mean pretty much every class has interactions that are beyond expectations id say

the balance patch prior to s3 is going to make a lot of people cry

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Just to second - CL is a very fun build. I personally prefer Charged Bolt as my Sorc build focus as it is very flashy and uses A LOT of uniques (I think I have 3 legendary aspects total)

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Twisted Blades Rogue will be the build I use come next season. I played with a Fireball Sorcerer last season & had lots of fun with it. OP builds like Ball Lighting are ruining the World Boss events.


Iā€™m having LOTS OF FUN with my Chain Lightning build. Provides tons of DPS while still providing a decent challenge in level 60+ Nightmare Dungeons. Highest Iā€™ve completed with my build is 66. Iā€™m not trying to sound ungrateful by posting here either. Season 2 has been lots of fun but at the same time Ball Lightning is ruining World Boss events by melting them in seconds.

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I still think BL is bugged with S2. I have tried other Sorc builds with Vamp powers and only BL performs at a broken level that surpasses all other builds by a wide margin. If all Sorc builds are comparable to BL with Vamp powers, then I wonā€™t say itā€™s bugged

Think of Barber. It enabled all Sorc builds. The bug or brokenness is in Barber and not in BL.

Without Vampiric powers, BL is still powerful but seems to be comparable with other Sorc builds based from my limited tests. However against bosses, it still melts way faster than other Sorc builds . Why? Is BL inherently that way strong against bosses without Vamp powers? If I think about what others have said about the bug in BL, it makes me think BL is indeed bugged regardless with and without Vamp powers. The Vamp powers though exaggerates this brokenness.

I would prefer if they demoed more builds besides BL

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it isnt bugged though because it does exactly what the tooltips say. they just didnt test it. but those stating its bugged are comparing it to previous seasons tooltips when they try to claim it is bugged.

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Whether itā€™s bugged or not depends on your definition of a bug. Mine, as a software developer, is any code that is not working as intended is a bug. So if the devs intended to make BL as strong as it is then itā€™s not bugged. Otherwise it is.


Still doesnā€™t change the fact that Ball Lightning is utterly taking all the fun out of World Boss events. World Boss events last less than a minute when a Ball Lightning Sorcerer is present on the battlefield. If thatā€™s not bugged/OP, then I donā€™t know what isā€¦

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I am playing my Tal Rasha Everything Bagel build using Chain Lightning, Flame Shield, Ice Armor, Blizzard, Meteor, and Unstable Currents and the only thing killing me is one shots from Corpsebows in NM100. NM99 is clearable with this build.

they intentionally changed bl to be exactly what it is and provided the tooltips to show it working exactly that. they did not test it and it is extremely powerful and they will balance it at the end of season. it isnt a bug, it is overperforming and needs balance

What you just described fits my definition of a bug. Obviously your definition is different. Which was the point of my comment. There is no point arguing over whether something is a bug or not if everyone is using different definitions.


so every build is bugged at all times because everything always needs balance. in every game. clear

Everything Everywhere All At Once Sorc. EEAAO Sorc! AKA Vowel Sorc!

Agree with this definition.


I think thatā€™s one of the main issues here. Everyone seems to have varying definition of what a bug is.

As a software dev myself, I agree with your definition, but as a player, I think of a bug thatā€™s too impactful and imbalance compare to the rest.

I think that goes back to varying definitions of a bug. Technically you are correct if the tooltip does state something and that something is whatā€™s happening. And going back to the software dev, a product person can ask for a feature. Devs can implement it exactly as requested. But it can still be a bug later on as testing goes by. Devs can go back to the product and say this is what you asked and we did exactly what you asked, so itā€™s not a bug.

However as a player, you see all the interaction and the overall experience is broken. As a player, I see this as a bug. As dev, this is intended feature.

Yes, being unbalanced is a bug.


A lot are performing ā€œsimilarā€

Form aYaJames testing:
NMDs: BL, CL, and CB (Charged Bolt) all have similar clear times

Helltides: speed farm: CL and CB outperform BL

Uber Lilith: BL 4 sec, CL 8 sec, CB 11 secs (these are from memory so might be a second off or so).

Iā€™ve cleared all content with Charged Bolt and BL, testing which I preferred, and CL Iā€™m sure I could as well.

Edit: Itā€™ll be interesting to see if BL can maintain a ā€œtop spotā€ to me because while it does killer single target much faster, it is a squishier build. If damage soaking gets high enough in the tiers the other Lightning builds could do better as theyā€™re more durable overall

lol what?

being imbalanced is not the same as being bugged. not at all.

in season 1, there was a BUG that allowed twisting blades to proc CDR more than it should. it was BUGGED. after they fixed it, it still procā€™ed a LOT. it was imbalanced, but it was not BUGGED after that.

imba =/= bugged. holy hell i cant believe you actually just said that it was.

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