Blizzard PLEASE add basic social features (Dungeon finder, global chat, etc) This game is SO LONELY!

If you’re going to force us to play online because you want it to be a multiplayer game at least give us the tools to be able to do it in a more modern feature set built into the game. Don’t make us do things like it’s 25 years ago…

Turn it off then. Not hard?

You still had the ability to join and create games with strangers very easily through the lobbies and game search list.

This was in games released over two decades ago.

Why does Diablo 4 lack the ability to easily group up with strangers in game?

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If they offer that option then it’s okay. But right now there doesn’t seem to be a way to get rid of the chat box or turn it off in any way.

Imagine a random dungeon finder.

Would be amazing imo, since there’s so many in the game.

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Nah… Go play wow if you want social butterflies.

You know, this came up a few times in the trials, but little attention was paid to it. But, it does seem strange to have the ability to create clans, but no way to communicate with any of them. I find this aspect very strange… and wondered how something so fundamental could have been overlooked? Perhaps they’re going to roll this out with they come out with some trading system?

Some communication from the company would be useful.

Which are not the same as LFD and Party Finder.

But I truly don’t feel like trying to explain this repeatedly.

D4 does not have a need for such MMO features.

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It definitely needs some way to allow groups of strangers to find and play together in-game, just like every other game in the series had…

Trade Chat is global. It’s not being used for anything else.

WTF are you on about?

A “social butterfly” describes someone who’s socially oriented, outgoing, and often very charismatic and charming .

What does that have to do with WoW? or this conversation?

A feature tucked away that you have to opt-in and that’s hardly being used.

A feature where you now have to spam to advertise.

Contrast that with any of the other diablo games where it was as simple as pressing “Create or Join Game” and being in group with other players in seconds.

Like I asked before, why has this game made it harder to group in-game than it’s predecessors over two decades ago?

And to an INTJ you’re an annoying pest. They won’t do global chat to prevent gold selling headaches. If that’s even possible in this.

Wut? Are you okay? For one I’m not a social butterfly so that’s a weird statement. I’m an ISTJ and to me you’re strange and I think you don’t know WTF you’re even saying…

Anyway, I still don’t see how wanting to be around socially oriented, outgoing, and often very charismatic and charming people means you should go play WoW… That’s what you said… WTF are you talking about?

Agree 100%!
We need a LFG.

You can be an “online social butterfly”. That’s what I was getting at. People who just want to make friend after friend literally make me ill. It’s just my nature as an INTJ.

For the people who are saying “No” to dungeon finder…take a step back and look how you’ve made it to the level you are. If you’ve mostly leveled by yourself, then you’re a solo player.

Did you have a pre-made guild right off the start to get you boosted to your current level? Sure, that happens. Players form guilds to do that sort of thing. But how about the people who’ve been soloing since Level 1 up to I dunno, 50’s, 60’s even 70’s that would want to participate in group activities without being part of a guild/clan. Sure, it’s self sufficient to play at your own pace. But this is a ARPG with tons of players which should include some of the basic “multiplayer” avenues.

And people here are right, how often do you even see players talk on Local or Trade…barely.

Global, Local and Trade chat should be the most common three aspects of communication where Global should be the avenue where players can actually have conversations. Sure, some of ya’s don’t want that “toxic” life of Global, but, it’s better than playing hours without someone talking in Local or Trade chat. No one is trading stuff anyway.

Dungeon Finder should be part of a future expansion but nothing this early. Dungeon crawling solo is easy, sure, again, this is a multi-player game where the only way to play with other people is to group up with them. Unlike D2R, you can just look for a lobby, join and you’re invited into a party for D-ball runs and party up with 8 people. Easy day.

In D4, when there’s a Hell Tide, everyone is just out and about as the likes of Diablo 3 in the world slaying away.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m having a blast w/ D4, Level 67 Sorc on WT3 just slicing through mobs, getting the last of my Renown areas complete before Level 70 for WT4. I haven’t needed a grp, I haven’t ask for a group for open world or dungeon, thought I would stumble upon players in the Hell Tide. Some players are just self sufficient in their own ways, they really don’t feel the “need” to group up with other players. I see more people sitting around in towns than actually out in the open world with the exception of world bosses, then maybe you see around 10-15 players, other than that, it’s a hit or miss when you’re running around Sanctuary as vast as it is.

D4 honestly feels like a offline mode than multiplayer with as much solo playing is going around.

I mean it’s still better than the nothing we have now to help willing and wanting players to have social interaction in the game.

I’ve never understood this sort of reasoning. If people want the social interaction why would they even use these “social interaction killing” tools? Don’t use the group finder tools then. Play like you would without them… If you don’t use them you’re only missing out on playing with people who you don’t want to play with anyway.

Why is this so hard for some people to figure out? LOL

The only logical reason I can come up with for being against this is having some kind of weird disdain for people who aren’t socially inclined.

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Imagine having options.