Blizzard PLEASE add basic social features (Dungeon finder, global chat, etc) This game is SO LONELY!

imma bump this up for the devs to see.

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now you get single player with all of those issues!

I would like to be able to just set my party as open to guild mates with a note indicating what I am doing so they are free to join if they wish. Maybe there could be a list of open parties in the guild window.

There’s too much friction for joining parties right now.

At the very least, give us global chat. So strange that they didn’t have this at release.

So why is it such a massive grind late game? Who but the die hard fans will bother? Whilst you’re entitled to your opinion I feel you’re greatly outnumbered and if blizzard doesn’t implement this very basic function (which was included in diablo 3, a game released more than 10yrs ago I might add) they’ll probably lose most of their audience pretty damn quickly.

I agree, anyone that disagrees whilst entitled to their opinion couldn’t be more wrong. It’s like for every 100 people supporting your thread you’ll have one that says otherwise, I have a really annoying friend who’s like that. If something is too popular, he goes against it.

This is a basic function that if not added will probably kill the game for all but a few die hard fans.

Reminds me of a song so I give you…

100% agree. Could you imagine if something like this happened at the release of WoW. “Here is this massive open world with dungeons, raids, world bosses, and pvp. But instead of adding anything more than /say as a chat function here is an MSN messenger server that you can join to do anything! Enjoy the game!”

They make open world and option to have 4 party members, yet no way to find them. Most people would not even group up for legion or world boss for bonus xp. It is very lonely and feels like 99% solo game.

I do not understand people logic against group finder. They can make a personal choice not to use it, why can’t people who would like to use it should be denied the option to? If I choose to find a group through such a future, how does it affect their game play? It is does not, they like to solo, they still can, it would change absolutely nothing in their quality of gaming. But please do not tell me i can’t have the option to easily find teammates because of their preferences.

The guild is a great future if people actually played and socialized in them. I am in a guild with 80 people, 3 of us play regularly, I have not seen 4 online at the same time since before the big nerfs came in. I never been a guild hopper, and something would tell me a lot of guilds are in the same state. I don’t use discord much as a group finder, tried some with not much luck. We should not need to go outside of the multiplayer game to try to find people to play with.
Group finder is a must if they want d4 to survive, but maybe they do not, since they already boasting about D5.
Does BG3 has an option to group up? Just asking for a friend…

The problem is that Blizzard doesn’t. Any game they put group content into they also always make it the best, or even worse only, way to gear at end game. I’d be fine with group finder as long as they didn’t make it so grouping was necessary to gear at end game. But sadly I think they would.

This is another big gripe i have with the game.

Why is it online only again? Just greed?

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You obviously didn’t play immortal. You should have zero input. Immortal is a full free game. All the way. You don’t need to buy anything unless you want to complete in ptw PVP or dance around like a Barbie cosplayer.

All the way to 60+ you have all gear, all dungeon finders, all grouping, all clan quests, all dallys , the collection book for monster types, world bosses and full access to the demon queues in a war party…

D4 is not even on par with immortal. At all. Not even close.

See, i do not understand that at all, you know they know how to add social futures to their games, also d3 has them as well. D4 is not offline, solo only game, so why can’t we have in game options to find groups. If someone does not want it, don’t use it, simple as that.

Think about it, people who are running in groups now, they do gear up better and faster than solo players. You level glyphs a lot faster, you can get legendaria much faster, exchange yellows. So, there is already advantage to group play over solo play in the game. With group finder more people would have an option to do so as well, while the ones who do not like group play don’t have to participate in it.

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I fully agree, I would even be ok with them adding these social features in phases. A Global Chat channel and a Looking for Group Chat channel would probably be the 2 easiest features to add and should be brought in ASAP. I get that a LFG tool with matchmaking would require a bit more time but at least we would have the ability to chat and find groups more easily while we wait for the group finder. It’s just odd how the devs were saying this is the most social diablo game ever but yet it feels like a single player game more than anything,

Good luck with them fixing all those things when they can’t even fix a simple thing such as easily teleporting to party members. Diablo 4 is not a party friendly game. You cant even teleport to a player via clicking their icon. You cant always teleport through their portal by the waypoint in town either as it depends on what town/waypoint you are in. You sometimes need to go to another waypoint just to get to the portal of you party members. Not party friendly at all.

need to consider lag also , let them fix issues first ,last thing we need is a matchmaking system like d3 for dungeons ontop.

I get it on paper sound good, however d3 had one thing , imagine the grinder groups like the division are only interested in certain maps, and it sucks.

Discord find people to play with the auto system i cant see being good in d4.

a lfg perhaps may be okay…again it will lead to alot of no ones playing what i want to do issues…

Online only, single player game. Why?

Sounds like someone thinks Diablo should be a mmorpg from the early 2000s.

Even if what you said was realistic, where would people find groups and then when would they have time to speak to them? This isn’t a mmo where there’s a bunch of downtime between fights where you just chat with your party. Nobody ever socializes in groups because you’re clicking and moving around the entire time not sitting there chatting.

People find groups in D4 by spamming LF WT4 NM 99 ROG in the LFG channels in discord. Then you get invited to a group and you say hi, click yes, enter the NM dungeon, and then never really speak to the group again.

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That’s the part that puzzles me. If this is suppose to be a single player game only, then why not an offline mode and why have other players in the same world to begin with? And if it’s suppose to be multiplayer/coop, why not allow LFG, an auction house and a dungeon finder? There is world bosses and legion events so clearly we were meant to play with others. I know it’s not an MMO but if you’re going to tell players that they have to play in the same world as others, why not add those features that make doing so easier? Today’s player does not like spamming chat for groups. New World learned that lesson the hard way.