Blizzard PLEASE add basic social features (Dungeon finder, global chat, etc) This game is SO LONELY!

No-thank-you to a global chat. Y’all are toxic enough on here. I don’t want it seeping into the game so I never escape the whining about how underpowered or broken you think the classes are. I like how peaceful it is in Sanctuary.

They’ll probably never add an LFG with the stigma attached to WoW’s and that it basically destroyed WoW’s social aspect.

The first end game beta I played that was invite only had world chat, and it was awesome. Be like GGG with POE and have the function and the ability to mute the channels or not for people who do or do not want. Simple as that.

Honestly the hardest part in this game has not been the bosses, but rather trying to socialize with other players.
Finding randoms to chat and play with is one thing, but I find it hard enough to keep tabs on whispers and clan chat as is. The chat fade is so relentless that I often miss when people try to talk to me. I mean it’s great for immersion, but at least give us the option to have the chat window visible at all times. Some filters on what clutters the chat wouldn’t hurt either.

One thing I notice is a lot of people using the emotes to say hi, some in-game features to find groups and friends would be amazing.

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Blizzard, please DON’T !

But add an option to never see anyone on my screen ever. I want to play in peace. WEithout some rando sorcerer ruining my experiance


Agreed! Global chat or any freaking way to group up.

Or actually have friends so you can play with them on D4.

Lore wise D1 was a three person group together, D2 story wise was one of each class together fighting back, D3 you had your follower accompany you and react to story situations.

Diablo series was never ever about “lone wanderers”

Do you guys not have phones? Surely you can just use Discord for all your socializing needs. This lets Blizzard save costs on developing basic mutliplayer features themselves. Won’t anyone think of the Devs Blizz Execs?!?!

As usual, Blizzard games have a crazy amount of potential that is often unacted upon. I agree, better social functions would be fantastic; it’s strange that they made an ‘open world’ to emphasize liveliness, but the chances of seeing a group gathering outside a dungeon is…well, hasn’t happened to me yet.

That said, while I’d like for full-priced games to be the full picture on release, that’s simply not realistic nowadays.

I’m lowering my expectations and am not optimistic, but I will still wait and hope they decide to act upon this potential…along with a dozen other things.

Big companies don’t like to add basic social features suchas world chat. They hide behind the excuse that it promotes toxicity. Its why so many games dont even have proximity chat/voice anymore lol

Mate, it’s an online game. It’s completely fine to want more social systems.

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i’ve grouped up a couple times and it was infinitely more fun. I’ve otherwise been playing solo and its so @#$%ing boring at this point like i’m not even mad the servers are down.

Because you have seen the results already. Zizaran psychoed himself into level 100 in 2 days. That should not happen. He had 3 pawns to give him all loot. Disgusting!

Why? It’s not an MMO.

Diablo 1 and 2 had lobbies, and Diablo 3 had matchmaking based on what kind of game you were looking for.

It’s hysterical how they pushed for a big open world with other players, which pushes the series far more into an MMO direction than any game prior, yet they forgot to include basic features that helped allow players to group up.

Cooperative play has been a staple of the series since it’s inception over 25 years ago, yet we have somehow regressed to the point where we need to use out of game social media to find groups.

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Party Finder no no no and NO !

  • Dungeon Matchmaking no no no and NO !

And? Those are lobbies. Not LFD or Party Finder.

There are many that aren’t happy with their attempt to make this a discount Lost Ark MMO attempt.

I don’t mind Global Chat, tho.

As long as we can select the classes we want to group with. I want the (X) No Druids option. They too hard to see around.

Except there are no ways in game to talk to people/easily form a group…? Right now it’s the world’s loneliest multiplayer game, other players may as well be bots. I’ve made countless friends I’ve met in dungeons in FFXIV or ESO or WoW who I’ve been grouped up with through matchmaking or by joining their party in LFG. There is 0 reason to not have these extremely basic and industry standard social systems.

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