Blizzard PLEASE add basic social features (Dungeon finder, global chat, etc) This game is SO LONELY!

I love D4 but right now I don’t understand whatsoever why Blizzard marketed it as if it was some big multiplayer focused game. Right now aside from occasionally seeing another random player for a few seconds out in the world (They may as well be an NPC) there is NO SOCIAL INTERACTION with Randoms. Oh and you have “Trade chat” which is just unofficial global chat honestly. You could make this a singleplayer game with optional drop in co-op and nothing would be lost. Even Diablo IMMORTAL has at least the bare basic of social features.

For the long term health of this game and to justify the “multiplayer” aspect, please add these basic and industry standard features ASAP:

  • Global Chat
  • Dungeon Matchmaking
  • Party Finder (For finding people to do world events, statue hunts, quest help, particular farms, whatever).

That’s it. Obviously more could be done but even just adding in those bare bones basic features would go a HUGE WAY towards improving this “multiplayer” game.

It’s really embarrassing that I convinced a few MMO friends to try out D4 thinking with 120 dungeons there would be at least a dungeon finder but no, right now the games a solo experience with NPC’s with player names running around.


I completely agree, this game 100% needs a dungeon group finder. I don’t want to have to coordinate with people to set up groups, I’d rather hop on and click a join button and run some


been basically playing a single player game i cant pause since the release


Yes please. It wouldn’t be such a big deal but parties are the meta for dungeons since Blizz designed them to be split up by party members. Parties can run them in a couple mins. Group meta and no group finding system. So that means it’s just catering to premade social cliques… AGAIN. Same reason I don’t play wow. That game is designed around that same catering. Though this was supposed to cater to solo players – which means no premades needed to excel at the meta.


If you haven’t realized it by now, we got duped. I mean in terms of hourly entertainment the game seemed like it could be decent for a while, but once you get to near end game and see the paragon boards… you quickly realize this was just a cashgrab.

A cashgrab like every single Activision release since SC2.
Wc3 Reforged, Sc2 Remastered, OW1.01, Immortal.
Especially after Immortal, it should’ve been clear that any project by this company is a flat out cashgrab.

They got your/my money, they used dirt cheap servers with, the teased some type of end game grind that is enjoyable but it’s literally just doing nightmare dungeons over and over that are less fun that Greater Rifts in D3.

They also essentially removed Legendary items from the game. Instead of cool effects D2 and D3 had, we get “20% more damage if you have a shield”. YAWN.

At least with D3 there’s like 5-8 builds you can feel powerful with for every class. And within those builds, you can drop and adjust a few legendary items for fun ones like 60% move buffs or perma resources or w/e. None of that in D4.

Also the monster scaling feels so awful. Like I’ve played probably 15 hours, and I can’t really remember a single moment I’ve felt ‘powerful’. I signed into play an ARPG, not a forced group left click game.



I agree with you 100%!


I hope they don’t add any of that worthless trash


Why…? If you really hate it for some reason simply don’t use it…?


give us group finder.


do you know what optional means?

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Imagine releasing an open world mmo style game with absolutely zero ways of connecting with other players.

You can preserve the single player experience while also adding basic social features that any other games (including your own) in these genres have.


I was actually hoping they’d add offline mode for this single player game so I can avoid lag spikes, rubberbanding, queue issues, etc.

But it’s 2023 I don’t know why I was so foolish.


and there are still people who defend this game like it’s their job online.


idc about dungeon finder, but no global chat is kind of ridiculous


This game won’t survive without a group finder and some form of global chat. A party board, similar to POE would be helpful.


A dungeon matchmaking system is not social. It would automatically form a party and then no one would speak to each other.


This would be fine by me. That said, they need to make dungeons 300% better before making a party system as, well, they bad.

hard agree, give global chat

At least you would still be playing with others? right now its impossible to even group up in game unless you use a 3rd party app since there’s not even a global chat.

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As opposed to right now where a vast majority of players are running around solo or in premade groups made via discord and not speaking to other players in the actual game?