Blizzard needs to stop with the nerfs

The problem is your “threshold” is at Max and you expect it to be overcomed

Now sure, that’s what the game “offers” so in a D3/Pokemon fashion “gotta catch 'em all”, but it shouldn’t be like that

The more realistic look at it would be like - if doing decently well and not playing bad and have decent but not perfect gear it should feel like normal fight progression against T35 or so, so it can be selectively slowed down against T50 so it feels like an “have to be careful and effort is required” but not entirely stopped

And then anything else above T50 is a bonus (not an expectation)

Why should there be builds that clear T100, have you thought about that one as well ?, how would a “leaderboard” look like if people can clear T100 ?, what would differ them one from another (clear speed ?, timer ?), how about make a proper game that it’s almost impossible to get to T100 and the “best of the best” get stopped at T85 or so ? :thinking:

Wouldn’t that kind of leaderboard work ?.. I mean just remember that at T50 you already have a lvl100 character so if not competing for a “leader spot” you’re practically done (in 1, 1.5, 2 months ?, whatever), and can start another character from scratch

That’s the thing, by “pretending” T100 is reachable, Blizz really does a really bad disservice to players… In general all builds should start struggling before T50 in one way or another so there’s a bit of “slowdown” at lvl100 (i.e. T50) back to normalcy of progress and respect of difficulty of progression

The “pushing above T50” is something that should be intended for those that want to compete (not for everyone), and as such shouldn’t be expected to be beaten

Think of it as a long jump competition… The measuring “tape” goes to 10 meters, but noone can jump 10 meters (if I remember correctly somewhere around 8.8m is the WR)

THAT’s how the difficulty progression should also work where DISTANCE ITSELF is the mere indicator of who did what (and how much), and sure, there could be some “roughting out” the edges in terms of gear the more you push above T50, but it should never be a thing where the smaller and less and less frequent “fine tune upgrades” are sufficient enough to make it expected to clear a T100

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Just remove that achievement if it is a problem imo.
We should not necessarily be able to to NMD100. It should just be something people could try to push toward, but maybe never reach, if they really wanted an extra challenge.

NMD100 itself is not content though. NMDs are content. There is no content difference between NMD1 and NMD100.

Nerfs and buffs are just tools. You use the best tool for the job.

So true.

There have been basically no systemic nerfs.
The defense nerfs were still targeted to specific defensive affixes that were too strong.

Should Blizzard have improved defense overall to compensate for the targeted defense nerfs? Sure, they should. And they did later on when they nerfed monster dmg.


One important aspect here is that T100 then should not be significantly more rewarding than T50. Its sole purpose should be an optional challenge.
The moment T100 is much more rewarding, imbalances are worsened, since the overpowered builds can get the rewards from those higher tiers that were only meant as a challenge mode, while most builds are left in the dust.
In turn, if the highest difficulties are much more rewarding, players push the devs to be able to do them, and we get a D3 repeat.

Great point, didn’t think about it but yes this is essential :slight_smile:

Yeah the scary thing is that these builds are probably due to bugs or broken mechanics.

Actual working as intended builds that easily do nm100 is probably a lot less.

In any case, they promised there were not going to be another nerf patch like 1.1.0, ever, and i hope they can keep their word for longer than 2 months, otherwise, the game is just about done

Nerfs generally feel bad. There are many ways to skin a cat. Ultimately it can be a direct nerf or indirext nerf, its how it is framed and portrayed.

Excellent persuasion techniques / neurolinguistic programming probably can help with expectations.

Ok, well couple of point:

  1. Only a tiny fraction of the player group is able to do T100, so it is already very rare for people to be able to do it.
  2. If you remove any “expectation” that T100 should be doable (better rewards & achievements), then sure, but you’re effectively removing part of the content of the game… All because you don’t want a tiny minority to be able to do said content?

You guys are weird.

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Why does it matter? You will be making a new character in s2. And then the season after that. The whole point of seasons is to try new settings and scenarios and not worry about players complaining about how it impacts them. As long as the changes aren’t mid season it should not matter.

They know what i think of seasons hahahaaaa.

They don’t care yet you all keep playing.

No, all so there can actually be challenges for those who want it, and not just the standard stuff that all players will faceroll through.
If Tier 100 is what is balanced for, I both challenges and rewards, it will happen, like it did in D3.

Requiring perma invulnerability is not a challenge.


Even if T100 did require permanent invul and was undoable, then maybe T90 or T80 does not. Meaning those tiers become the challenging stuff for players. That is the one (and probably only)benefit of having the scaling content.
While, if T100 is reasonably doable, that can’t happen.
So it makes more sense to balance T100 as undoable.

I am found unwanting of T100 yes. It only leads to ‘doubling’.

You keep on ignoring the fact that today, even with Barber Hearts and whatnot, it’s a minority of people that can do T100, people who are challenging themselves, exactly as you want it to be.
You keep on saying “anyone can do it”, which isn’t true. I have a rogue and a necro lvl 100 and can’t do T100 with any of them. Maybe I suck at the game, sure, but I still see people posting they did T100 as a big accomplishment and nobody is telling them “it’s super easy, I did it with one hand”.


I haven’t played season 1 in a long time, but back in July, tier 100 very much could be facerolled.

That only a small percentage might do T100 due to only a small percentage having reached lvl 100 does not make it any less facerolly at its intended lvl.

Nor does it really matter what % is facerolling it at its intended lvl.
Why not ensure that NMDs can still offer a challenge for that group too.
Nothing is lost by doing that. Quite the opposite.

I don’t know where you get your assumption from buddy. You’re assuming it’s super easy at lvl 100 but at least from my own experience it’s not.
I’m really curious about who here was able to clear T100 or if it’s all hypothetical.