Blizzard needs to stop with the nerfs

Franky I don’t understand why NMDs go so damn high anyway when Glyphs cap out at 21 (hopefully caps go up with expansions)

As for the 80-100 argument, I’m still a firm believer that the real endgame starts when you hit level cap - but the journey getting there shouldn’t necessarily be a breeze either, D3 did cheapen the experience quite a bit in that regard.

That said, the game is an unmitigated disaster of a slog even starting at 60. We need more options than just NMDs, and we desperately need World Tier 5 starting at 80 if not 75.

The journey to 100 is a hollow, unsatisfactory mess of repetition and frustration with no real payoff at the end and that’s a big part of why people are quitting in droves.

Considering the strong launch and hype behind D4 initially I’m flabbergasted that no one has been fired and made an example of yet.

Well, it’s about design.

If they didn’t want us to respec and stay with 1 class per character, they should enforce that and allow rapid leveling to 50 so we can reroll characters.

If you get to level 100, get a scroll of exp that drops you at level 45 with a set of blue gear or something.

We can buy gear from the shops so it’s not a big deal at that point.

Also the loot find needs to be fixed, if you locked into a build, you should have better intelligent gear drops, or you got a ton more junk when you are locked in.

Since you have to relevel glyphs on a new character, the only glyphs useful are for your build, so there’s literally nothing to do at level 100 once you’ve done your glyphs to 21 and found your gear to a point you are happy with.

If they want us to have post 100 end game, we need to be able to respec and have loadouts so we can level the other glyphs continue loot find. Final loot find should be level 100 gear, not level 80 for end game with probably 10x more rare drop rate than ancestrials - not as rare as primals though.

There’s a lot of design problems from the very foundation on this game that makes it very frustrating for a lot of people.

Do you mean badly thought out like “talking about how frequently CDR was being used and how it was too powerful” followed by introducing a ubiquitous seasonal heart that shot power up through the roof,

Also known as “making gameplay slower, less engaging and less active for the player in exchange for phone game style automatically casting crap and throwing balance out the window anyways” kind of poorly thought out?

Or more like “solving complaints about level scaling by making the overworld irrelevant” kind of poorly thought out? ^^;

1.1.0 was a disaster lol.

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I would bet over 90% of people that have reached level 100 havent killed Uber Lilith or completed NMD 100

I think the backlash of Patch 1.1.0 should be a clear sign that most people dont want the game to be super difficult

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Possibly. After the patch though, the forums were filled with FOMO post and people who just freakout with the word nerf.

There weren’t many post that stated that they understood why the nerfs happened, and disagreed with it on a design level. Even in this thread, very few people actually write like they understand or care about the reasons behind nerfs.

What I see mostly is people who are just afraid of nerfs.

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The reasons behind the nerfs were clear, players consumed content too fast, Blizzard needed us to consume it slower

Then they received the backlash, and started to do damage control.

Now that i gave you the reasons for the nerfs, i can tell you that it was very obviously a huge mistake, not only because making the game slower isnt going to improve it, but because people do not like when you remove power from their characters, and the nerfs were against the promise Blizzard gave of “play your way”

Its not about being afraid of nerfs, its about nerfs being bad, in so many levels, for the game, specially being new (its another thing if you have years of powercreep, then it might be more understandable, although it will receive backlash too)

good news is that this comes with season 2 so we all start fresh again anyways

however if you are playing on eternal, RIP brother

Nice attempt at drawing a conclusion from the nerfs, but your conclusion is weak. If speed of consuming content was the actual reason…

  1. They wouldn’t be in the business of creating a seasonal ARPG which is known for having content that is (relatively) quickly consumed.

  2. They wouldn’t have nerfed NMDs as hard as they did. Compared to pre-season NMDs are easier, the open world is easier (too easy imo). They’ve even started buffing exp to make it easier to get to max level.

Their reasoning, that certain stats were too powerful, just lines up better with the actual changes.

This is the same as saying people are afraid of nerfs

“Play your way” completely depends on stats, and builds being relatively balanced. Bringing the overperforming stats down in power creates a better balance, which fulfils “Play your way”. Even if we use your conclusion, that they just wanted to make the game slower, a change that brings everyone down doesn’t necessarily upset the balance.

Believing that nerfs are inherently bad is the essence of being afraid of nerfs

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I don’t think we are in a good spot today, but I don’t see how nerfing everyone would make anything better.
We are supposed to be able to do NMD100 eventually, there is an achievement for this, so if you can’t do it at lvl 100 with your character, when exactly should you be able to do it?!
Either they have content that we’re supposed to play, either we’re not.

Clearing NMD 100 today is not easy by any mean. My Bone Spear necro lvl 100 can’t do it and many many (most) players can’t do NMD 100. So because a few people with super optimized build are able to do it, your answer is just to screw with everyone else and make it absolutely impossible for the vast majority to achieve? What kind of logic is that?!

Yeah, I dont understand why people whine about nerfs. Sometimes they are necessary. If builds are broken they may need to be nerfed to balance the game. Anyone that takes a minute to actually think about it and is halfway intelligent should realize this.

I really really hope they nerf stuff… like heavily, nerf laser from space to most builds

Doing content 20+ your level from like level 30 onwards is just… dumb. It makes all overworld content useless and youre stuck in nightmare dungeons for what 50-60 levels.

Bring back overworld scaling. Decrease the damage every classes top builds do by like 50%

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On the contrary, the fact that they had the season starting was the reason why they needed to slow consumption

They knew they didnt have much content, and that people would have completed all the S1 content in a week, so they tried to artificially slow down the consumption

The NMD nerf was because of the backlash, it wasnt going to happen before

No, its no. Not liking something is not the same of being afraid of that something

No, it doesnt. If my way of playing the game is not possible, the fact that other people’s way of playing gets nerfed doesnt help me, AT ALL

My fun doesnt depend on how others play

Again, no. Believing something is bad is not being afraid, i dont know where you get this belief but its just wrong, doesnt matter how many times you repeat it

We are ot talking about specific, targeted nerfs here. Sure, those are sometimes necessary

We are talking about systemic nerfs. For example, the game didnt need the defense nerfs, at all

I actually care about my eternal characters. I put so much time into each character and want to continually progress their power. in fact, im considering skipping season 2 and farming ubers on eternal

do you know how long it took me to get my weapons and rings? they now want to nerf crit and vuln AGAIN ?

This would make me and many others quit the game for good. i dont care what other changes are implemented, If they do this we are gone and never looking back no matter what

This is very unlikely. Pre-Season, people were already struggling in NMDs even before the nerfs. To believe the dev team were looking at the numbers, and sitting around going “A very small percentage of people are able to complete high NMDs, let’s lower that percentage” is beyond crazy to me.

Sure, there have been a lot of QoL fixes that are reactions, but I highly doubt that they changed their core system in a small amount of time. Its unlikely that they can make ANY major change in such a small amount of time. In the campfire talk, they said that they already had these changes planned.

And sorry, I’m still more likely to believe the devs over some disgruntled gamer who doesn’t even understand that nerfs are a normal part of game development.

Tomato tomato. Not liking and being afraid of are nearly the same thing, 1 just hits your pride harder. They both lead to the title of this thread and many others like it. They both are sourced from the same problem of thinking nerfs are inherently bad. If I’m going to repeat something, it will be this:

Nerfs are not inherently bad

The game needs more nerfs. Way too easy tbh.

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Yes, in the campfire AFTER the backlash, but in the patch where they placed many explanation, they said nothing about it

I really cant believe you could be so naive to believe that, but to each their own. You can definitely nerf NMD difficulty in one week, the speed they made hotfix about stuf like that clearly shows it

Ehhh, no? Not even close. There are plenty of stuff i dont like but are not even close to afraid of.

Across the board nerfs, some weeks or a couple of months after release, are inherently bad

Specific, targeted nerfs, ar not

In the very patch 1.1.0, the nerfs to Bone Spear, were ok, and even on the low side. The nerfs to defense, or the nerfs to stats in weapons, or the nerf to time to leave dungeon, etc, we bad.

But all you have to do is read the patch carefully, and you wil understand what the goal was, and that the changes afterwards were a reaction to the backlash (which is good, it would have been even worse if they didnt listened to the backlash)

Barbarian struggles at torment level, I’m level 70 all decked out in legendary armor and weapons, some are unique. Yet I get one shot like I had nothing, forget about helltides. Meanwhile a Druid can plow through just wiping things out with its vines and landslide.

Only a few classes have builds that actually are way overpowered.


What are you talking about? They specifically said that they had both the stat nerfs and the dungeon nerfs planned together, and that they need to start communicating better. The only reason the hotfix came out so fast is because it was already partially done.

Also, we’re at the point where we’re both unlikely to gain anything from talking anymore. I’m just about done.