Blizzard needs to stop with the nerfs

Actually even certain “hard” CC are fairly easy to maintain a high uptime on, especially stun.

I mean hell, Rogue can literally stunlock any non-boss enemy with Twisting Blades as it can guarantee daze which then allows them to knockdown and doing so will increase Crit chance and it just makes this silly endless loop where at least 1 vs 1, they can cheese Elites without fear of reprisal. I enjoyed abusing it on my former HC Rogues but looking back yeah that probably should get nerfed (I’d like to see Rogue make much more use of Dodge frankly - as in the dodge stat not the evade command)

Sorc can also very easily spam freeze and stun, I dunno about having a separate pool for “hard” CCs (speaking of how exactly is Chill classified?)

As far as DoTs go, I do still think they deserve their own bucket - but share it with the generic and specific damage types i.e. how Rubies boost generic DoT effects vs Increased Poison or Burning DoT.

Speaking of gems those really do need a dramatic overhaul because frankly they are depressingly weak. Emeralds are kinda beef in armor for a Thorns build, but otherwise yeah they don’t impress much. The life on kill from Skulls is quite frankly, and insult to our collective intelligence.

We know they’re going to buff Overpower but I’m curious does it occupy it’s own bucket? If not it really needs to given how niche it is and keeping fingers crossed S2 massively buffs Barbarian’s OP options.

I agree, I am leveling a Fireball + Hydra sorcerer currently, she is level 95. I have 5 paragon boards to level 15 and her attack power is still 5755 or something along those lines and I notice it. I wish they would buff sorcerer more. Also I am having more resouce (mana) problems on this class than any other class despite me having an aspect for it and also some mana glyps on the paragon board.

It’s stupid that this class should take 2 shields in order to function somewhat “properly” which doesn’t give sorcerers much freedom when it comes to builds.
Sorcerers need some love, they lack behind compared to other classes.

Play Path of Exile with the rest of us

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Did that for a couple years a while back when my friends started playing it. I can’t. I tried but it just wasn’t for me.

never played the weakest class in d4 so dont know. but any changes to the game that make it less boring are welcome!

It’s bad at nm dungeon push. Trash mobs it plows through but real nm dungeon push with elite packs it struggles.

Are you serious?

The creative director should not be the math guy, math guys are usually bad at creativity. You just need to hire a math guy who can turn creativity into reality.

They probably did this, and this is why the Crit and Vuln rework are happening so fast.

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Where are you getting this information from? Youtube? Streamers? Your data is skewed and limited by Youtube/Twitch algorithms.

On the flip side, the devs have access to the raw data. Not to mention they have access to future plans for bosses.

I’m not advertising blind faith in the devs, but I doubt you have the ability to prove your claim.

Most people complaining how they want nerfs and how much it is needed.
If you don’t like the OP builds, you are FREE to play other builds. Why waiting for Blizzard to force it on you by nerfs? You are actually free to do it right now! I know that is sounds mind-blowing but it’s a fact! I will tell you why. Because other builds don’t perform as good as the meta builds. And instead of saying “buff all other builds”, you are gathered here an army of whiners how “all that is OP should be nerfed”… the amount of people with sick mentality is off the charts!


This kind of suggestion never makes sense to me because it demands players self gimp. This is not an option for anybody who only enjoys games if they know they are playing them efficiently. Which is pretty much every player.

That said, the game doesn’t need nerfs. It needs items.

It’s because those people complaining don’t want YOU to have fun. They literally want everyone to be penalized because they like hard challenging things that they wouldn’t do themselves unless they are forced to.
Hence, from their perspective, the game needs nerfs so to force everyone the pain of going through an even slower trudging game where you have absolutely 0 chance to find interesting loot, don’t feel like you progress, and don’t feel like lvl 100 serves any purpose. For them, THAT’s fun. It’s also called a fetish in some places…S something…


I am coming to the same conclusion. See, if they really wanted to play other builds and feel strong with them nerfing the current meta only, won’t change the power of non-meta builds. And therefore by playing other builds you will still be as weak as if you played them now. And my question is, why not playing them RIGHT NOW?! They are free to do so. See? They just want to ruin the whole game because they personally don’t like it. Because, honestly, if they were actually wanting other OP builds, different than the current meta, they would have wanted buffs to these builds and not nerfs to everything else as a solution.

And to those braindead people I can only say - if you don’t like the game, just move on to something else.

It’s the exact same discussions I had around in D2R where people where complaining that Enigma ruins the game for them. The logic question is: ‘then why do you want to use it if you don’t like it?’. Well it’s simply because they feel forced to use what’s the best, but they’d prefer that NOTHING was the best, so people could be ‘free’ to play between crappy builds and crappier builds.

These people simply don’t understand that removing choices actually don’t give more choices, it just makes everyone more miserable.

Same discussion about the Obese Druid: ‘Well I like it the way it is’. GREAT! I’m not asking to remove choices, I want MORE choices.

It sounds like you enjoy 1 shotting everything, ignoring mechanics, and trivializing the hardest content in the game.

Unfortunately, alot of players, as well as the devs, don’t find this to be the ideal way to play the game. All builds will move closer to the dev’s ideal power level over time. Builds that are too weak will be buffed, builds that are too strong will be nerfed.

If you don’t like where the game is going, this is honestly the best advise you can take. There are games out there where your ideal power level, the community, and the devs all align.

Might I suggest PoE? It’s pretty complex to start, but once you get over the learning curve, you get to mindlessly hold down left click and melt everything in sight.

I’m sorry but what?! Am I the only one struggling with NMD above 80 with a Bone Spear necro (supposedly one of the most “broken build”) and killing Lilith?
How is dying repeatedly ‘trivializing’ the hardest content?!

It’s like we’re living on a different planet you and I buddy. I’m pretty confident that you don’t have 80% of the players doing 100 NMD without breaking a sweat, which is what you’re trying to make it sound like.

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I guess I did make it sound simple, but it isn’t really. Not all of these things are done on the same build.

Some builds trivialize Uber Lilith, but suck in NMDs. Some builds trivialize NMDs, but aren’t great for Uber Lilith.

The point is that everyone has an idea of how far an OP build should take you, and how far being a skilled player should take you. And it seems like that guy is far from where the balance is headed right now.

Do you think the game would be good if every, like literally every build can do NMD50+ with no problem and some start struggling at T70, some at T80, and some even clear super fast T100 ?, I’d say that’s terrible gameplay

ALL builds (or at least the vast majority) should face some struggles nearing T40 so that T50 evens out (i.e. we don’t see people “wipe out screens” at lvl100, it’s just bad image) IMO

Lvl100 monsters should feel like at least some 20 seconds of a tricky fight here and there ffs, literally just makes the whole game look dumb if people can just “1 shot stuff” at lvl100

No offense the goal isn’t to make D4 into D3 where people “start struggling” post 100, but rather “Hell difficulty” (i.e. lvls 80 to 100) should be (at least decently) hard overall, i.e. T4+ content should matter and be representative of the true picture of the game’s endgame (not stuff 30-40-50 levels post 100)

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It is pathetic in modern Diablo, and A-RPGs in general, that in endgame you need to go to some small corner of the universe to find anything resembling meaningful gameplay or a challenge.
The base game, in this case the overworld (and campaign replays in endgame tbh), should be like that already.

except blizzard themselves said they want it to be useful but not mandatory. of course who knows with this team. They say one thing, and then do the complete opposite.

You know, they don’t scale rewards correctly, so there’s a problem with that as well.

There is nothing to be gained from doing anything but speed runs other than props and boasting rites.

Uber lillith is the same thing imho.

Why bother pushing if you end up making a ton less drops and glyph exp/hour?