Season 2 will have multiple live streams

From WOW head 335078

I doubt it will be a new act. Most likely it will be a deep dive into the season theme and an explanation about where these new bosses are plus the new vampiric powers.


Yep its nothing new. D3 will have streamer viewership for another week or 2 and it will fall off. D4 will see the same increase and fall off.

Personally i dont understand why people watch someone else play a game instead of playing it themselves.

Than we will get the thread posts of “look at twitch viewership” blah blah blah from fourm trolls that have nothing better to do.

Acts and new characters will come with expansions. Anyone thinking season 2 will be more content than season 1 needs to check there expectations. New season isnt an expansion.


Maybe multiple 5 minute live streams.

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With as much content as Genshin Impact adds on a monthly basis, its actually crazy that D4 would take 4 hours to livestream all the content when Hoyo only takes an hour when they add entire new continents. Does this mean that D4 is getting 4 new continents?


New end game bosses with targeted uniques sounds cool.

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But it will not be like the 30 second mf meph runs. They will likely be tucked away behind trash mobs and push people to only those 5 bosses.

I hope im wrong.

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Oh wow… Its almost like Free to Play games that are supported soley by MTX’s miraculously churn out content faster than a game that you had to pay for.

Free to Play = More frequent content sooner for more Cash from the MTX shops…

Paid Game = Potentially gets an Expansion or DLC because they don’t need to be supported by a cash shop…

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I already posted it yesterday. :point_down:

We heard you did not like running NMD over and over so we added 5 gated Bosses for you to run over and over instead.

Innnnnnovatttionnnnn (said with magic sparkles).

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You’re right! Thank goodness D4 doesn’t have a cash MTX shop, or else that comparison would be asinine.


how about some patch notes i can read in 2 minutes vs having to watch some guy on camera for 4 hours, who we all know is going to obfuscate.

They are going to nerf crit and vulnerability again and make sorc even more useless. If I get forced to play a class I don’t want to play it will legit be my first time quitting Diablo since 97.

You are missing the overall point… So just because a paid game has an MTX shop still doesn’t equate to more content faster… Free to play games are reliant on those shops for people to purchase and support the game.

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Season 2 already has more content with the powers + bosses so… it does already exceed season 1.


That’s true.

Way to look on the bright side.

I can’t wait to see everyone go ohh wow so much content but all it is , is features that should of been at release and bug fixes (again).

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gonna laugh when they reveal the vampire powers and one of them is:

“All damage done for 4 seconds is totaled releasing a blood explosion from the player for 250% damage”


It’s going to be 3 years from now and the same people will still be on here saying “Should have been in the game in the first place.”.


Probably, lol


and in thoes 3 years you still wont have the campaign done and still posting nonsense