Blizzard needs to stop with the nerfs

No they said they were making changes. Do you think they will be buffing them? Altering them some other way?

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I’m not going to speculate. When they do their live stream, then we will know. I agree that nerfing crit or ANYTHING at this juncture would be a bad move.

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Vulnerable should be nerfed. And Crit should be nerfed.
Preferably with a dmg bucket redesign alongside it.

If some classes or skills lose too much power relative to others because of it, then you buff those.


Apparently you missed patch 1.11 when they massively nerfed by far the best damage sources for every class and did absolutely nothing besides some very small additive damage boosts for certain classes. I have zero confidence in their ability to right the ship in a way that makes sense.

But what we should all really be worried about is the resist fix. I would just about buy every troll and white knight a beer if it doesn’t go pretty close to like this: armor and DR gets nerfed massively and we will then “have to” hit certain resists (pretty big number id wager) or hit a brick wall. This is what fixing resists will be, forcing you into gearing high resists.


And rightfully so.

Nor was it needed. All classes needed massive dmg nerfs at the time.
People whined that it would destroy Rogues more than other classes, but it sure didn’t.
The issues that some people had with Sorcs and Barbs were due to other changes than the general Vuln and crit nerfs.

Well, they likely do need to nerf armor if they buff resistances, to prevent survival getting too high.
Seems quite okay that players need to focus at least somewhat on resists. That is basically how all other reasonable A-RPGs out there have ever worked.

They could of course also not nerf armor, and just buff monster dmg. But that is the same result for the most part.

This I can definitely agree with.
Still, not trying is even worse than trying and failing.

Has the dev team said anything aside from the initial announcement?

Diablo 2 doesn’t have them.

I think it would be fun if it wasn’t just way more powerful than everything else. Being able to do a bunch of extra damage if you set your skills up the right way is the whole point of crafting builds. Vuln gives an extra way to do that. It needs to be brought in line with other approaches that don’t use it (so that it isn’t mandatory), but they already said that just nerfing it down to the same power as damage vs chilled wasn’t going to work.

So this is a case where they need to buff the other stats to match it, but then find some way to create different silos of stats so that vuln isn’t just additional damage on top of whatever you are doing. Same with crit. It should be strong if you are speccing for crit, but it should just be the thing every character does.

I don’t think this was why. I think they did this back in D3 when they made it possible to cube gems directly from your stash. They just made the stash and the inventory all one table.

I don’t even understand the complaint here

How does this keep people from noticing the affixes? Also, no item has hundreds of possible affixes, and they all have fewer possible affixes than the corresponding ones in PoE. Each class has access to about the same number as in D2 and that’s before considering that in D2 all the lower level versions of affixes could also drop.

The number of affixes is fine. The problem is that a few of them are way better than others and rares are far too common, so most of the loot chase is trying to perfect an item, rather than trying to find something new.

I think they will be making it so that they don’t play as nicely with the other stats, so that you have more choices available. I hope that they will find a way to do this that doesn’t also make all choices way worse than current builds.

Yes, this exactly.

I mean resists matter or they don’t. If they don’t, everyone complains that they are useless. If they do, the complaint is going to be that they are mandatory? They should be mandatory; they are in every other game like this. It would be a breath of fresh air if they made it so that you could choose between armor, resists, DR, or dodge and got benefits from deep-diving on on or two of them (for example, +% armor rewards a lot of investment in armor).

as a sorc you will have Resistances from stacking intel therefore you should be much stronger. Since they are fixing res

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Why? What is the point of this? I might agree to a tonedown of vulnerability but outright nerfing crit damage is ridiculous. They are “critical” hits, they are supposed to do big damage as you spec hard into it.

What the hell is up with this community where nerfing things is the way to go so that damage can be applied into other little buckets?

I think we should be sble to blow up bosses in one, or two shots if specced into hard enough. Remove the NM 100 cap so we can blow up fools until it just can’t be done any longer.

This is an ARPG, this is about power fantasy…big numbers and melting dots. We should be able to basically break the game. Instead of crying for nerfs to a bone spear necro for being able to blow up a world boss solo, we should ask for all classes to be able to do it.


Let’s just solve this from the root rather than argue about what should and shouldn’t be nerfed.

They need to fix their Damage Calculation. Everything else will come together once the bloated affixes are sorted into neat buckets. Then they can figure out how much contribution each damage bucket should be.

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Some of us have mentioned repeatedly to be brought up to the same power level as the two OP classes this season. But, they continually nerf us instead. If we can’t get buffed, you can get nerfed.

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for this season i have fun with 4-5 CL in one shot :smiley:

but for the future , hm , yeah we have to see
i think a third ench slot would be great , we may have not the highest numbers but alot of dmg + utility

Blizzard needs to stop with the nerfs

Opposite!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

They should nerf and balance all characters more!
You need the same story as in D3?!
Same story: sets 5.000%, 10.000% damage, stupid receipt in Cube and Altar. After 4 years game is damaged and covered by bots and Crazy Maniacs (24h players).

T100 should not be achievable by players in Ethernal by any means.

Give me one valid reason to have only 2 lines of Aspects while we have 3 lines for Potions & Inventory, aside of pure laziness.

Can also nerf crit chance, to preserve the critical hits being big when they do happen.

And it should be nerfed because it is too powerful. Too impactful.

I dont even think we should be able to blow up normal enemies in one or two shots.
Definitely not bosses.

I couldn’t possibly disagree more.
A-RPGs are about making builds, progressing the power of said builds, testing the build against the game. The moment the builds become overpowered, the whole thing becomes meaningless.

In any case, the issue with vuln and crit is more that they are too powerful compared to other build choices, more than them being too strong overall.
Then why nerf instead of buff? Because it is much easier to nerf 2 things than to buff 1000 things.

Yeah, the affix buckets is the core of the issue for sure. That is what needs to be addressed.
Vuln and crit cant be alone in their own buckets.


Well, it seems like it would take more work to have the tabs have different sizes, so I don’t know how laziness is an explanation in any case. But here are two possible reasons: performance and friction. We know that extra stuff in inventories cause an extra performance hit, so that’s kind of the obvious one.

Friction is a thing that games need in general to make the player’s decisions interesting. Having less space to store aspects means you have to make choices about which ones to keep, which means that you have to specialize a bit more and save a bit less for alts (which means there’s more to do when you make them, making it more interesting to fear them up).

Now, I think this particular friction is a bad choice because choosing which copies of the same aspect to hoard just in case you need to swap the item it’s imprinted on is not a fun decision. It would be much better to have your strongest extracted aspect go in the codex and not need storage for them at all.

It is, but in this case I think they have to buff instead of nerfing. They don’t actually need to buff 1000 things, just 6 or so (per class, though there is overlap between classes) would mean that there are meaningful choices for items and paragon because there are only 4 slots.

The reason they need to buff is that is that they need to keep overall power you get from items high enough to make it exciting to find items.

Total power from items is already on the low end at the top levels (outside of the aspects), so they don’t have room there to cut it even more. I don’t want it to turn into D3, but if there’s one big additive bucket and you get 75% of it from paragon, then the difference between all items being min rolls and all being max rolls is 12.5%. If you get offense from rings, weapon, and a few scattered other affixes, than means any one item can give at most about 3% for a perfect roll vs min roll (or 6% for a perfect item vs a completely useless item).

I don’t think it would be crazy to have items filling 60 or 75% of the bucket (or filling an entirely different bucket from paragon), so that the top end comes closer to a 10-15% boost for a very strong item vs a weak one. That’s still a far cry from 5,000% bonuses.

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They don’t need to bump crit, they’d just need to retune mob HP. Mob HP is tuned around having V/C combos on every available slot. Vulnerable doesn’t really feel good in this game. It’s like they tried to go “oh hey, Final Fantasy XV had vulnerability on enemies so why not us?” and they forgot that vulnerability wasn’t a cyclic thing in that game, it was a strategic thing where you had to do something different for each mob type such as break an apendage, strike from behind, or warp strike from a distance. Here it’s literally a cyclic event most of the time and it just sucks. Nuke it, revamp mob HP, and then C/CD don’t need to be touched again.

I can tell a lot of people haven’t played Sorc in T80+ NM Dungeons. Too many bad ideas in here.

I’ll find them myself when added to eternal realm (when i eventually get to that part). How bout dah!