Blizzard Listening to Feedback on Season of the Construct

You don’t read what you post, do You?
that is sad and laughable…
you think those are complaints…NO, MY FRIEND that’s REALITY
and Like AYN RAND SAYS: “You can ignore reality but NOT the consequences of ignoring it”
So, go out and play, enjoy… I’m not such conformist. I pay money for the game…and money does not grow in trees
times does not come back…

Hope they listen :slight_smile: They should buff the glyph reward for doing NM vaults if you keep your warding. That would keep the season theme and help out with the glyphs now that AoZ is gone.

Besides your 2 cents moral lessons, all i see is in your ‘reality’ is a list of complains.

What are yours, by the way?
No cat’s to pelt in game?

oh they heard yall. its the only thing they can properly do.

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  • Sorcerer could be in a better spot, that’s for sure. But it’s not that bad, except incinerate that should be replaced entirely
  • don’t know about zir, didn’t tried it. It was only for op build and dev said so
  • i personnaly don’t give a crap about cost of paid cosmetic, except battlepass. There are only for FOMO guys
  • don’t know what a level cap mean currently
  • new WT would be a mess, by removing build diversity a lot more. Plus it need to be included properly if we follow the current tier gameloop
  • dev said that pvp will never be balanced
  • occultist is fine for me, and a gold sink for bis tryharders, so that’s fine
  • loadouts, why not. I don’t care as i’ll only play 1 build / season
  • 30% lol, why not 100% ? In this case they should rename uber common unique
  • yeah helltides are bad
  • barbers ? don’t care at all
  • maybe for DS, don’t know

I just replied to your list but my main concern is the target farm for unique. Uber should be obtainable everywhere with a higher % (not very high but not abysmal), not just Duriel.

New affixes, good and bad, for NMD, and seasonal ones, why not.

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Listening and consideration are two very different models.

what else are they supposed to say? “we don’t listen”? “we ignore you”? “LOL”?

it’s standard corporate talk. words are worthless. actions count.
if you think that saying “we’re listening” is equal to “in two weeks everything is going to be great” you’re really naive.


I get what your saying but PVP will never be balanced and hopefully they never try. It’s fine to fix something broken but PVP is just a bit of side fun for a very small amount of peps when bored

so you find fun that a flame wall sorcerer in unkillable?

Did you forget how to read? I said if something is broken fix it. Also I don’t play D4 for PVP. Pretty sure the overwhelming majority who still play don’t give a crap about PVP. If they start trying to balance PVP it’ll have a negative impact on PvE

That means you have no idea and zero right to talk…
thanks. Next please.

I never said I don’t PVP. I said I don’t play d4 to PVP. Now your just making baseless assumptions. PVP is just a gimmick similar to d2. You just did it when bored. No real PVP player plays D4 to pvp

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You could also just let people upload their normal char to season. It’s the easiest win/win situation. For those that like to level you always have the option to create new player, and for those that hate leveling just let us upload our characters to season so we can also enjoy the new content, it’s that simple, no need to change mechanics or leveling progress. And for those that complain about leaderboards just exclude ppl that uploaded their char, those people aren’t going to care about leaderboards (I don’t think anyone but streamers actually care about leaderboards)


PVP is the true endgame my friend…

I don’t think you know what PVP is and I’m not your friend

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:rofl: Thank God you are not… I don’t have friends who hold me back with excuses…

Lmao ok. You just said a bunch of nothing but you are trying to make yourself feel good. You are the one who called me friend. I pointed out your mistake. Obviously you don’t even read your own crap

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I don’t think that’s the point. The climb should be interesting and to test the new powers and season mechanics, the problem is that it doesn’t happen. We should start with an amulet with the season aspect. to test. What am I going to do in the end game with an aspect that gives me more basic skill damage?? This only works on the way up, but it doesn’t drop on the way up. It doesn’t happen. This game needs to be reworked in its idea. Today your climb is tiring and your end game is 1000 duriel.

and you love to read crap…
cause here you are… at least thank me for The attention.