Blizzard Listening to Feedback on Season of the Construct

@Avalon Thanks for the linked post… it’s a shame Blizzard think it more important to post on other places other than their own forums. I personally do not use X or any other social media sites.


Being a casual player Season 3 seems worthless and not fun to play and I am not impressed with the robotic companion. What happened to play the game like it was meant to be played with fun and excitement and not boring and useless. You gotta pull a darn good rabbit out of your hat to fix the robotic companion like maybe make it more aggressive and tweak some of the stats to be more helpful.

They have internal testers, i know this because theyre always posting the jobs on my alumni boards.

The problem is that the testers usually are a spineless lot who are afraid to tell the devs and designers that the content sucks, so it gets pushed out.

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I didnt like mine at first. Now in torment my little dude is blowing stuff up with tempest and buffing me.

Maybe your right and I need to give the companion more time to mature

Why didnt they listen to past feedback?

We told them dungeon objectives were awfull and Druids told them useless combat companions sucked

And we got a Season theme with dungeon objectives and a useless combat companion for everyone

We wanted to kill stuff and get stronger like in Season 2… it isnt that hard to figure out

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The first thing they should do is deal with the Uber / Duriel crap again.

However, this is what we’ll most likely get, e.g., “Due to the feedback we’ve received, we’ve decreased the size of the Knight’s Penitent soldiers who idle in town. We know how they make the barbarian feel small. We’ve been listening.”

But the shop is so good, no? LOL. It’s apparent that the upper echelon of Blizzard cracks a nasty whip that only wants more money and doesn’t give a crapple about quality in game, just as long as it all looks pretty :).

I refuse to believe that anyone in the world actually tested this mechanic and found it fun.

Writing of shills, the author of that “article” has to be one. The wording in at least two of those few sentences puts a smile on your face.

Because they do not play their own game. Duh.

so ??? Not like they are doing anything better from season to season with all the “we are listening” marketing mumbo jumbo.

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Just delete mechanical pets and their governing stone abilities, then add tuning stones our 2 or 3 chosen abilities. And add some serious buffs to monsters.

They hear you but are tone deaf. And incompetent as game designers.

There is a huge difference between listening and hearing

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Season 2 was great. they did show that they were listening. Season 3 they did try some interesting stuff. i don’t think it works, though. It is boring and tedious. they did make helltides nearly always up. That is something the community has been adking for. Hopefully they learn from Season 3 and make the next one better.

I still can’t believe that there’s still people who think that Devs listen…
Devs PRETEND they listen…they are VERY good at it, but no…
if they really listen like some innocent people here say:

  • Sorcerer would have been a better class
  • Sorcerer would have 3 enchantments like the beta
  • Sorcerer skill would do decent damage, not the lowest damage of all classes
  • Incinerate would do 10x more damage to compensate all their disavantages
  • Ball Lightning would have been nerfed, BUT NOT RIDICULOUSLY NERFED, now a tier C-
  • The Sh!t show of zir would have been a a fair challenge, NOT A DISBALANCE SHOWCASSE
  • Cosmetic could be way cheaper
  • Level caps per season
  • New world tiers per season
  • PVP should have been balanced
  • The occultist would’t be such the crook it;s today
  • All characters would have LOADOUTS
  • Duriel would have a 30% chance of uber drop, not the CASINO it’s today
  • Helltides would be attractive because of uniques, boss events and exp, NOT A MAT GRIND for Living steel, Fiend Roses and Forgotten souls
  • Barbers on major cities to change hair Styles
  • Drifing shade in NMD could have been nerfed.

They Don’t listen…and they will NEVER DO…a
the only thing That MAKES them to listen, is the EMPTY SERVERS.
fortunately, S3 will be empty soon… as all players are burned out

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Any source ? No, your list of complains doesn’t proove anything. Everyone has is own which is different.

They probably listen but you’r not the main audience.

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like you…
so you don’t have the right to talk, as you are not different from us…

What ? Where did i say i’m different ?

Just pointing out that your vision isn’t everyone’s vision.

And i didn’t affirm anything. Just saying it’s a possibility. They may or may not listen. Nobody except Blizzard know.