Blizzard Listening to Feedback on Season of the Construct


How much do you get paid to shill Wowhead “articles” here every day?


I do not have any affiliation with WH I am just trying to help keep players informed. If you do not like it you can block me I can function without you. By the way the “article” had direct comments from the community manager. If you do not want to help the community just move along you will not be missed. :point_right: :door:


I can appreciate them listening, but why does it take the community playing to point out all these issues. Do they not have internal “gamers” who could see these glaring issues well before the public does? I’m quite forgiving and will probably check S4 for progress, but the apology tour is really getting old at this point.


It appears to be a case of pushing things out as fast as possible without much quality testing. :person_shrugging: Also no PTRs.


they dont play their own games, its been a while that way …


POE doesnt have Internal Gamers neither lol. Seasons/Leagues are meant to be surprises.

Mostly because the feedback they get from internal testing is not the feedback you get from players. 2 groups who are doing 2 different things.

It’ll be interesting to see what players get from their feedback. In my opinion, most of the player feedback so far is just not useful. We’ve got people asking to remove leveling and others saying to remove all of the seasonal mechanics from the season. This is just silly feedback.


100% correct it is not constructive feedback at all.

You know the answer to this, you don’t like the answer, but you know the answer.

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Thank you, it’s appreciated.


Maybe the designers just aren’t zoomers. When you see people trying to equate traps as potholes when driving a race car its telling.

I think by the time they change anything it won’t matter. People will have already quit or finished the season journey and then quit if they care about it.

The game will only pull significant players back at the start of a new season. If the season start sucks, they’ll leave and won’t come back until the next one if they come back at all.


It’s really great that @PezRadar is replying to feedback and that the team is looking into these fundamental problems with S3.

However, it begs the question: why aren’t the seasons being play tested by actual players? And if they are being play tested, why aren’t those players’ feedback being acted upon before release?

They heard you but just aren’t going to do anything about it.

“We know most everyone hates the gimmick Trap mechanic in Vaults so uh, we decided to nerf Barbarian. Also, we just broke Summon Necros and Druids even more in a Season about Pets. But uh, you are goin got Lovvve Season 4. We added 40% more Stools”.

Before S2, this was actually the solution to every issue and was a running joke.


they very likely do, but the “game director” chose to ignore it all and force his vision instead.

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probably they listen to the cries of people who cant dodge traps sigh

Blizz always says they are listening but nothing ever changes.


I hope they listen well, like they did when players said they hated dungeon rooms that throw enemies at is that don’t drop anything or grant XP or how players hated being asked to pick up statues and run them back to an alter all the time.

So they designed a season with a end-room filled with traps and rare enemies that don’t drop loot or XP and also made carrying statues around in dungeons a big part of the mechanic.

It’s frustrating seeing the team take two steps forward and then immediately take two steps back the next season.

It’s not can’t, no one is saying traps are too hard. They’re just not fun. It slows down the player. It enforces a negative feedback.