Barbs got nerfed pretty hard but I'll still be playing a barb

But gushing wounds is bugged and doesn’t do be the multiplicative damage.

I wished it did work so I can just play the good ol WW blled barb again.

Explain how Barbs are anymore tanky than other classes that:

  • Can all achieve the Armor Cap
  • Can all reach Elemental Resist Soft Cap, with some providing inherent Class bonuses to increase the cap
  • Multiple Barrier options innate to Class
  • Just as high of Max HP
  • Lots of DR sources and the same DR on Armor
  • Same if not better mobility (with exception of Necro)
  • Healing sources innate to Class
  • Access to the same Fortify mechanic

Maybe you should ask them on the Barbarian forum. :point_down:

This is a general forum. This topic falls under the general category.

They mentioned Barbarian Companions get all your stats. I would assume this means Ancients. Plus they changed Aspect of Ancestral Echoes to no longer require Call of the Ancients. Plus the aspect that increases Charge Damage after a Core Skill now applies damage buff to Charge, Leap, and Kick? So I’m thinking…

WW, Leap, Charge. Use Power Charge for fast cooldowns, use Giant Strides for fast leap cooldowns, Ancestral Charge, Ancient Echoes, and Veteran Brawler to boost both Charge and Leap damage. I’ll basically always have Ancients flying around dealing massive damage and either Charge or Leap will always be almost instantly available.

Ok but the update now lets it work on Ultimate skills so its a lot better.

And they remo ed the rlite ennemy tag.

It now works on every ennemy.

I think that fude didnt read patch notes.

You pretty much just answered your own question. Barbs have fortify which is a good defense mechanic but they also have a lot of buffs and defensive CDs. That’s why they are still tanky.

Only other class that has fortify is Druid and Bear Druid is also tanky. Rogues and Sorcerers are glass cannons that rely on mobility or barriers. Necro are not even tanky even with minions but we will see in the new patch.

If I have to explain further, you don’t even play the game let alone a Barb. Honestly it felt ridiculous I had to spell this much out for you.

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Oh this is great, it made sense to use it, but it will be fun to build and not need it. That is a W for me.

Playing a HOTA Barb this Season after seeing how powerful it was in Season 2. I always love playing a Paladin. But since there is no Paladin in Diablo 4, a HOTA Barbarian is the closest with maces. Yeah. Mine was dressed in armour to look like a Paladin.

Honestly, HOTA Barb was very powerful - maybe a bit overboard. But I will still play it in Season 4. Was thinking to create a hybrid Charge/Whirlwind/Dust Devils barb. :slight_smile:

BARBS were way overpowered. The only people upset over the patch notes are those that are afraid to lost their “I WIn” class.

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I played Barb at launch and haven’t touched it since the consistent whirlwind nerfs. I personally do not like the playstyle of the other barb builds. The other builds DID need to be reigned in. We can all agree they where over the top.

The fact that whirlwind hasn’t been re-adjusted since it was over nerfed feels absolutely bad. A staple and iconic ability/mechanic to the barb and its character fantasy should be viable. Not just for trash clearing and low tier “speed farming”. It should be viable as a bosser and higher levels of content as well.

I hold out hope that the adjustments to flat damage aspects such as Dust Devils, will bring whirl wind up a few notches, but seems grim and unlikely. Probably another season as a sorc, rogue, or maybe some necro.

I think whirlwind is going to feature in many of the best builds next season. It kinda does now but as a way to generate weapon swaps faster and burn fury. Next season is probably going to be similar but it will be spawning tornados and ancients instead.

i’ll be playing barb not in a season. if they got nerfed or not i’ll never know but if it’s not fun, I’ll know.

Have u had success running a WW / Thorns varient ? Im thinking of trying this on the next season if I play. I dont care about Meta and just want to be able to kill things and make it through the story …

We shall see if Blizzard killed builds or not. It seems like they are good at killing builds anyway. I am okay for balancing…not build killing nerfs.

A lot of Buffs and Defensive Skills?

  • Challenging Shout (if you use Shouts) ← You are almost forced to.
  • Iron Skin (only with Iron Warrior Aspect)

Those are your Defensive Skills.

There is some Passive DR that is conditional:

  • While Berserking
  • DR from Elites
  • DR from Frenzy Stacks
  • DR from Flay Stacks
  • DR while Fortified
  • DR from Shouts

Most players cannot and do not get but maybe 2 sources.

Not a ton of DR in Paragon.

Outside of temporary Seasonal elements like the Seneschal capable of generating Fortify, you have to take Numbing Wrath to really generate Fortify and keep it up all for 10% DR.

Barbarian is far from a glass cannon, but you greatly underestimate how other classes stack up.

Whirlwind Lucky Hit is extremely low so the rate and effectiveness of Ancestral Echoes remains to be seen. Tornados will likely be good but Double Swing will be better with Whirlwind still just acting as a support not a main Skill.

We’ll see. Whirlwind needs some ridiculous Weapon Tempering for it to be decent and even then its main problem is it being Channeled and not allowing you to use any Skills. Shouts, Iron Skin, CoTA, WoTB, Ground Stomp should all be allowed to be used while Channeling Whirlwind. Gohr’s should be changed to allow Weapon Mastery Skills to also be used while channeling Whirlwind and be insta-cast.

The nerfs were justified. Barbs were out of controll.

Yes, but now, the Barb is done. Meybe he comes back S5 when Blizzard say again: “Now we need first help the Barbs”