Barbs got nerfed pretty hard but I'll still be playing a barb

Just because the HoTA Charge builds not going to be the end all be all barb build, a new meta build can rise up. I don’t think it’s all gloom and doom. In endgame Barbs are still going to be realy strong.

bruh, barb it’s a broken class and people still complain lel

I agree. One of main complaints was for one shots, and trivializing boss mechanics, so it is step in good direction at least. Will this be enough, we would have to wait and see.

Having more diversity is always better, rather than feeling that you play weaker build because you like specific playstyle.

I used it once when I made my first Barb on launch but quickly changed it to bleed WW. Reason being is that enemies don’t stay alive long enough to warrant Thorns when the build gets off the ground.

That said it might be ok early game and it’s possible it is good late game when things don’t die instantly to WW. To make Thorns worth anything, the enemies have to hit you.

Most of the time you are moving too fast for them to connect with anything but AoE effects.

Test it out and see. That is my opinion.

I’m all for rebalancing, especially HOTA, but Blizzard has shown that they are not capable of rebalancing and keeping something viable at the same time.

They are only good at absolutely destroying over performers, look at what they did to WW, with it still being hopeless as a main skill.

I haven’t been phased or bothered by the nerfs to Barb for S4 in general. The exception being the blood rage nerf, which hurts all builds, making something as pitiful as WW even sadder.

Based on the patch notes, it looks like the only viable core skills for Barb will again be HOTA (ironic) and DS (but strictly only when using dust devils)

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Tibault’s + Batvasion! Only source of easy, reliable Unstoppable, really.

Barbarians were not. HoTA Overpowers were.