Baldur’s Gate 3 is amazing!

I just typed in “Baldur’s Gate 3 too much content” into Google and can’t find a SINGLE example of this. But congratulations on the creation of this wildly inventive strawman.

You can directly compare them with entertainment value.
If one is more fun than the other, it is only natural that they make the switch. Genre doesn’t matter, it is a video game that consumes time as a currency.
Do I want to spend my time on trash? or a good game?
Easy answer. Genre has nothing to do with it.

I didn’t either and I’m loving it

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It’s so amazing you feel the need to post ON ANOTHER GAME’S FORUMS about how great it is? If it were that amazing you’d either be playing or posting on the game forums discussing it. See I post a lot but it is either during sessions of playing or when at work when it’s slow and I can sneak in some posts. Because that makes sense, because I enjoy Diablo.

i hear what you’re saying - but i simply disagree - you’re basically making the assumption that people only can play 1 type of game - that my friend is what is absurd -

for example - the games im looking forward to are in no ranking:

BG3 (bought it and installed it)
remnant 2 (havent bought it, probably will)
starfield (buying an xbox just to play it)
cities skylines 2 (huge fan of paradox and this series)
atlas fallen (didnt know that existing until today, it looks amazing)
working on my jedi survivor - (great game)
still a few races here and there to finish my menus in Gran Turismo 7

what do all those games have in common? nothing but that I enjoy them - I am a gamer - Most gamers are not limited to one genre/style of games -

just sayin’

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As somebody who almost always hates turn based combat and has for years I get this. However, that changed once I played divinity original sin 2. I had a ton of fun with that game and will probably try bg3 because of it.

Bro… You’re actually upset wow.
I’ve quit 3 weeks ago and literally spend my time trashing on this game for days and you still have nearly double my posts.
Everytime I see your posts I can see that you’re fighting too. Man take a page out of your own book and just play the game that you love

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if you enjoyed diablo you’d be playing it, not entering forum threads about a game you apparently resent even reading about.

also BG3 did this thing called “swarm AI” if mobs are of the same type/class (like say 7 orcs) - they will all take their turn at the same time - thus speeding up combat immensely - i was just watching a YT on that today - first time anyone did that mechanic - very smart

“Oh well you’re praising the game and actively play it? You must REALLY HATE IT” What kind of stupid logic is that? I’ve been playing since the season started lol.

don’t worry guys - he can come in this thread and go make a sandwich while he’s waiting for all his CDs to reset for his next pack pull in his dungeon -

we get it - the forums > the game

it’s ok little white knight - I’m sure bliz has your check in the mail


better than the logic of seeing a thread for a game you hate and entering that thread to read every comment instead of playing a game you apparently enjoy.

You should check out Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus if you haven’t already. Fantastic game.

True he literally had to look at the topics, find this topic, and since he disgrees with it he obviously only entered this topic to fight about something, did so, get’s called out, fights the new challengers. Rinse repeat in any thread he wants to fight in. D4 forums must be much more fun than actual D4

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I have heard it is a real fun game by other sources/forums. Unfortunately, I spent my gaming budget on this game. Thus, my disappointment is compounded.

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See for non smooth brains, multi tasking is easy. I also play music while gaming. Posting in between dungeons and strongholds isn’t particularly demanding on a my mind. Sorry yo brain can’t handle it my dude. Just hit level 25 on my minion necro.

You do realize the argument you’re making was also used just weeks before World of Warcraft was released in Quake, Half Life and Unreal Tournament forums they were famous last words then they are famous last words now.

That would be freakin amazing.

Twitter feeds aren’t subject to google analytics, thats where the conversation is happening.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a entirely offline, single-player CRPG. It will likely consume 150-200 hours without question, but it will end. Comparing it to WoW, multi-player shooters, and a ARPG with seasonal content is absurd. Saying “Baldur’s Gate 3 is gonna be my new game going forward” is like saying that about Mass Effect. It is not something you play daily or in perpetuity after it has been completed. It’s something you return to intermittently to play again over the years.