Baldur’s Gate 3 is amazing!

Yup, I am waiting for Aug 3. I was going to do Season 1 to hold me over, get some progress and what not, but after the 18th and the Hindenburg crashing into the Titanic Patch that they released, I played an hour of it, and just don’t want to be bothered with all the malarkey. it sucks. Like jet engine powered vacuum cleaner levels of suck.

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I want to try a solo passivist run on BG3

Looks like the servers are clearing up with all of these people playing for 1 hour already quitting

Yeah, it is definitely a different style completely. I have seen a lot of people on here who like Civilization games though so I could see some people really enjoying it.

Just finished preloading Remnant 2, looking forward to that tomorrow.

ok guys - I’ve given away as much gold as I could to this idiotic community who thought i was scamming? - at any rate - off i go to BG3 and Ornias - probably grabbing Remnant 2 also - my son thinks that looks BA

Here’s to the hope someday D4 is worth logging back into someday

it damn sure isn’t today or probably in the year 2023

also sidenote - pretty funny a thread PRAISING BG3 is at the top of a D4 forums page - that speaks volumes


Yup. Just EXPOSES how lifeless and boring Blizzard games have become.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is amazing, but alot of what is going on here is in 100% bad faith. There is a clear attempt going on to use BG3 as some sort of weapon against Diablo IV, as if they are directly comparable games, when they don’t have ANYTHING in common besides the isometric viewpoint. And yes, alot of people will put down a game they had been playing alot when a new one comes out. That has been happening since the mid-80s.

If someone can spare the money for it, I’d be glad if you bought it for me as I can’t stop being poor and D4 already consumed my yearly budget for games :smiley:

Same here :slight_smile: Pokémon Yellow on the old Gameboy was :ok_hand: Will have to give it a shot, heard good things

Yeh I get it, but Larian Studios do have a good track record, not like some other company I know.

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i can’t speak for other people - but im just trying to find a better game to play while im idle at work - ( i own the company before you troll me about being a bad employee :stuck_out_tongue: ) -

I learned about BG3 even existing from these forums - and then also learned about atlas fallen - so i’m thankful for those posters giving me the 411

what’s amazing is how blizzard has released the worst patch in the history of gaming and completely turned THOUSANDS of people off on wanting to continue to play an IP that was very near and dear to a lot of us - especially older gamers who played d1/d2 -

so true. One is a bad game. The other is a good game.

very irresponsible to compare them against one another.

Is it worth it if i didnt play the first 2?

My personal hope is, that if BG3 is a huge success, that Larian will someday do a true successor to Planescape: Torment, which IMO is the best story in a turn based RPG ever done


It doesn’t matter. You should play them because they are all-time greats, but it will have almost no impact on your enjoyment of this one. That story is over.

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Unlikely. There’s a lot of game journos trashing it for having too much content. Yes, really. Peak 2023.

You should compare games that are similar. But the last two days people have been using a party-based, tabletop campaign style CRPG (Baldur’s Gate 3) and a Souls-like shoot em’ up (Remnant 2) to go to war against a loot-driven hack n’ slash ARPG. It’s absurd.

Patiently waiting for launch and then I will drop D4

I agree. when a game is good it can be compared to other good games. When a game is bad, hey, we can all just forget about it and move on to the next thing.