Baldur’s Gate 3 is amazing!

Just got early access and only a few hours in but omg this game is a thousand times better than Disappointment 4. You only have access to the first act until the game launches in like 10 days but you could easily sink a lot of time(80-100 hours) into this first act alone. The game has a million different outcomes and each time you play is different. Oh and did I mention it doesn’t require an internet connection? You can enjoy it in its entirety completely offline. No live service, no store and no shameless battle passes!

If y’all actually wana try a good game you know what to play


Yeah, it’s incredible. I bought it a couple years ago.

Can’t wait to play through the whole thing.


Thanks, I think I’ll look at it. I really enjoyed the first two games.


Glad someone is enjoying the game. I was part of Beta and It just did not do it for me.


Tell us about it!!!

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I honestly think bg3 might win goty. Really depends how good starfield is tbh.

Baldur’s gate 3 is honestly one of the best games ive played in years, and ive heard it only gets better in act 2.


Did the Oculus unique teleport you there? :smirk:


Na i was ready to set fourth into Avernus, and somehow ended up in its crappy alternate reality called diablo 4.



Def looking forward to it. Different style of games though.

Almost as if someone can play multiple games based on their mood.

I’m either starting as The Dark Urge as a Duergar Necro or a custom Dragonborn Sorcerer, not sure yet.

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Haha I’m a barb so no. I had to go there myself after blizzards patch crushed my build and my soul


My Barbarian brother - I Sir can sadly relate

my BIS 4/4 Hota Barb got obliterated

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It is legitimately hilarious!

best thing in recent memory about D4 - all the great memes about that unique


BG3 is amazing…limit to level 5 atm…itching for MORE

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rather go back and replay mass effect 1-3 then play bg3, the turn base game just turn me off. its 2023 already, even final fantasy ditch these style of game play.


anyone who is able to play now willing to let me watch a stream? i’m really curious how the combat works - im trying to make an informed decision before i fork out $$ - and then regret it - not normally into turn based games, although i have done RTS before in the past - just not my usual thing

Not enough tactical turn based games imo. I also prefer to play games that actually make you think though.

Need me Xcom 3 or FFT remake again. Tactics ogre filled that hole for abit too.

Though i will say mass effect 1-3 are some of the BEST video game stories ive ever seen lol.


Something tells me I won’t log into BG3 one day and find all my loot and skills turned to garbage for the health of the game. Looking forward to playing a magic-user and not feeling ashamed of my poor choices.


Ive had early access for a while. Looking forward to playing the completed game

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I still haven’t finished D:OS2 yet.

BG3 going to take my life away.

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