Baldur’s Gate 3 is amazing!

cool, I am happy to hear that, thanks for the input Tovek!

Well, I will give you an honest answer - it’s a mix really… it’s BG definitely and relates story-wise to BG2… but at the same time there’s a lot of Divinity in it, especially in gameplay itself…
But to me personally, I don’t mind it at all, as I loved both BG2 and Divinity OS2 so it’s kind of a win-win for me… I do understand that it might be offputting to BG2 purists though. I still think you should give it a try and not fully compare it to BG2 as it’s an evolution, and that’s a good thing.

Well if this list is what you need, then Larian delivers on all of this + more in BG3… don’t worry!

I mean… there is some goofiness there if we are to be honest… I personally do not mind it at all, it’s very subtle and enjoyable for me.

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Larian is a legendary dev. They go back a long way. That said, I wonder how you believe these two games compare to judge that BG3 is a thousand times better than D4 - they’re not even in the same genre.

Saying BG3 is better than D4 is like saying RDR2 is better than Super Mario.

It’s a masterpiece really. I didn’t think I’d ever see such an ambitious game again. If what people say about BG3 is accurate, I just might.

Games really do not need to be in the same genre to compare their quality… I mean it’s not that complicated really…

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You can still compare them by fun factor, art style, general quality, writing, etc. They are both rpgs as well.

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what didn’t you like about divinity?

Its been playtested in open beta for over 3 years…

You’re right, its not that complicated if you’ll judge a two hour action movie as being a thousand times better than a half hour crime drama show.


The game is so good, that you’re not playing it, but you are on forums here? :open_mouth: Weird

And that 20% of the game will be AWESOME! lol. It’s the 80+% that’s only been in closed beta, plus all the new classes and skills and stuff that the public hasn’t had a chance to play yet.

Just saying that people should be prepared for there to be frustrating bugs, because there always are…

BG & BG 2 did along with a lot more awards.

Yea, as a movie and a tv show are the same as comparing 2 games … good attempt to prove your point, but it’s fallible sorry.

And even in that case, you can easily find common threads to compare and all very much justifiable as they all build up the final product and quality of something (in their own genres):

  • Scenario (well or poorly written action movies or well or poorly written tv shows)
  • Acting (self-explanatory)
  • Cinematography (self-explanatory)
  • Progression / pacing in the story (self-explanatory)
  • Character arcs
  • Music
  • Costumes
  • Editing
  • Entertainment value
  • Educational value
    and so on… I studied directing, please don’t get me started on this…

Yes, there will be bugs. But the reason why they won’t be frustrating is because there will undoubtedly 100% be as quick as possible reaction of Larian studios to that. Plus the game is so big, that by the time you reach certain points in it, many thing will already be patched… so really not worried there.

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It’s called having more than one monitor

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If you didn’t do it I would have.
For example I could rate an episode of spongebob BETTER than some full blown movies out there.

Yes. Some of us are old enough to have played them in their glory days.

BG3 really is a great game. I already have 109 hours in the first act, over probably 3 or 4 characters. Can’t wait to spend another 200 hours or so playing it. D4 on the other hand… I’d be surprised if I even passed 200 hours, was in the 80s, and probably won’t put another 100 hours into the game ever again because I have no desire to play nerfed eternal or boring seasons. I wonder when I reflect on time spent in game verse enjoyment how I will summarize my time with BG3, and how I will summarize my time D4…