Back to Diablo 3 (Casual Player...)

That isn’t +8, smarty pants, that’s just 8, period.

No it doesn’t.

Lol!!! And what items are you crafting in D2???

Name the most impactful, satisfying upgrades you personally achieved in D2. I’ll be waiting.

A torch is a charm, and there are many, many other charms to get…

Go ahead and tell us about all the “item crafting” you did in D2 and all the “item upgrades” you did. I’ll be waiting.

Diablo 3 was fun for casual players (like myself) who don’t have lots of time to sit down, read lots of quest text, study stats deeply, and follow a long story. I’m a Hulk Smash kind of player. I want to get in and out quickly and have a lot of fun while I’m there.

I absolutely loved BG2. Sadly, I never played BG1.

Agreed. The SNES will give you more complex, challenging gameplay, and that’s not an exaggeration.

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but I do 100% agree with you, just poking fun at the loot in d2

It did kinda rain loot but what he didn’t mention was that you can be in Hell mode in the highest level areas for farming and somehow, some way, you will find Normal mode act 1 gear majority of the time… if it’s raining loot, I’d call that poop, not loot.

When you play multiple games even WoW stole from greater rifts by calling the Mythic dungeons +Number. You really need to reevaluate how you see games. You are actually arguing against yourself at this point. Let me just list every item ever introduced in a 20+ year old game so you can feel better about your white knighting.

Rings and amulets are the most common crafts, followed by gloves.

Tyrael might, enigma, baal runs what else is in D3 fanboi dictionary about D2?

How difficult it is to invent new BS and crap posts when you know absolutely nothing about the subject of discussion!

Duuuude it’s amazing. but I’m bias about it so, your experience may differ.

Lol!!! We can all tell you never played D2. Why do the carebears always lie about this detail? It’s okay if you’re a lazy, mindless gamer who wants to make racecar sounds and eat cheerios while your mom plays Looney Tunes on the TV for you. Just don’t pretend to be something you’re not.

I’m still waiting for you to name a single item upgrade and a single item you crafted.

Lol yeah. You see a ton of items, but in terms of actually using the items that drop… it’s actually insanely rare. Although you can target certain areas and find good stuff to trade.

My two biggest problems with the game…

  1. Class feels weak most of the played hours. You are either waiting on cooldowns or mana or both. There is nothing in between noodle damage and just melting stuff. When you have cooldowns up you melt everything. When you don’t, you tickle everything. Power curve is terrible.

  2. Loot is garbage. I am 82 and still rocking some sacred gear because the ancestral gear that has dropped for me is mostly worse. A perfect example is I got an ancestral unique the other day and I was like “yay I can replace the sacred version I have.” Nope. Every affix rolled bottom so the item was worse in every way to the sacred version I was wearing. That should never happen, but happens all the time. I don’t expect upgrades all the time but I go days and days without upgrades playing a ton of hours a day.

There is just something off about D4. I got my monies worth and still have fun in small bursts but the game lacks any dopamine hits because the loot is utter trash and the classes feel like garbage for most of the time.


I can agree with that, especially on the dopamine hit. It is a good game but it lack that something special feeling. Actually a buddy said it was a good game but lacks a soul. I think that was the best way to put it.

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I honestly thought BG2 was the greatest pure RPG of all time, since I played it. I still think it’s up there, although I’d also put The Witcher 3 in the same category. BG3 is really good too, but I haven’t played since super EA. We’ll see how it is at release. I’m a bit worried it’ll be super short though.

ARPG’s are different than RPG’s, though, and I don’t normally compare them. ARPG’s are a loot hunt that you hope has some semblance of a story, while RPG’s are a great story you hope has decent itemization, lol.

I honestly thought BG2 was the greatest pure RPG of all time, since I played it. I still think it’s up there, although I’d also put The Witcher 3 in the same category. BG3 is really good too, but I haven’t played since super EA. We’ll see how it is at release. I’m a bit worried it’ll be super short though.

ARPG’s are different than RPG’s, though, and I don’t normally compare them. ARPG’s are a loot hunt that you hope has some semblance of a story, while RPG’s are a great story you hope has decent itemization, lol.

I genuinely think it’s the lack of chase items and a true loot hunt. The uniques that actually drop are almost entirely horrible and unusable compared to legendaries, while the ones that are worth using are so rare, the one player every season who finds one just sells their account for 75K.

Still waiting for you to list the item upgrades and item crafting you did in D2.

Thats definitely part of it. I don’t even care those items exist because I know I will never get one. Even if I did get one it would be more of a “big deal” moment because its worthless by the end of the short season.

For me though there is not a true progression as ancestral gear even with the same affixes as its sacred version are often worse than sacred. I have a real hard time finding upgrades because either two+ affixes are garbage and not worth trying to reroll something or its the same affixes but lower rolls. The bottom end of an affix roll on ancestral should be top end of sacred roll at minimum. A higher tier piece should not be worse than a lower tier piece ever.

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Keep waiting for you to say something at least somewhat correct. I bet you’re a “hide in the lobby” D2 fanboy, right? Can always tell those because their hate towards D3 as it shows that they aren’t the “elitist” gamer they like to think they are. As someone who loves D2 and played it for years, it still is quite funny seeing players like yourself try to act like its somehow better than other games. It’s the ultimate game for hiding and hoping nobody will be able to tell you’re just a smack talker. I bet you really hated Grifts in D3, would put money on it. I thought so, you don’t like seeing that you’re not actually as big and bad as you thought. Got put in your place when an actual test came. Keep the comedy coming, then run back and hide in your lobby with your pretty loot.

Can we all stop throwing this “fanboy” term around?

D2 was so good for its time that it is regarded as the golden standard of the genre.

D3 was good for its time, and still fun for what it is - a fast paced arcade ARPG.

D4 is not good. It needs such major overhauling that I have my doubts if it can be fixed. The major stuff is itemization. There’s gotta be 100s of details that are so bad, I just can’t see it getting fixed up properly.

You see, I want the game to be good. But, I simply can’t sacrifice my personal integrity right now and say it’s a good game, that’s a lie.


Oh no, this tired argument again. So you’re saying all that work on previous installment and expansions is forgotten, deleted, so when they release a new game we need to wait until they remember what they already did before?

Basically(and I often get bashed for voicing this opinion), this game should have used another 6 months of testing and release for Christmas. This does not feel like a finished, polished product worth the 80 bucks price tag. They even managed to release bugs that were reported months ago, disappointing.

Yeah we can tell youre a d3 player cornball :clown_face::clown_face:

Gotta get some drooling done while your pet picks up your 65 uniques in your greater call of duty rift!

Your username must check out, because that’s the only way one might find this game intriguing.

I guess you gotta get some drooling done while riding your horse through an empty field to an empty dungeon to repetitively click your mouse 65 times to pick up all your rare items in your MMO-Diablo-ish game.

That is what you said, right?

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I think diablo 4 is alright, but to call diablo 3 a a good game, when its never once been a good game makes you an absolute clown.

5k players, 65m units sold for d3. Whats the explanation for that?