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Sounds much better than going 30+ levels without upgrades. :yawning_face:

Agree, but to tell people D3 is a loot pinata game are not being honest. D2 is as much of a loot pinata as any other game.

You keep repeating this, but it’s clearly a matter of your love for cartoonish, silly visuals and effects. D4 is objectively better in this regard.

Uhh, it takes about 40% as long to be GG geared in D3 compared to D4. No idea what you’re talking about here. I can play SSF in D3 and be entirely geared in 3 days.

This is correct. D4’s lack of social support is completely asinine.

I’ve never experienced this and never heard of it. I’m not saying it isn’t an issue, but something so limited it’s never talked about outside of your personal experience doesn’t make the combat inferior.

D3’s combat is laughably “zoomy”, like a race car simulator. You’re just bouncing between mobs one-shotting everything and getting k-pop graphics thrown at your face. It’s like playing a pinball simulator where the pinball has 5 different shrine buffs from an ARPG. The core mechanics are good, but the core mechanics are basically identical to D4. And honestly, the core combat mechanics are the only good thing about D3.

Yeah, there’s actually not enough RNG in D3. You simply know for a fact you’ll have the absolute best of everything in half a week, even starting from nothing. It’s one of the reasons D3 turns unto a ghost town 3 days after the beginning of a new season. It’s also one of the reasons D2R currently has double the playerbase compared to D3.

I mean, they’re actually identical though. The entire reason the D4 team put those systems into D4 is because they were in D3 and they have no previous ARPG development experience. Hell, they clearly don’t even play ARPGs, so they simply copied the previous title’s end game loop.

Whether you realize it or not, the only truly effective end game loops for ARPGs consist of the item hunt (which should include trading) and PVP. D3 didn’t have an end game loop, the same way D4 doesn’t have one, because they use identical end game systems.

Albeit, D4 is much more fun to simply play, but they’re still super comparable in the sense that they use the same garbage end-game systems, but you end up hitting that wall 75% of the way through D4 where D3 had a better, smoother progression.

Huh? It takes at least 5 times as long to gear a character in D2 as it does D4, and 20 times as long compared to D3. I really don’t think you played D2 at all.

What are you talking about? I can have a character completely geared with BiS in 3 days flat on D3, effortlessly, without even having to pay attention to my screen.

In D2, SSF instantly means you don’t have access to 50% of the item pool. There are SSF streamers who have been playing for decades and still haven’t completed their holy grail.

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

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im wondering why they didnt learn from d3 which there for more than 10 years. its the same company but they threw all good d3 stuff away an now we have this soulless endgame in d4. they should have go from where d3 ended. but instead it feels like these are completly other developers, bringing 0 exp of how to craft a diablo game

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it’s just pointless to argue with D3 clown fanboy. They never stop spouting nonsense. I suggest you just ignore him if they have 0 arguments they will lie.
D3 damaged franchise not only with trash gameplay but also with fanboys who can’t give anything constructive except their extra chromosome.


Dont forget the horrible weapon damage system and trying to figure out your damage output and the overly bloated affixes which is practically useless.

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The real reason these D3 carebears prefer D3 is because it’s mindless, and so simple, they don’t even have to pay attention when they play.

At first, these same posters were making threads about how difficult and complicated D4 is, lol.

I mean, you see ten times the volume of posts talking about how D4 needs improved but at least it’s better than D3. You see even more praising D2 or PoE and asking for the D4 team to learn from those two games.

D3 was an utter failure.


No, I did for years and still dabble in D2R. It does not take longer than D3. If you are racing for BiS than they are on par. If you are just looking to complete +8 than they are the same pace.

You are not completing BiS in 3 days, you are wrong. Primal Ancients rained in one season I can remember and that still did not even mean you were filling up on them on one character. Even the ladder leaders were almost never full Primals.

D2 had just as many upgrades. I would get to the point of doing +8 on my own without needing BiS. Runewords are very helpful in D2/R.

It all comes down to your goal. If you are playing to loot a chase item like a Tyraels Might as your absolute goal than yes, you will have some quality playtime. If your goal is to do the highest GR possible than yes, you might make it there quickly but leaderboards always have someone looking to replace you.

To say loot does not rain in D2 as it does in D3 is a false statement.

FFS tyrael might chase item, what a clown.
1 more in ignore list.

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Entirely wrong. You’re just making things up. Like I said, there are SSF streamers who have spent literal decades trying to complete their holy grail.

Yep, I sure am, easily, without even having to glance at the screen for huge periods. D3 was made for children.

You would do “+8” on D2… Uhh… what exactly do you mean, when you say this? :rofl:

Absolutely incorrect. You’ve never played D2, and no one believes you, lol. I don’t know why you keep making this crap up.

Go ahead an explain what you mean by this, because you’re seriously proving you have never even hit a single load screen on D2. Lol…

Why would ANYONE go back to Diablo 3 when Diablo 2 Resurected is available. :smiley:


No one that played D2 goes back to D3, hence twice the players in D2, despite being more than twice as old, lol.

Wrong, I play both. As a matter of fact, I’m playing d2r on pc and d3 on my xbox.

You keep typing, pausing, then typing again. What’s wrong, the Google source you initially read on D2 was wrong and now you’re trying to make things up?

3-4 days into a season there and I get bored.

well it’s obviosly that he heard somewhere that tyrael might is the rarest item in the game so in his mind it’s insta become “CHASE ITEM”.
+8 tf is this? He meant 8 players i believe. Imagine anyone care about 8 players in D2. I thought trade or pvp was an end game, nah sry “+8” farm.
They just never stop. Never.

It wouldn’t make sense to call an 8 player game “+8” since it’s just 8 total, not the player +8.

I’ve literally never seen anyone call anything in D2 +8, lol.

I genuinely think he thought D2 had GR’s or something else similar, lol, and now he’s frantically scouring the internet for some way to recover.

Dude’s a clown, and he’s still pausing for minutes at a time after typing out half a novel for 5 minutes.

Setting the game to the amount of players… by myself is a +8. So it seems as you all never played.

D2 rains loot as it should as an AARPG. Not just loot but items used for crafting that can fill a hole. Finding upgrades make this genre enjoyable. You are racing really against no one but yourself. You set your own goal. But when you can finish the game as a +8 and complete it have a torch, charm, enigma, etc. What else would you be racing for find a 1 of everything?

D3, get a set spam rifts. Still did not mean you will loot your BiS. Still does not mean you are winning the ladder and so on. I have played plenty but you all seem hurt to read facts.

Try Baldur’s Gate 1 enhanced edition or part 2 enhanced edition. How do people play diablo 3? I’d rather play the Super Nintendo.

D3 did improve a lot but I was never one to try to top the ladder. When they started to experiment with the season other than sets the game got better.