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How else would the release updates to the game if they did all of this? They couldn’t boast about new additions of the game if they did this lol.

Anecdotally all my friends got super bored of the game quick, they all stopped around 50. I pushed through and got a 100 out of pure masochism. Blizzard really botched this imo.

It would be somewhat less tedious if we could save loadouts. Repec-ing to try a new build is a chore.

Ladies and gentlemen the worst take of all worst takes when it come to anything Diablo. Nothing about D3 (ROS included or not) was a REAL ARPG. D3 was a soulless mindless shell of a game. It was basically nothing more than Vampire Survivors with an ARPG view. Actually check that Vampire Survivors required more thinking than D3.

-No choice you made mattered
-No upsides or downsides to anything
-No difficulty at all
-Required no thought or planning as outcome the same just smashing buttons
-Didn’t matter what skills you used everything sploded
-You could never make a mistake with your character since nothing mattered
-You never had to reroll to try something else or fix said mistakes
-You could go 0-Max with BIS gear within 3-4 days

D3 was the most hated Diablo by everyone who loved diablo since the inception of the franchise. There are many reasons for that. The theme went from dark gothic horror to looking like rainbow brite puked all over it (whimsyshire anyone?). It took the meaningful spec and gear choices away and stat choices away and forced what they thought was the best choice for you into auto assignment on level. No stat requirement for gear. No runewords which in turn no hunting for grey items to make your BIS slot for X build. No consequences for choices in spec since you just swapped meaningless runes on a skill which in turn meant no rerolling to try different things. That choice killed replay value hard. A retarded chimpanzee facerolling a controller or keyboard could easily get to max land BIS in the blink of an eye. D3 was romper room or sesame street for people who loved to be hand held with no challenge or possibility of messing up or thinking required. It was a well made game in the sense it performed well, animation worked well, the combat could be fun, but it was the most shallow imbecilic nothing burger of a game I’ve ever paid for and for a game wearing the Diablo name that made it a travesty.

You might need therapy for that angst.

100% truth right here. It took the dumbest gamers when it came to aprg’s and let them think they were good because they succeeded. And that only happened because you couldn’t fail or make a mostly permanent mistake in D3. Face it D3 was the participation trophy of arpg’s.

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Nope just bored waiting at the airport for my flight so I spoke some truth.

It’s not truth. It’s your truth. It’s fine if you don’t like Diablo 3. It’s fine that I don’t like Diablo 4. A lot of us liked 3. I hated it at launch, but they improved it over time, and now it’s a great, fun game to play.

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Bye Felicia… :wave:
20 characters

by improved they made is a thoughtless slaughter fest if that’s what you want go play Immortal or Torchlight or POE theres nothing to those games and require zero skill. Have fun.

I hated D3 at launch too. But, it really is a good ARPG these days. It is still lacking a few touches that would really make it total aces.

The problem with D4 is that it’s not only lacking tons of features from the past 2 decades, but it’s just fundamentally weak. The skills just don’t even look or behave in an exciting way. Even D3 with its flawed launch looked better with the skills.

The overall graphics thing is pure preference, but IHMO D4 is very tasteless, colorless, everything has a brown tinge. Not appealing. I’ve never experienced eye fatigue in a Diablo game before until playing 4.


It is the truth and it cannot be debated that D3 is simplistic and juvenile. In art aesthetic, in systems, in gear, in almost every measurable facet so it is THE truth. Now you’re allowed to like it. You’re allowed to prefer playing a mindless game that allows you to check your brain at the door. Hell I do it for movies all the time. I don’t mind paying for an imbecilic movie I don’t have to think about and can just laugh at. That however doesn’t make it a complex thought piece or high art. I am honest about what it is. You however and a few like you, dont like hearing your preferred game isn’t what Diablo always was and what D4 is closer to in it’s current form. There is a reason that D3 is considered the biggest failure in the franchise, the least people liked it because it was SO not what Diablo was and thankfully will be. You cannot argue that. That doesn’t mean you can’t like it, but you cannot argue the points I made. Like what you want to like, but don’t take what the majority of Diablo fans thought were massive negatives about D3 because they differed from what made Diablo actually Diablo, and try to argue they are positives. Doing so does nothing more than prove you never liked Diablo to begin with.

And you would never get me to say D4 is perfect, or doesn’t have problems, or doesn’t have a LOT that needs to be improved and built upon. It does and many of them. But it is much closer to what people liked about D2 than that dumpster fire of a game called D3.

Got news for you… D4 is well on track to take over that title, if it hasn’t already.

Again, it’s relative to you. Stop trying to speak objectively about a subjective topic.

I played D4 for about a week before uninstalling it.

I have D3 on PC, Switch, and PS4. I’ve poured hundreds of hours into it, because it is, quite simply, fun.

Diablo 4 is not. To me.

It’s not just you, or me, there’s been many people saying this now. As more people come into the post-level 50 game, they are all having lightbulb moments and realizing the same thing. If you read any D4 subreddit, there’s many people echoing the same thing as these forums. Here is a post from today about it -

I’m not sure why folks want to get extremely argumentative about it, it’s a weird denial. There’s no issue with enjoying something and recognizing its faults; but, to bash other people for saying they don’t enjoy it because of those faults is asinine.

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Really the best selling Blizzard game ever is on track to be it’s worst ever? . D3 sold 3.5 million copies. D4 sold 9.5 million copies so far. There are more people online in right D4 now than bought D3 over 10 years. Try again.

Oh did you miss the point I said D4 has it’s issues, it’s far from perfect, it needs improvement in many areas. Areas that by the way D3 never improved upon because they were so poorly designed from the ground up it could never actually do it. D4 has that chance especially when it sold almost 10 million copies now. They have incentive to keep improving it to keep people playing and by default paying.

Just like D3 I expect D4 will take some time to actually shine. Hopefully D4 will only take a few months to get into a great state. D3 took literal years to become as much fun as it is right now. Although, I’d say that D3 is honestly more fun right now than D4. It feels like a step back in far too many area’s.

Diablo 3 is de way

the cope is real

You are exercising some mental gymnastics here.

D3 released on only PC, and then released slowly to the console platforms over the next 2-3 years from release. It ended up selling 30 million copies by its 3rd year -

If you want to make it about math, then take D4s 9.5 million copies, divide by 5 because that’s how many platforms it is on, and you get 1.9 million PC copies sold. That is actually less than 3.5 million, if you are keeping track now.


I’m not going to stop because I am right about everything I said regarding D3. I said you could enjoy it more. I said enjoy what you want to enjoy. But you cannot say it’s a more complex game than D2. You cannot say it offers more choices. You cannot say there are consequences for any choice or mistake in D3. You cannot say the art style is more what diablo truly always was at it’s core. You can’t say it because I am right. That doesn’t mean you can’t find it more fun. You can like simpleton mindless entertainment, I admitted I do with movies at times, but you can’t argue its more complex or more grim dark in art style. Every negative I listed about D3 was absolutely true when it came to what the Diablo franchise was from the outset and that is a fact not an opinion. The fact that you can’t grasp that concept is frankly disturbing.

Oh well flight time for me enjoy your whimsyshire lol.