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Got to 60 with Storm Strike Druid. The game is just…boring to me.

  • Loot is awful. I rarely get an upgrade in the next difficulty. 99% of loot is just bad.

  • Mob variation is terrible.

  • Skill system is annoying. D3 did this perfectly. I hate panning and zooming around trying to rebuild a spec. It’s awful.

  • The story was pretty good, but after that…yikes!

  • Too much running around. Horses are poorly added in. I hate using them.

  • The world is…too big. While it seems like there’s lots to do, it all just sort of feels the same wherever you go. So it’s a lot of wasted space and a lot of travel time.

  • Map (visibility) completion should be shared across alts. This is just bad.

  • The skills are mostly uninteresting and less visually appealing than D3.

  • No pets to collect coins. Really, Blizzard?

  • Good graphics but ugly to look at for long stretches.

  • The Tree system for loot sucks. Too much running around collecting 10 whispers only to end up with crap. This might be the least rewarding game system I’ve ever played.

  • Paragon system is okay, but I hate trying to keep certain stats up to get a bonus only for them to get broken later on when I choose new gear. It’s all so tedious to keep up with.

  • Too much busy work managing inventory with little pay off.

EDIT A few other gripes as I think about them:

  • Stats are confusing (Close/Distant Enemy Dmg, Vulnerable, Injured, Overpower, Lucky, Critical, Slowed, etc.) I feel like I need a spreadsheet to put all this together. Not fun!

  • Crafting is crap. Too many potions with specific buffs. Similar to stats – it’s just too much to keep track of, and I don’t feel like I need it or want it.

  • The game is constantly taking you OUT of the game. D3 shined because you spent only a fraction of your time at a vendor. You got back to fighting and mopping up mobs quickly. Too much time in D4 is spent visiting the Blacksmith, Occultist, Jeweler, Stash, Wardrobe, etc. These are not fun activities.

  • Too many Side Quests with little pay off. D4 is a treadmill with a ton of busy work. And very little of it is actually fun. At its best you are grinding mobs, not feeling super powerful doing it, and all the mobs sort of look the same. This is literally Diablo 4 “at its best”. But the work required to do this with any amount of efficiency is tiresome and boring.

  • Helltides are terrible. I hate the the short clock while trying to mop up currency, find the hidden treasure chest, and get rewarded with more crap loot. Again, more work. Little pay off.

Yeah. Sorry. I liked the game at first. Now I just find it mostly boring. I played hundreds and hundreds of hours of D3 and never really got bored.


good luck.
Enjoy your loot pinata.


It’s less about the loot (though D4 loot is awful), and more about the superior gameplay in D3. It’s just snappier, more rewarding, more responsive, and scratches the ARPG itch better.


I agree with OP on most points except I hate D3 and this game has D3’s itemization. My main problem with D4 is that itemization is boring and bland. I feel like I’m not chasing any cool specific items. I feel like I’m looking for the same item with the same stats but with bigger numbers. I am trashing everything with lower item power than my current.

I also hate how quickly the inventory fills with garbage and forces me to stop the monster killing to go to town and review my trash in the hopes that one piece might be a possible upgrade if I get lucky with enchant.


Are you suggesting that D3 is a loot pinata and D4 is… what?

It’s a loot pinata. If you don’t realize that yet, then you haven’t played the game. My inventory’s 33 slots, along with the Consumables 33 slots regularly fills to the max with 99% garbage that is taxing to process.


D4 is not on the level of D3 yet.
But yeah it’s a loot pinata too


If you say so but
D3 is a loot pinata because you would already have the best items in game for your character as opposed to the junk you are currently wearing and can’t find upgrades for in D4


Personally I just re-installed D2:LOD and am currently trying the community made mod “Project Diablo 2”. Feels terrific so far!


You are right, D3 is far superior as it stands in every respect. If you had asked me a year ago if Blizz could make a game that is a worse iteration of Diablo than 3, I’d have said “no way”. Yet, here we are.

If you are referring to the loot shower, then as I already said mate, you haven’t played the game enough if you don’t realize it is the same loot shower (but worse).

D4 does good at: being a sleep aid. D4 is really good at putting its users into a coma.

Oh, it’s also really good at generating forum posts.


imagine playing what is virtually a singleplayer game and then being upset when you get rewarded for completing activities.

you act like getting loot from an ARPG is a bad thing.

if they were still coming out with new content and releasing new things … i would play D3 in a heartbeat over this crapshow

I am playing D3 right now, and it just does “fun” so much better. Sorry. I really, really tried with D4. I enjoyed the campaign story, but after that, oof. It just sucks. The loot is so glaringly awful, but so too is the gameplay. It’s just so dull and repetitive. The mobs are boring. The fights are boring. I never really feel strong like I do in D3, and at least with D3 I have like over a dozen difficulty levels I can quickly jump in and out of. The pacing is all wrong in D4.


Amazing how you can get D4 that has just released and compare it to a 14 year old game that has 1 1/2 expansions and had major changes made to it

lmfao. That is hilarious.


Amazing that a game that just released that is supposed to be the successor of a 14 year old, decently bad game, is actually even worse, and nothing for sure is guaranteeing that it will ever get good either.


i have sorc lvl 100 and rogue lvl 94. So idk isn’t that enough? Btw devs mentioned that they adjust smart loot to less numbers than D3 so technically it’s not the same.

I don’t find D4 being worse than D3 cuz imho there is no way to make game worse than D3.

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And yet, here we basically are.


this so much, yes there is a lack of “holding” power when it comes to season but when a new season dropped I always got so hyped. the game is just fun and i know it seems like many players on this forum HATE fun

but that’s what D3 had was fun gameplay. Fun skills that made you feel powerful, the ability to try different skills and builds without punishment and even quick alt grinding if you wanted to change classes.

and honestly i don’t see why this is such a horrible thing


exact same thing was said about D3 on release

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Yeah, and it never got good either, so if that’s what we’re looking up to, then it’s not looking great IMO, and D3 never really got better than D2 either.

Not only that, but if we are comparing how much a newly released game sucks to how much a game sucked when it came out 14 years ago, then damn, that means the current game must really suck some real donkey *****.

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Well if you are just a D2 fanboi that only cares about the Diablo black market there isn’t anything to say
we already know from other D2 fan bois that there is no other game other than D2 no matter what