Back to Diablo 3 (Casual Player...)

Amazing how you think a dev with 25 years and now 5 titles in the space should start below square one with a flagship title launch.


I played 1 and 2. They were good, but D3 was just more fun. Sorry.

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The real question is why are you replying to someone that you claimed you were done with, just to tell them they are being put on an ignore list, way to show how you are done with me by not being done with me

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I agree with you. I really enjoyed D2 especially, and while I respect the groundwork it laid out for the genre… I find D3 to just be a better game.

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I think for me D3 hits all the right “arcade-style” buttons. It’s just a smash fest, and for me, that’s perfect. It’s fine if you like 1, 2 and 4. Diablo 2 came really close to being perfect for me, but in terms of replay value, D3 does everything right for me. I can quickly glance at items and know what’s better. I don’t spend lots of time outside the combat studying and comparing items, sorting inventory and panning around a deep skill system. All of it is sort of fast food mode for me in D3, and it’s perfect. The game is really fun, and I can pick it up and put it down very easily. D4 is the opposite in many of the ways that I enjoyed the previous game. But I’m also getting older and less patient with things, so that’s probably part of my problem. Ha!


Yeah, it’s a trainwreck after the campaign. I don’t think they can fix this mess. Prove me wrong Blizz! I have no hope, because there are really dumb design decisions. I don’t trust their designers.

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No offense to the current blizz staff, but I don’t think they have the talent to fix this mess. That, or, the talent is stifled by middle managers and can’t fix it. The talent is using blizz as a stepping stone into a better company.


Dunno about Diablo 3 i am personally will try Remnant from the ashes now before Remnant 2 just looked at gameplay and thought why should i play in Diablo 4 if i can play Remnant 2?

D3 Reaper of Souls was a REAL arpg. D4 is just “World of Diablo-Craft”. My quotes for irony.

Wow is their best selling game, so they kept thinking about how to make another WoW, so they said since Diablo was second favorite series, they should just make a new WoW out of Diablo, instead of making it like the other 3 Diablo+expansions were like.


D3 is trash, too. Diablo as a franchise is over.


Totally agree :smiley: 20 chars

I agree with many of your points, but D3’s skill system is the worst I’ve ever seen in any game. Only the 25 people who enjoyed D3 think its skill system is fine.

Hard disagree.

This is a horrid idea. I don’t want all of that silly, cartoony bologna in a gothic ARPG.

Hard disagree. D3’s bright colors complete with unicorns and rainbows is the real eye-sore.

The paragon system is the best part about the game.

D3 was completely unplayable for years after release. I’m not defending D4’s unfinished state at release. Using us as beta testers when the game is supposed to be finished is unacceptable, but D3 is a horrid example of anything in the ARPG genre. It’s closer to a race car simulator than an actual ARPG.

Many of the things you listed are legit problems, but D3 was probably the worst game ever created at release and even now, it’s so simple and easy, you can play it while watching TV and not looking at your monitor for at least 5 minutes at a time.

D4 is already better than D3 by miles, and it’s still horrible in some ways, like itemization and end game.

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Not an airport no reason to tell a group of people that dont care your leaving.

No it isn’t. It’s just the highest grossing for the PC because of the monthly subscription. Diablo, as a franchise, is their highest selling franchise by a huge amount.

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My games are packed all day long itll be fine.

D3 is superior as an ARPG to D4 in many ways. Graphically speaking, of course this is subjective to an extent, but I much prefer the sharper, crisper, colors of D3 to D4. D4 has an unsaturated, bland, dull color palette - which is befitting of the game, since the game itself is bland and dull.

Instead of going back to D3 though, I’m taking the plunge and trying out Lost Epoch based on recommendations from people here and the positive steam reviews.

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What ways?

Lol, you’re one of very few. Even the hordes of negative reviews online praise the game’s color palette and overall aesthetic. D3 looked like a cartoon made for children.

As opposed to playing 4 hours and getting completely geared in D3? Sooooo fun! D4 suffers from bad itemization and that creates an utter lack of an end game loop, but the entire reason D3 only had players for 3 days at a time at the beginning of a season was because the end game loop was a boring repeat of getting gear that makes you better at getting gear. There was no trading or PVP, so essentially, nothing to do.

There are at least ten times the volume of people who purchased D4 currently playing, compared to that of D3. D3 had lost 99% of its playerbase like 1 week after release. And it’s hilarious to hear the 25 people who kept mindlessly playing, saying it’s better than literally any game in existence. The rest of the world massively disagrees and I’m glad Blizzard made D4 unique rather than copy/pasting from a game 99% of the playerbase abhores.


Hes really hurt about d4 so hes in every post saying the same things over and over again best to ignore

In what ways is D3 superior right now?

  • superior skills for toons visually, aurally, and impact wise
  • superior itemization - yes you are GG geared quickly; but really, you are GG geared in this game too quickly. At least in D3 though, there is build diversity through its itemization
  • superior social networks - proper chats, clans, match-making, and in-game communities
  • overall superior control - D4’s code has weird bugs that introduce input delay and keys not responding (???); therefore the combat feels smoother in D3
  • existence of crafting, ability to practically enchant items, systems that remove some of the pain of bad RNG (like the cube)
  • somehow, a better gameplay loop - the rift/GR is far superior to this MMO Helltide / Nightmare Dungeon thing - I’m not saying rift/GR is the pinnacle of ARPG design, just saying it’s better than what D4 offers
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D2 is a loot pinata because scaling is a nonissue. I was upgrading an item or two nearly every Bael run I did.