Ashava Trophy not showing up?

Also missing mine, definitely killed it a bunch of times though, multiple characters too.

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Same issue here. Killed Ashava during the Early Access and Open Beta. Only got the Beta Wolf Pack and the Titles.

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Same problem…killed ashava but didnt get trophy

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I have the same problem I got everything except the Ashava trophy, is there any solution for this?

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Same here. Got everything but the trophy, even though I killed the boss twice.

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Please submit Customer Support tickets and the CS team can check.

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Keeping it alive… This just leads me back to the forums

As an in-game issue, attempting to submit a ticket loops us back to the forum as a bug report or feedback. What category should we try to submit to be able to actually file a ticket? (account, payment, technical?)

I’m also having this same issue, can’t submit a ticket for it just says go to forums and post about it. My Character’s Name was JohnGoodman killed Ashava on Beta slam at level 20.

I submitted a ticket and they basically told me to screw off.

I submitted a ticket, got referred to go to the bug forum and i find this thread where theyre asking you to submit a ticket. I 100% beat it with a pair of my friends, i was playing necro one friend was rogue (i think) and the other sorcerer. Ill just add into the lot and reopen my case linking to thia thread.

I defeated him also. I actually killed him on the veryl last spawn of the server slam weekend… i barely made it before it started… kinda bs… no trophy for me???

still no trophy, keeping this thread alive until trophy is received. I wonder if it has anything to to with me uninstalling the beta before release?

It navigates back to forum, although I have created one under different category (account)

Game: Diablo IV
Topic: Not listed here
Description: No Ashava trophy for in-game achievement. More details here: Ashava Trophy not showing up? - #27 by PezRadar
Estimated response time: 24 hours
Ticket ID: US92196***

We’ve checked a few reports of this coming in and want to remind everyone that you must have killed Ashava during Server Slam at level 20. Killing Ashava during the March betas does not grant this trophy.

Being below 20 during the May test and killing Ashava does not grant the trophy. Killing Ashava in March at any level including 20+ does not grant the trophy.

This was a trophy exclusive to Level 20 kills of Ashava during the May Server Slam

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Well, In the morning I leveled my rogue to 20 lvl. (server slam)

In the evening I had a LAN party in my home with 2 friends (we played different game). At midnight, 15 mins before Ashava spawn I switch to Diablo 4 server slam.

They saw me killing it with 20 lvl (I had the 20 lvl before). For some reason I don’t have the trophy.

I believe the issue is with teleporting to the city before the boss spawn - I did it few times.

I had the Early Victory feat unlocked on my lvl 20 necro during the slam… not sure why it’s gone, now. All I have is the wolf pack and the titles.

Well i killed her at lvl 20 with my necro on her last spawn and didnt get the trophy.
Even got the titles and the dog backpack but didnt got the trophy.

Did you check the stable? Should be in the tab at the stables.

that’s not what you guys said before
you guys deleted a comment you made that said everyone that meets the requirements from the previous betas would also be eligible for the trophy

"If you previously earned any of the below rewards from the Early Access and Open Beta weekends, you DO NOT need to earn them again.

Initial Casualty Title: earned by reaching Kyovashad with one character.
Early Voyager Title: earned by reaching Level 20 on one character.
Beta Wolf Pack Cosmetic Item: earned by reaching Level 20 on one character.
Cry of Ashava Mount Trophy: earned by defeating Ashava with one Level 20 character."

you guys went and edited the last part out like 2 days later with the original blue post still being on community sites like wowhead at that point causing many players to be misled