As this forum dies no its not players being more positive, they just all left

How did I contradict myself? Diablo 4 didn’t release on Steam; there’s just a work around you can do to force Steam to load Diablo 4 if you want to play on the Steam Deck.

He’s a ragebait troll.

God here we go again 7 million characters created!!! Go away troll HOLY SMOKES!

That isn’t 7 million unique accounts created 1 character. Hell on 4 of my accounts alone I made 9 mules and 1 main for the season just to be ready for the inevitable stash is full need to unload on a character point. So thats 40 total characters created for the season from 1 PERSON. You are delirious AF

Its data you claiming it is bad is your opinion.

There’s that troll coming out, the data isn’t bad that is your opinion. Go read a book and learn something please for the love of god.

And here is where your reading comprehension goes out the window I replyed to the guy saying the stats were from steam deck and consoles only and that the game wasnt on steam. Seriously gonna block you now you are completely ignorant.

The devs don’t decide when a major game is released, the Activision executives do. It has nothing to do with the devs (they’re still incompetent, but releasing it too early wasn’t their choice), and everything to do with trying to push it out before the msft merger so the executives can get their bonuses and incentives for a successful game launch.

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Maybe the lag will get better.

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The game isn’t on Steam. Go to the Steam store and search Diablo 4 yourself if you don’t believe me; it’s not there.

People playing on Steam Deck are just installing onto the proprietary Steam Deck OS, which isn’t actually supported and is clunky as hell. Still, those people get picked up by steams metrics and Steam ends up getting Diablo 4 stats.

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I didn’t say it was on steam maybe you exiled lazyloaf & singularity (probably all the same person) can get together and figure out what I said because I cant say it clear enough ill break it down in you said I said maybe you can get it then.

You said: That source uses steam stats to compile data and Diablo 4 didn’t release on steam. Those numbers are basically just console players and everyone who’s playing on the Steam Deck; or they’re just completely made up.

I said: Wasn’t released on steam but you can play it using the steam deck and they cant get stats this way…how many times you going to contradict yourself?

Clearly saying the game wasnt released on steam yet you still come back with a response.

You said: The game isn’t on Steam. Go to the Steam store and search Diablo 4 yourself if you don’t believe me; it’s not there.

Like what? Are you that dense or something.

Funny. The people you mentioned are also on my /ignore list. They are part of the dirty dozen that constantly troll on here. They say whatever to get a reply. They flip-flop constantly.

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So how am I contradicting myself? The game isn’t on steam, and you agree it’s not on steam. So I’m correct and the Steam Stats numbers you’re using to make your point are just nonsense.

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I’m done with you I just cant no more you are such a troll welcome to the ignore list.

  • combat is bad. Uninspired use of d3 engine with darker coat of paint.

  • hit boxes are broken, aligns with point 1

  • resistances are broken, see point 1

  • affixes are shallow because the skill tree has no variety. Each class has maybe 2 bikes that doesn’t share the majority of skills. See point 1.

  • combat is slow.

  • the open world is pointless, there is zero reason to be there.

  • horse, LOL!

  • there is no meaningful loot. No grind, no chase.

  • uniques are not impactful. Who cares about Uber uniques when endgame content is irrelevant. There is no reason to “do endgame content faster” it doesn’t drop anything.

  • legendaries are the illusion of loot. Aspects should be in the skill tree.

  • no trading, no point in levelling past level 55. 820 Item level drops, and see previous points about endgame.

  • season is boring. No purpose, hearts are more of the same. You are BiS by level 60.


I’m enjoying it. D3 combat was pretty good.

That’s true of part of the negativity, but not for all of it - the toxic negativity that has been rampant and clearly combative for the sake of it. There is also such a thing as toxic positivity, so I’m not picking sides here.

But I will wager that the most toxic of them, who went silent and left, had no intention to stay anyways, so it doesn’t say anything either way. You can’t give up on something you were never supporting in the first place.

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lol, the haters really are losing it. Posting stats you don’t understand and blocking anyone who explains them to you.

Ah well, good luck with your losing battle against a popular game you don’t like.


That’s cool, I really liked Marvel heroes.

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So what does what you typed have to do with the comment you quoted? Is that your explanation for the person I was talking to?

Yep! Plenty of people have similar positions on the game, so it’s faster to type “game sux”

No reason to type it all out every 5 mins. Just doing them a favour and answering your question in case they are busy.

They said the game is a scam and a chore.

You didn’t address those points.

What you did would be the equivalent of me commenting on a random post of yours saying
“Mayonnaise gives me hives”

Make it make sense

to be fair, repeating content could be very fun

i never felt bored when i was repeatedly grinding the same boss over and over on monster hunter series

its all about the game flow, they slowed down everything just to make you play longer, instead of making the game interesting to make it addicting

its such a trash take from the devs

The points I listed are prime examples of a “chore” in the context of gaming.

Perhaps you are seeking to be obtuse on purpose? If the points I listed are the state of the game, and you play the game it would feel like a chore, as not having the above listed issues would make the game more fun.

How much more disingenuous could you be?

Regarding the scam? I have no argument there. Blizzard can release the game how they like. In this case, poorly.