As this forum dies no its not players being more positive, they just all left

No not an oasis. More like a mirage. It looks pretty until you actually get there and realize it’s just an empty desert

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I was waiting on this response

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Just to clarify, because I keep seeing this thrown around on the forums…it was 7 million characters created. Not players, there is a very large difference. Not saying this number is small or large, but for the sake of using this information in a debate the difference should be noted.

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Says the troll that thinks 7million characters created in season 1 means it was a success. The game is so good that you cant put it down right??? That’s why you are here right? No clearly you are here because the game is trash and you arn’t playing it. Go ahead give your excuses and blah blah blah about nothing while I continue to report you and it will catch up to you eventually. Then everyone will finally have a few days without you.

You are such a troll

While this is true, what’s the max amount of characters per account? 10? That’s 700k players minimum.

Wasn’t ten characters for me. Guarantee it wasn’t for thousands of others.

Realistically probably 2-3 million players. Not bad.

Right. I myself have 5 seasonal characters for instance. That’s why I’m not arguing whether it’s a large or small number. Just pointing out what the information means.

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This game’s haters really are petty and desperate, lol. This game has basically dominated and destroyed them mentally.


Some of them are down bad. It’s driving them crazy.

I can see both sides to be honest. I can see why people enjoy the game. On the other hand I can almost understand the hate on the forums. Almost. I felt a bit deflated at the start for various reasons (I play a barb lul, combat bugs, stash being very small, etc.), but when I talk about things it’s because I do want the game to perform well. I want D4 to be around for a very long time. There’s just a big difference between screaming at a wall and pointing out flaws. I think the latter is important to do as a consumer especially in this industry, because developers may be able to turn our notes into something tangible in the game.

Here’s a detailed table of the Diablo 4 Monthly player count and the Daily player count

Month Average Monthly Players Monthly Gain / Loss Monthly Gain / Loss % Average Daily Players
Last 30 Days 6,002,992 -122,510 -2 400,199.00
July 30, 2023 6,125,502 -624,612 -9 1,020,917.00
June 30, 2023 6,750,114 6,750,114 100 1,125,019.00

Yep clearly looks like the game is dying but sure keep your blinders on @Exiled @Hedorah


Keep in mind this is also across all platforms but continue to be ignorant white knights.

Edit: Also you say o there are 2-3 million people playing and making characters in Season 1 but in fact that is untrue there is only like 1-1.5 million people playing after release of the game that sold 9-10million copies. That’s a HUGE loss in players in 2months, and of the ones that stayed around 11% have already just stopped playing all together.


This is the distinction that a lot of people aren’t getting.

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Bad data is bad data. 3rd party sites have no connection into blizzards database. This is no different than compairing twitch views.


That source uses steam stats to compile data and Diablo 4 didn’t release on steam. Those numbers are basically just console players and everyone who’s playing on the Steam Deck; or they’re just completely made up.

Obviously most people are playing on, and Blizzard hasn’t released player counts for that.

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Based on how crazy some of them sound I’m pretty sure they weren’t doing too good mentally well before this game dropped.

Nope. Bans were handed out. No chance the same 20 people just stopped posting at the same time. Good riddance.

Many of us are having a blast in game. I’m playing an Earth Werebear and it’s very fun. It’s nice to see conversations about stuff in game instead of the usual whine/troll/rage fest by the same 20 people that attracts others to act the same way.

The game definitely needs some work and I’m looking forward to those changes. More XP will be very nice. That and I need an easier way to get malig hearts.

No one is being banned, this game and every branch of it from the forums to their twitter account is asleep at the wheel.

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Here comes another white knight of the forums. If blizzard gave the data themselves you still wouldn’t believe it. There is no way anyone can appease you guys even with facts data and proof. Ill continue to make sure everyone knows the truth.

Wasn’t released on steam but you can play it using the steam deck and they cant get stats this way…how many times you going to contradict yourself? Also even if those numbers were “console” players only then that is a huge drop of the casual player base that they aimed for this game.

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all rpgs have repeatable content. Diablo 4 is the only one that becomes boring 15 minutes in.


I agree that there is much room for improvement.

Yes because you have bad data that makes me a “white knight”

Blizzard did provide us some data 7.1 million characters have been created.

Bad data are not facts. Its just bad data for the point you are trying to prove.

That your data is bad an unofficial?

So these numbers only represent steam deck. You just said your data was bad.