As this forum dies no its not players being more positive, they just all left

Even in prime time, there is 1-2 people in the bigger cities, 10-30k people watching on twitch, no people inside the PvP zones.
We are 9 days into season 1?.
Game feels dead, unfinished and boring.

NONE of what you listed off in my mind constitutes a chore.

Nice attempt at a backpeddle tbough.

Tasks and gameplay you don’t like, you don’t count as chores to you? In the context of gameplay, tasks are completed. If you don’t enjoy them, they are chores.

Nice attempt at back peddling though. Again, disingenuous.

(You aren’t good at this)

God, these guys make it easy, haha.

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Ok fair enough. I’ll concede that. Lol…

Agreed. I’m basically to the point that I don’t even care anymore. They won’t fix this game anytime soon and PoE will suffice until PoE 2 drops late next year.

It’s not wrong for one to admire preperation.

It’s all good, I didn’t need to argue for someone else anyway. Haha.

My fault for not just letting it be:)

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Hey it’s all good! Don’t mind a good discussion or I wouldn’t be here.

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I said that during the Beta before the YouTubers even came out. This game has been bad 3 months before Day 1 and it didn’t get any better on release.

I don’t think the game is that bad. But I do think there is room for improvement.

In this topic: While not bnet metrics, we pretend like 1.12Million players isn’t a large enough sample size to gauge the very obvious decline in activity lol.

There’s a reason why Blizz won’t release current #’s and skews the data with positives lol (“7mil seasonal characters made”!).

Good. We don’t need the negativity around here.

Said the Whitest of Knights.

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At this point I dont know which is worse, the 1,345,986 useless item affixes or everything exploding in an F’ng nuclear mushroom when you kill it.

Like how could you possibly make an dungeon crawler based on itemization that doesnt actually drop anything people want worse? Make everything blow up in an huge circle when they kill it.

Again, Diablo 4, The world’s largest walking/salvage simulator, brought to you by Blizzard and DEI, enjoy

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I’m not sure if that’s a compliment but thank you

The problem I have is that the unhinged rants about the game being “dog$%!^” and “objectively garbage” through and through are in no way indicative of a majority sentiment or objective reality, no matter how many posts that little cadre of dudes makes. It’s a small number of people losing their minds, while most people have cooler heads and a little patience. I’m definitely pulling the stat out of my rear, but I think it’s safe to say that 99%+ of the millions of players don’t even go to the forums, much less contribute to them. We ALL want the game to be better and know it has some serious issues, but YES, that does mean different things to different people, all operating on different timelines with their expectations.

Also, very few are actual bootlickers in any real sense of the word, though even I have noticed a couple :smirk: . Approach matters, and the team ignores most of the crazies. It’s not a mass exodus. Most of my friends list is still on regularly two months later. The people leaving are mostly the guys who play new games 8+ hours a day, “flavor of the month” style until they exhaust everything the game has to offer, get understandably bored and move on, especially if they only play one or two classes (very few on my friends list like this because I’m a social adult with an occupation). They usually come back when new systems come online due to a major patch or expansion. We also lose the occasional casual dad that wants a maxed char in a month when he can only play an hour a day, but that’s a matter of delusional expectations and still a small population, so what can you do? It’s all just the nature of the beast. :slight_smile: :v:


The average gamer plays the new shiny, gets bored and moves on. Really, it’s not that many games that boast a massive player retention, especially not games like Diablo 4, whose endgame is obviously not aimed at the average casual, what with the slow 50-100 leveling curve and the repetitive game loop (which, frankly, is par for the course for a Diablo game).
Diablo 4 is definitely NOT an MMO, it’s a game that could’ve been a single player with multiplayer attached, it doesn’t sport a myriad endgame activities, reputations to grind, factions to whatever… it’s just what Diablo has always been: a game about killing hordes of baddies in order to become stronger and beat even more baddies.
People WILL get bored and WILL stop playing, it’s the nature of the beast.
Later on, some of them will maybe come back to play the new season, to level up a different class or just 'cause they feel like beating something up.
Most, probably, won’t, as the game, to a majority of people, ends as soon as the main story does, but really… the game’s been out for two months. The game sold about 9-10 million copies.
Most just finished the game and just moved on.

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The forums will just be Exiled and Singularity and the other few white knights having a moment of reckoning when there’s no one left criticizing the game because we all gave up and left after better titles worth our time and money released. It’ll start with Aug 3 with Baldur’s Gate 3, then Starfield and then whatever comes after. A lot of us just don’t have anything worth playing right now so we get our $70+ worth making sure Blizz understands we aren’t happy with being swindled and they need to make drastic improvements if they want anyone back.

White knights hurt the game, and ironically that’s all that’ll remain. Maybe Blizz will be okay retaining 4% of their playerbase and just put DIV on life support since they already got our money.

Dude, really. It’s not like this place is a treasure trove of constructive criticism that the devs should take to heart. Furthermore, most people can’t even agree on what’s wrong with the game.
At the moment, the boards look like they’re hosting the finals for the 2023 edition of the Karen’s World Championships, and I say this as someone who just took a break from the game and that’s strongly critical of at least the last patch.
But the negativity here? Totally out of proportion.


Those numbers are not console players. How would some random site get such numbers?
Most likely they are just made up, that is what is usually the case with such sites.

Which is not to say player counts have not decreased. Heck, player counts have likely decreased significantly more than what those numbers were claiming.

Eh, that site is not claiming to have a 1.12 million player sample size.
If they were showing a sample, which they are not, their claim would be that it was a 6.75 million sample.

Their claim that there has been a 9% decline in players is also ridiculous. Even without any data, logic dictates that the decline has been way way more than 9%

If Diablo 4 had only lost 9% (or 2%) players in 30 days, it would be the most absurdly high retention rate ever seen. Surely you don’t believe that.

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Sure place the blame for your misery on everyone else.