As this forum dies no its not players being more positive, they just all left

By negativity, you mean feedback that the dev team has acknowledged but for some reason you refuse to lol.

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I never said I was mad.

You’re just the worst kind of hypocrite and one of those dismissive children you so proudly proclaimed you were better than. It’s not a matter of being mad, it’s a matter of knowing you’re just full of it.

The cerebral cortex doesn’t finish forming till around 25. There is a reason that children cannot legally make their own decisions where there are life changing consequences. They simply lack the mental capacity.

Post as many useful ideas as possible so the AI they use can pickup the ideas. You know the Devs stopped trying ages ago. If you want to force them to change something keep doing things like voicing complaints so it tanks the stock value of Blizzard until it is fixed.

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How is that any different than being called a troll or a hater because of your criticism of the game? It goes both ways you know.

if you feel you got your monies worth, youre use to being scammed. You kind of players are why the quality of triple A games industry is going down.

The process isnt to make a good game, its to make an alright game that you can market to sell skins that take tops 1 day to build.

Whales, and people who are content with mediocrity are why games are not good. Diablo 4 included.

The bar has been set so low that a 5/10 game gets called a masterpiece.

Take this for example. Right now Battlefield 2042 is at an average of 8,237.6 players and a peak of 15,261.
Where as Battlebit is a 14.99 game with roblox graphics with a pop of 27,134, and an average of 45,902.
The disparity is because the roblox lite game runs, and plays better than a billion dollar game from this same company we’re talking about right now.

Take note devs. Make a good game and people will pay for it and play forever. Make a trash “live service” game and your numbers will drop significantly.


That would mean trolls ended up fixing the game so thanks for that acknowledgment at least. Thank a fellow troll for their contributions in speeding up a patch.

You don’t know me then because I’ve given plenty of feedback. Try again.

then quit talking and move on. Youre providing nothing in this thread except “enjoy my game because i do, if you dont like it youre wrong”

Quit talking.


No I mean like

“Lol fire the devs”
“Lol PoE killed d4”
“This game is utter trash”

And vulgarities that would get me banned


We dont need you either, white knighting donkey.


Man I guess all we have left are the bottom of the barrel trolls that are too corny to get banned

Ironically I have not spent a dime in the store. So you think the art is mediocre and you expect better free skins? I have to say I think both my rogue and my necro look pretty awesome for not buying any skins.

You aren’t making any sense.

Edit: Also, did you just compare Roblox to Battlefield? lol

According to OP the negative players left but they apparently came back just for you. Interesting.


I just hope the people defending forum get paid. Blizzard is too cheap to buy this publicity.

If that’s what you interpret it as then you have confirmation bias

I tend to bring out the best in people

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Got me to bring out my coffee and watch so thanks for that

This guys such a troll its sad.

Oh, so this isn’t their fifth iteration of Diablo? Silly me, I should’ve known this indie dev with only 10 employees couldn’t possibly have known better.

Oh wait, this is their fifth iteration, Blizzard is a multi-billion dollar company with god knows how many employees, and they definitely had the knowledge to be able to predict half of the problems the game currently has.

Leave it to Blizzard to make a Diablo game that isn’t sure if it wants to be an MMO, a cash-grab mobile game, or an ARPG.