As this forum dies no its not players being more positive, they just all left

I think the fact that they aren’t indie is why the game fell a bit short. :slight_smile: Otherwise they would have just listed on Steam as EA 2 years ago and it would have been much worse. But they still have shareholders holding them accountable to deadlines and they ran out of time.

What cash grab mobile game like features does D4 have? These no pay 2 win

This really isn’t. It’s a general discussion forum. If you are seeking validation from other unhappy people that’s fine but you aren’t standing in the line for the complaints desk, you are just standing in the middle of the store and ranting to other customers.


Guy A says it’s a scam
This dude says, um why?
And you call him a troll?

Explain to us, what makes him a troll, and what part of his question in particular you have an issue with.

You summed it up better than I ever could

we get it, zoomers need instant gratification.
no they are still here, just thinking of more stuff to make us “subscribe and like”

Blizzard customer service tends to direct people to forums to complain for some reason even though they know nobody will listen there either. It’s like telling someone to go scream in the wind.

A store full of complainers asking for the manager.

Carful using the K word. Apparently it will get you a forum suspension now. Ask me how I know :stuck_out_tongue:

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People mistakenly think that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. So they start trying to forum war, and beat down the opposing viewpoints. Naturally if they can shout the loudest, the devs have to listen. It hilarious watching people try.

When really, there are a million ways to get aggregate opinions, and random biased forum posts aren’t a significant one.

It doesn’t matter what your viewpoint is. You are biased, AND from a narrow demographic, aka people weird enough to post on the official forums.

Possible sexist comment used to silence women that speak their mind. I don’t think people here were using it like that but even if a few people misuse it they ruin it for the rest of us.


Not all mobile games are pay to win. You can’t tell me you don’t see the low effort cosmetics we’ve gotten with the equally low effort battlepass. You also can’t tell me you don’t see how these uber uniques aren’t exactly like a mobile game with their extremely low drop rate so as to incentivise the player to just keep at it.

Honestly a forced vacation from this cesspool may not actually be all that bad, but I changed it nonetheless. Thx for headsup.

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But “White Knight” Is ok to silence men that like a game? That’s sexist.


Ok I can see this. And I have voiced my disapproval of the low drop rate. There’s no reason that they should be that low when a season, for example, lasts 3 months.

Wait for patch release and forum will suddenly go quiet. And that would be the tides receding before the tsunami.

Look up patent US9789406B2

A system and method is provided that drives microtransactions in multiplayer video games. The system may include a microtransaction arrange matches to influence game-related purchases. For instance, the system may match a more expert/marquee player with a junior player to encourage the junior player to make game-related purchases of items possessed/used by the marquee player. A junior player may wish to emulate the marquee player by obtaining weapons or other items used by the marquee player.

Does this really surprise you from the same company that filed this patent.

It’s a terrible outcome.

It shows a bunch of people gave up on the game, likely leaving for good.
The negativity belongs here just as much as the positivity does.

This guy gets it.

When passion and love for a franchise begins to turn sour and opinions are voiced but never listened to, then the game slowly begins the spiral of death.

Let me quote my party member from 2 days ago on dm via discord. I won’t namedrop:
And before the servers closed down the night to Thursday, I also took 7 hours in those ridiculous season dungeons, and yesterday it was nightmare dungeons and I still dont have a wrathful invoker, I've crafted 206 caches. So yeah I feel ridiculed and don't want to play anymore

Guess what? My friend hasn’t logged on D4 since then.

I’m sure plenty of people are still playing and it’s not yet too late to change the minds of the people who have lost hope but haven’t quit. But it’s going to take a monumental effort to restore trust after expecting something new and visionary.

I feel lied to.

They’ll all be back.

Thank god. It would really be nice if Blizzard actually moderated their own forum so people could discuss the game. But much like their games (see the rampant, endless botting in Classic WoW for example) it is pretty much just the wild west around here and almost anything goes, it seems.

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