As this forum dies no its not players being more positive, they just all left

We need more negativety

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What’s that supposed to accomplish

I don’t think I’ve seen anyone say “anyone complaining is a troll.” People will complain about literally anything they can.

The problem is the virulent haters that spread disinformation, propaganda, have clear vested interests, and try to be as disruptive as humanly possible while offering nothing concrete or constructive.

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And this is the issue. You don’t have the breadth of knowledge or lack of bias to evaluate every post. Nor do you get to decide what is concrete and constructive.

This is simply mental gymnastics to justify gatekeeping.

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Ignore and move on if you feel someone is on the forums doing these things. It’s 2023 on an anonymous Internet forum, people will always post irrational stuff.

There are just as many “anybody criticizing this game is a troll” posts as there are “D4 sucks I hate this game” posts. Honestly over the last few days, a lot of the irrational haters seem to have moved on and a good portion of the forum posts are now the “stop whining about the game” posts that won’t acknowledge a single issue with the game.


Yet they already got your money and are continuing to develop it for the rest of us who do enjoy the game. Have a nice day.

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Nobody is trying to justify gatekeeping anything. You shouldn’t throw buzzwords around to sound self-righteous… It’s pretty ironic you just made a post about being dismissive but felt the need to include a term like “gatekeeping” or “gatekeeper” to be dismissive yourself.

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It’s pretty universally agreed upon that feedback like “you’re incompetent and trash” or “I hope you lose your job” is, in fact, not constructive.


Define virulent haters for every viewpoint, and world view possible?
What exactly constitutes being “as disruptive as humanly possible” for every viewpoint, and world view possible?

Whats that, oh … you mean how you see the world is subjective, and what these things are, depends on your point of view?
Hrm …

Just what are those clear vested interests. Explain them all, and why they are bad.

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This guy is acting like we need a PhD or something to evaluate when someone is posting disinformation or outright lying, or to know that just flat out ranting on about Blizzard and Bobby Kotick’s yacht isn’t constructive :roll_eyes:


I think that’s fair. You shouldn’t spend time and money on products and services you don’t enjoy.

All this hyperbole of D4 is failing or D4 is the greatest gift to mankind are silly though. I think D4 is a pretty good game that has a lot of room to grow and improve. I think I got my monies worth, but acknowledge others don’t feel the same. I also recognize it has some shortcomings that I hope will be addressed in future updates.

So if you are so unhappy with it, I would fully expect you to stop playing something you don’t like. And I agree, if enough people feel the same, that will be the single most important feedback Blizzard could receive and they would be foolish not to respond if they wish to survive as a company. I’m just not so certain it’s so bad that it will kill them.

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It is likely a good thing for some of these people, if they manage to move on.

The most positive thing about A-RPGs right now is that we are seeing a bit of a revival. Multiple large ones on the horizon. We are not exactly going to drown in A-RPGs anytime soon, but at least there are some choices nowadays.
If one falls short for you, there are others to try.

Nah that’s cool. I’m just going to put you on ignore since you’re an obvious hypocrite that couldn’t even go a few posts without being a dismissive child with the gatekeeping accusation yourself.

They will be back once Blizzard announce:
“FREE Diablo 4 Expansion Coming this December 2023” :laughing:

You do that. Wait for me to care. LOL
Again, attacking or dismissing the person, because you lack the ability to defend your own line of reasoning.

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yes you do. Without complaints the game would never improve. We dont need people like you.

If youre content, stop posting on every thread that has concerns. Be content and go away.


Yeah, people who’ve never accomplished anything in life will typically gatekeep arbitrary things like that.

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Cool do I need to write a thesis on why you’re a hypocrite for claiming to be some well-adjusted adult while looking down on dismissive people now too or is it obvious yet?

a scam as in advertising it as similar to d2, when its actually a carbon copy of d3.

Chore as in we’re playing a top down MMO with fetch quests and world bosses.

Progression that doesnt feel like progression is a chore.

I dont care what streamers say, i dont watch them.

Any other gaslighting?

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Shouldn’t I be on ignore right now? Thought you went off in a huff to throw a little tantrum.
The biggest coming forum dropoff will be when all the children have to go back to school. It’s August, summer is nearly over. I can’t wait.