As this forum dies no its not players being more positive, they just all left

I will agree with everything except what you said on the devs, I mean yeah I’m pissed at the state of the game but I won’t blame it solely on the devs, mismanagement, unrealistic time, the whole organisation being really slow are also factors. I’m pissed at Blizzard as a whole but I won’t blame any group because we have practically no knowledge of what’s happening inside …

Hope the surgery went well. Take care of yourself big guy.

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The genre has its origin in dungeon crawler with RPG character building sprinkled in (and a bit of story telling). It’s a far cry from MMO which came much later.

If you watch the PoE 2 panel where they invited the original Diablo devs, you will have a feel what the genre is about, which is basically a dungeon crawler. Heck, we can see that the original creators don’t even care about story telling although a lot of people care so much about Diablo’s lore (thanks to the writers I guess).

Activision Blizzard has a market cap of 72 billion. They aren’t dying.

soon this forum will be a lonely dead desert, like the game. only most zealoting white knights roaming the wasteland in their solitary delirium, telling each other everything is fine and good when they by chance meet each other in the void. enjoy.


Blizzard is literally in the process of being bought by Microsoft…

Its a Monday, a lot of people have work. 7.1 MILLION people created new characters just for the season, but this game is dead.

Also, a VERY small percentage of the player base comes on the forums, mostly to avoid posters like you.


Haha, I chuckled.

There is a reason people respect Yoshi -P

I am not going to presume to imply that ABK is dying. It’s obviously not going to die anytime soon, as per MS acquisition. However it is hubris to believe you are infallible. That being said, even without the acquisition, it would take a while for their market share to decrease to a point where it was dying.

I was referring to the Diablo franchise. Yes they got all our money, and will likely clear a billion in revenue or more from this pig in a dress… but, I am likely not the only one who gave ABK a last chance with D4.

I for one, am not going to be spending cash anymore on their product suite. Yeah, I’m just one person, but people will start to voice their opinions with their wallets. The forums will die down and we will slowly trickle away as we lose what little faith we have left in this company. Unless something significant happens with the MS acquisition, I certainly won’t be back.

And you can say “good riddance” and “bye bye,” etc.
However, when people stop caring enough to even voice their concerns because they feel there is no point, that’s a dire situation, because they move on and all you have left is complacency.


They did not promise what you are stating. What they are promising is pretty standard incremental changes and a standard implementation schedule.


No not a dead desert. An oasis for players to come a discuss the game and ask questions.

Not a place for saboteurs and trolls trying to ruin an experience for genuine people.


Same! Haha

I dont know why, its just fun to crow over their obvious sunken cost / backfire effect.

You’re not alone. We are many

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It’s not a matter of it being beneficial. That release date was locked down and Activision wasn’t moving it. They either crunched to get it out or release an even worse product than what we got.

Moreover, “incentives” implies that crunch was optional. As someone who has worked closely with game developers for years, I can tell you right now that crunch is not as optional as you think. It’s either you do it, or you don’t and you get shaded by the rest of your team and potentially targeted as a future employment termination. This happened with several employees at Naughty Dog during The Last of Us II’s development cycle. These employees are also at-will, so Activision can fire them without reason at any given time provided that it doesn’t broach legality territory.

Lol, what? Diablo IV is not even close to FFXIV’s original release. What a blatant lie.

no, dear. i’m a customer, and if i’m not happy with what i bought, you can bet your little game tha ti will stay in front of the claims department and yell til it falls on your head. don’t like that? go play your game, this is the claims department line and angry customers will line here til end of days. don’t like hearing anything bad about your little gamey? don’t stay near the claims line, darling. use ignore, dear. go, go. hop hop, toddler. if you stay close the claims department line bothering and harassing angry customers, the bare minimum you can expect will always come to you.


Full-on Karen energy.


Man these attacks are super corny this morning.


White Knight, Troll, it’s all the same. Just terms people use so they can justify dismissing a post vs actually addressing the points contained it it. Said post probably isn’t their message, or it threatens their viewpoint, or it simply doesn’t comply with the current group-think.
Petty tribalism and narrow mindedness. You get that any time you group masses of low intelligence people together.
Lots of adults have never seemed to outgrow highschool mentality. Guess they are stunted.


Idk if it’s just dismissing per se. Some of these people seem to genuinely believe that people that disagree with them are on Blizzard’s payroll or something. I’ve been accused of being a Blizzard employee more than once.

Part of it is just being dismissive and part of it is just being crazy.

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In the last two dev live chats, didn’t the devs apologize for making the game less fun, say they understand there is no end game content for us to go test our powerful characters on, say they don’t like NM’s as a form of end game content, revert changes they just implemented in the patch before, and say they’re going to do better in the future while pointing out specific issues they would like to improve (resistances, companions, flat damage number legendary aspects, new end game content with leaderboards, etc.)?

Hard to come in here and say this game is amazing and anybody complaining is a troll when the devs themselves are admitting the issues raised by the “trolls” are a problem and need to be fixed.