As a Sorc main - I'm deeply offended

Where do I start…

-Uniques: No changes even though multiple feedback was provided by many players + Blizzard can see the data themselves on how many players are using the uniques for Sorc (Esu’s heirloom/gloves of the illuminator/Flamescar/Staff of Endless rage/Staff of Lam Esen/and now the Oculus/) These are all TERRIBLE unique items just for the obvious reason that for end game they are just not viable. Who would want boots without Teleport 3 / Frost nova 3 ? The class is hardlocked with 4 defensive abilities to be viable for any NM dungeon +60

-Malignant hearts: UNDERWHELMING/UNINSPIRED. They acknowledge the fact that Crowd control stacking wasn’t good so they nerfed the aspect of control but now they added a heart that increases damage over time for every CC you stack, SMH

Paragon board::1 good change (destruction glyph is no longer locked for core skills) but this is BARELY touching the surface, the issues with Sorc paragon boards run way deeper than this, its’ design is fundamentally flawed and it has terrible rare nodes placement/locations combined with HORRIBLE Legendary nodes overall.

Class balance:
-Charged bolts minor buff.
-Firebolt… buff?
-They believed that Cooldown reduction was “Mandatory” and hardlocked stat so the solution for this was for them to NERF the stat found on items by roughly 30%~ making it even more mandatory to get because without defensive CDs you’ll be eaten alive.
-No mana cost reduction for spells, no damage increase for spells but INSTEAD, a direct nerf to one of the main passives (Devouring Blaze) with no proper compensation.
-I don’t understand the obsession with Incinerate. It is a TERRIBLE skill to play and for it to be viable for end game, it needs at least x5 times the damage if it was to remain a stand still channel or should’ve had its’ garbage unique reworked to make it cast while moving or something like that.
-Fireball? Hello? this skill exist btw.

The strongest build for Sorc remains ice shards and for very obvious reasons, and having this remain for a new season just makes the class bland, weak and boring. I’ve given feedback about a month ago and I don’t think I should bother doing anything more than this because after those patch notes, all hope is lost.

Here’s my previous feedback post:

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Pepe… hands up… Barbs are with you… F*** these changes.

My guy this exists as a S1 malignant heart effect for Sorcs.

—Spellbreaking (Brutal, Defensive):-- After taking Elemental damage, gain 20-40% Resistance to that element for 5 seconds.

When resistances are still broken and will be broken until season 2 LOL

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I honestly let this one slide because it is apparent that they pre-designed and prepackaged those malignant hearts for Season 1 when they released the game… so they didn’t really get the chance to know that resistances are dogwater useless